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Marvel vs Capcom 3

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  • You need press the same direction your opponent is and hit S to counter the air combo when they try to exhange. If you can mash a 360 input over and over at super speed it helps, or if you play the same person they'll likely use the same direction more often than not.
    Last edited by Dracarys; 04-14-2011, 10:29 AM.
    Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


    • Originally posted by aris13 View Post
      Props for using Morrigan.
      Yes. Morrigan is BEAST at this game. She's one of my strongest tier characters because of her mad combo chaining skills. She can play a great game of cat and mouse too. You use her, I assume?


      Originally posted by Jill4EverSTARS View Post
      Lol I wanna see our fights and find out what the hell I was doing towards the end of our fights
      I'm getting there man, I'm getting there. Trust me.

      Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
      I did TERRIBLE in that match. I'm convinced that my Doom scared you though.

      Originally posted by aris13 View Post
      You need to master your aerial combos John.
      I've told him this too. There's a lot to gain from mastering them in this game.

      Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
      I've never been that much of an aerial fighter, I don't like how easy it looks to do some serious damage with a few simple aerial combos. I'd rather master how to do the counter-aerial breakaway move. We keep this shit on the ground, otherwise you should have joined the Air Force.
      The problem with that is, countering them is a 1/4 chance probability. This is where knowing your opponents psychology comes in handy--i.e., where they usually plan to bounce you to continue the combo. But, you're playing roulette by solely depending on that strategy. Best to actually try and learn them, and be all the more dangerous for it.

      But also, the members in your team also effect just how effective one is. Their damage statistics, specifically. Having a character that does damage like Wesker, with characters that are effective combo chainers, yield good results, but espesically if you end one with a turbo. . .like Akuma's Hisenko(, I know you hate that, John).


      • Oh I respect Akuma. He is a fearsome man.
        See you in hell.


        • ^Plus he spams that hurricane kick.


          • Lol I think my main weakness is the X-Factir I never cared to learn how to use it and it's almost an instant come from behind win scenario with it
            "Admit it, you're going to miss this ass" - Chloe Frazer


            • Originally posted by Jill4EverSTARS View Post
              Lol I think my main weakness is the X-Factir I never cared to learn how to use it and it's almost an instant come from behind win scenario with it
              Yeah, I think I noticed that a few of our matches. . .which you might have one, if you actually used it, lol. But, in the right hands, it can be lethal.


              • I used it once by accident the day the game came out but never looked up how to do It lol
                "Admit it, you're going to miss this ass" - Chloe Frazer


                • Originally posted by Jill4EverSTARS View Post
                  I used it once by accident the day the game came out but never looked up how to do It lol
                  You have to hit L, M, H, and S all at the same time. That's pretty much it.


                  • Thanks I might just try it next time we play lol
                    "Admit it, you're going to miss this ass" - Chloe Frazer


                    • Just had some great matches with KylieDog and valentinesdead, thank you for those. I think my game is improving, especially with Iron Man. I can't help but feel as though I spam Wesker's pistol too much, it's just incredibly effective. Also, that Sphere Flame move that Doom has does outrageous damage. There's been more than one occasion when he's almost pulled the match back and wiped out entire characters with a single shot.

                      I'm slowly working on mastering my aerial combos, but it's a slow process and not a priority right now.
                      See you in hell.


                      • Good games with VDead and Spencer. Had some real close matches, all seem similar skill at the game so makes it fun to play against you both.

                        Starting to get an idea for a main team, I seem to kick ass with Storm and Chun, was just learning some Spencer stuff too, I really should look up his moves because I just jump about doing different versions of the arm grapple no matter what button I press, seems to just influence the angle.

                        Do you record matches also Mr Spencer? I wanna see the servbot stampede trample Doom, twice :p

                        Air combos give lots of hyper meter, you really should work on them.
                        Last edited by Dracarys; 04-14-2011, 06:41 PM.
                        Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                        • Nah, I didn't record them sorry but yeah that was hilarious to watch. I actually chuckled when I saw that, reminded me of this.

                          But yeah, I do tend to save Doom for last along with X-Factor. It makes him capable of wiping out whole characters, if I can get the timing down. I've pulled it off a couple of times. Also KylieDog, your Spencer is dangerous. I respect you for using him, he's a character that requires some genuine skill to master.
                          See you in hell.


                          • I wish I hadn't left, since I drove all the way to school just to find out class had been canceled. Dammit. But yeah, I enjoyed those, even though I felt my Wesker was a little too off tonight for my taste. The last match I had with Kylie was my sharpest as far Jill and Akuma, but damn, my Wesker just plain sucked tonight. That's why I get for playing SSF4 and then jumping back to this game I guess, lol. Jarring to say the least.

                            But ignoring my competitive spirit, those were fun matches indeed. We shall do this again, hehe.


                            • Had one really close match with Spencer, I was Morrigan and my health bar had no yellow in it and X-Factor had expired, was trying to fly/projectile him to death, got really close but time was running out so went close to melee for faster damage and died
                              Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                              • I'm sticking with the team I have now though, I think they work well together and they're favourite characters. Wesker builds meter, Iron Man either uses meter or contributes to building it and Doom's there to come in with 3+ meter bars and Level 3 X-Factor to either pull the match back or wipe out survivors. That's the game plan at least.

                                I'm glad that if Wesker goes down without doing serious damage, I'm good enough with Iron Man to pick up the slack and level the playing field a little. Level 3 X-Factor is crazy but I think it's especially dangerous with Doom, his Sphere Flame can and will kill any character in a single shot. The damage output for that is obscene.
                                Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 04-14-2011, 07:28 PM.
                                See you in hell.

