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Pokemon Black and White

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  • #16
    Originally posted by CODE_umb87 View Post
    Couldn't they have come up with something better besides Black & White, those names just seem so plain and boring to me.
    I have to concur with this sentiment. I don't find either to bring much excitement. (Omg, racist!) Which brings me to this...

    Originally posted by BadWolfX View Post
    It'll be the third release game. White, Black and Brown.
    I'm gonna bet you're completely right. Brown is such a shitty color, though (pun intended), and I'd hate to see "Pokémon: Brown Edition." Oh, dear.

    They really should've chosen more exciting titles. Maybe some kind of environmental elements, like Sky & Star or Wind & Rain. But, hey, I'm not Nintendo. They should know what works.


    • #17
      Honestly though, does it matter?

      The games could be called "Pokemon: Diarrhea Green" and "Pokemon: Menstruation Crimson" and people would still buy them.
      Last edited by Vector; 04-09-2010, 10:15 PM.


      • #18
        Originally posted by xdeadpan View Post
        They really should've chosen more exciting titles. Maybe some kind of environmental elements, like Sky & Star or Wind & Rain. But, hey, I'm not Nintendo. They should know what works.
        I'd really like some sort of Dawn and Dusk title. I don't mind the whole Black and White thing though.


        • #19
          Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
          "Pokemon: Menstruation Crimson"

          Originally posted by BadWolfX View Post
          I'd really like some sort of Dawn and Dusk title. I don't mind the whole Black and White thing though.
          There we go. That's the kind of thing I was going for, and I love it. I do think Black & White was inevitable, though. It has been speculated for years.

          I don't really mind Nintendo wanting to do another generation, because the games are fun, and they've created a formula that really hasn't grown old to die-hard fans (myself included). My main concern is the television series. Are they really going to continue the series for another four years, as they've done with each generation that's been released? I haven't watched the English version since they fired the original voice actors in 2006, and the newer cast has only been voicing the characters for four years, but I'm really starting to wonder how much longer they can hold on to the Japanese cast. Rika Matsumoto has already expressed her desire to branch out and do other things. Whatever. :[ I still miss Veronica Taylor.


          • #20
            So... how do they make a third out of this set?
            Zebra? Grey?
            (Nice to see they're still able to keep their naming conventions, though. With the remakes using compound word names and the original ones using single word names.)

            Now, somewhere in the marketing campaign or game there has to be nods to this or I'm gonna be a sad man.

            Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
            Am I the only one who's not interested in anything but the original 150 Pokemon?
            Pretty much. Sometime during the Gold/Silver production it was as if the team at Creature Freak inc. got access to a time machine and used it to get the Spore Creature Creator nearly a decade early... then they used it to create a bunch of potato animals w/various accessories attached to them before calling it a day. Also didn't help that they got lazy on the name localization.


            • #21
              Originally posted by xdeadpan View Post
              :[ I still miss Veronica Taylor.

              Same here. I actually stopped watching the show once Misty left (it just wasn't the same without her), and that was sometime back in 2003. I couldn't believe it when I decided to see how the show was doing and found out that Ash had a new voice. I mean, Veronica had been doing his voice since the show first aired in America back in 98. I also found it pretty funny how the new VA was trying so hard to sound just like Veronica, but failed miserably.

              I honestly wouldn't care too much if they decided to cancel the show, since I stopped watching it years ago, but the old episodes are just timeless, especially the Indigo League seasons, which are available on dvd. After rewatching some of them I forgot just how funny the show was, Team Rocket were always so hilarious....and Charizard ignoring Ash then torching him.... it used to be such a great show.
              Last edited by CODE_umb87; 04-10-2010, 05:23 AM.


              • #22
                I was right.

                Battle scenes appear to be rendered in 3D. The game world also looks very different.

                I don't get the problem people have with the name. I like that they have gone back to simple colors instead of things like topaz or aquamarine. "Black and white" is only racist if you are stupid. Those colors have been around long before people even existed. In fact, since the versions of Pokemon games are always equal, its even less racist.

                I agree that Pearl and Diamond was a disappointment, but thats why HG and SS are so amazing.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by CODE_umb87 View Post
                  Same here. I actually stopped watching the show once Misty left (it just wasn't the same without her), and that was sometime back in 2003. I couldn't believe it when I decided to see how the show was doing and found out that Ash had a new voice. I mean, Veronica had been doing his voice since the show first aired in America back in 98. I also found it pretty funny how the new VA was trying so hard to sound just like Veronica, but failed miserably.
                  I always stayed pretty faithful to the American dub until the voice change. I actually thought the quality of the writing improved when Misty was written out. The female that replaced her, May, was a phenomenal character; she had a solid storyline and brought so many hilarious moments to the series. Veronica Taylor did her voice as well, which really showed her talent and dedication to the series, voicing the two lead characters. When they replaced the voice cast in 2006, I was absolutely devastated. The woman they hired to replace Veronica was 19 years-old, untrained and completely oblivious to most of the show's history. Four years later, she hasn't improved much, and when I occasionally catch a glimpse of the show on Cartoon Network, I still cringe at Ash's new voice.

                  The original actors of the show were all so talented... and it makes me so sad to think about how sincerely hurt they were to lose their jobs. After voicing a character for nearly tens years, I can't imagine what it's like to be fired from the role and replaced by novices. :|

                  Originally posted by CODE_umb87 View Post
                  I honestly wouldn't care too much if they decided to cancel the show, since I stopped watching it years ago, but the old episodes are just timeless, especially the Indigo League seasons, which are available on dvd. After rewatching some of them I forgot just how funny the show was, Team Rocket were always so hilarious....and Charizard ignoring Ash then torching him.... it used to be such a great show.
                  I agree about the old episodes being timeless. God, watching the Indigo League seasons brings back so many memories. I grew up with the show, and it's a huge part of my childhood (thus another reason the voice actor change was so devastating). It'd be sad to see the show finally end (I do still follow the Japanese version), but I'd find immense satisfaction out of the American dub coming to a close and no longer having to think about the new cast voicing my favorite characters.


                  • #24
                    Considering they wanted to show Ash's growth through the series, you'd think they'd have chosen a male to voice him when Veronica left.

                    What saddens me most about the latter days of the series is that its lost most of its early dub-based humor. So much 4th-wall breaking and random nonsense to be had in the first couple of seasons/movies. I miss it.

                    EDIT: To get back on the main topic: I'm not sure I like the change in angle here. Something just doesn't feel right losing the top-down view, just like it was weird at the Lighthouse in HGSS.
                    Last edited by DarkMemories; 04-10-2010, 06:28 PM.
                    A man chooses...a slave obeys.


                    • #25
                      It started getting stale at Advanced (though I fucking LOVE the theme song and May. <3)
                      And now, it's just ruined, complete utter trash.
                      When I saw the new Pokémon on Cartoon Network, I gasped and cursed the programme at hearing the new voice actor for Ash...
                      Though I haven't properly watched Pokémon since Pokémon Chronicles.


                      • #26
                        I pretty much stopped watching the anime before the first movie that was released in America. I took a girl I used to babysit to see it, but I hardly remember much about it.

                        Black and White'll be interesting to see what (if anything) they change as far as gameplay mechanics. Those scans BLSR1 posted got me slightly curious.
                        Are you tired, Rebecca?


                        • #27
                          Whoa. Those scans make it seem really different...and kinda bad-ass.


                          • #28
                            my friend thought of a different title that does not sound so politically incorrect.

                            pokemon light and dark or pokemon topez vs quartz


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by riderkid View Post
                              my friend thought of a different title that does not sound so politically incorrect.

                              pokemon light and dark or pokemon topez vs quartz
                              What is so politically uncorrect about Black and White? They're only colours. (Well, shades, but whatever.)
                              Last edited by BadWolfX; 04-11-2010, 08:19 AM.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by BadWolfX View Post
                                What is so politically uncorrect about Black and White? They're only colours. (Well, shades, but whatever.)
                                Indeed. I find nothing wrong with the titles. In fact, had I not heard so many harmless jokes beforehand, I don't think the "issue" really would've clicked with me right away. Again, I really hope the mainstream media does not take offense to the title choices. That would just be beyond petty.

