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Marvel vs Capcom 3

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  • Well, Spring Break begins for me tomorrow, and it's been a few weeks since I've played this game (too much SSFIV3D and other DS games in Hotel Dusk which I've yet to start!), so I'll be amped to play a few matches with you guys. Only got to do that once.

    That said, when do you guys usually go on? If no one else is in the house, I can definitely use Skype also.


    • I usually never play MvC unless I get invited, I play random times.
      Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


      • I'm up for some more games, I suppose I can afford to stay awake a little longer. Hate getting my sleeping pattern fucked up though.
        See you in hell.


        • I can jump back on.
          Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


          • Kaneco wishes to join, I say we get a lobby going.
            See you in hell.


            • Originally posted by KylieDog View Post
              Had one really close match with Spencer, I was Morrigan and my health bar had no yellow in it and X-Factor had expired, was trying to fly/projectile him to death, got really close but time was running out so went close to melee for faster damage and died
              Hah--that reminds me of our last match. I could have won it at the end if I had activated Jill's Uzi turbo, but instead I slid like an idiot out of pure panic of your Wesker, haha. Not to mention, I blew my X factor earlier by accident. Jill's is SO NOT the fighter I want going up against a X level 3 Wesker. She's a meter battery for the team. Akuma is my fail-safe, but for some reason or another, I kept having to bring him out, screwing the order up, lol.

              But in other news, I've created my first full playlist of my youtube MvC3 videos dating 2-23-11. This was my first day of playing online(barring matches with Jill's Boob). Needless to say, your going to see ALOT of green on my part, but these playlist also includes the first four matches I had with Mr. Spencer.

              More as I continue to pile on the uploads like a madman speeding down a racetrack.

              Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


              • lol, yep.

                I'm talking to Spencer in Raptr.

                I just got home, got on the computer, read these posts and now I can't wait to play. xD

                P.S. @Valentinesdead?, Are your notifications still off?
                Last edited by Kaneco; 04-14-2011, 10:01 PM.


                • Man, am I wiped! Me, Spencer, KylieDog, and Kaneco just finished up a MvC3 orgy! Full of exciting exchanges, and hot, hot Wesker on Wesker teleporting action and mayhem. Damn, you guys have given me even more material I'l have to sort though, haha. But fun as ever. The best of times, truly. And I'm happy I have finally had some matches against KylieDog(and hopefully well have more in the future). That leaves Aris as the last man left for me to cross out on my list, heh. Can't wait.


                  • It was definitely fun...I'm blasted and almost at an epileptic state from playing so much of it...too much craziness, color, and lazaaah...oh and did I forget to mention COLOR!

                    ...I don't neeeed anyone else...I have....MvC3! xD


                    • Originally posted by Kaneco View Post
                      I don't neeeed anyone else...I have....MvC3! xD
                      Exactly. Who needs multiplayer shooters filled with sniping newbs when you got this game. So much less baggage to carry.

                      EDIT* Funniest moment of the night was when I purposely picked Chun Li to irk Mr. Spencer. I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard as Chun Li annihalted 2/3's of his team before Doom came in, but I was laughing so hard at that point I couldn't even work my arcade stick! Hahha, truly epic times.
                      Last edited by valentinesdead?; 04-14-2011, 11:39 PM.


                      • Sorry I vanished so ubrupt, I was getting bored of waiting 6+ minutes then for 3 times in a row faced runaways, need do all the work with vunerability as a reward. I couldn't be bothered with that at 4am.
                        Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                        • Originally posted by KylieDog View Post
                          Sorry I vanished so ubrupt, I was getting bored of waiting 6+ minutes then for 3 times in a row faced runaways, need do all the work with vunerability as a reward. I couldn't be bothered with that at 4am.
                          Shit. 4 AM in your time zone? You deserve a medal, haha.


                          • I work nights so no big deal, though I usually try switch my sleep back to normal when got a few off days, like now...

                            Oh well
                            Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                            • Originally posted by valentinesdead? View Post
                              Exactly. Who needs multiplayer shooters filled with sniping newbs when you got this game. So much less baggage to carry.

                              EDIT* Funniest moment of the night was when I purposely picked Chun Li to irk Mr. Spencer. I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard as Chun Li annihalted 2/3's of his team before Doom came in, but I was laughing so hard at that point I couldn't even work my arcade stick! Hahha, truly epic times.
                              Yeah, then you had Kaneco coming in with Squiddly Diddly and friends trying to fuck things up for me with cheap parlour tricks. I still have utmost respect for Akuma and those who play him though, he is an adversary to be feared and respected. If you don't take him as a serious threat, you're doomed to die under your own ignorance.

                              Chun Li, ugh. Every single button does the same move because she never uses her hands for anything, I wouldn't be surprised if they were withered, atrophied stumps. "Hey Chun Li, throw some punches at me okay?" - "Sorry, what's a punch?" All she does is that cheap spam kick move and that "BANANA KICK" where she spins through there air with helicopter legs. She and the rest of her Interpol cronies will regret revoking my diplomatic immunity. Thing is, I don't know to deal with Chun Li. So I just do what seems to work best with other characters and shoot her in the face. Everyone gets shot. That's the rule.

                              I'm starting to respect Dante a little more now, I remember being vehemently opposed to him being in the game to begin with as he has an outrageous moveset but I've come to learn that he's just as vulnerable as most other characters. Like I said before, in the hands of newbies he's dangerous, in the hands of an expert he is unstoppable.

                              Also, totally agree with you guys. Ryu AND Akuma, bit of a waste to be honest seeing as they both have the same moveset. But think about it, Ryu is a marquee character for the Street Fighter series, he's iconic and he had to be in there. As for Akuma being replaced by Bison, I really don't know. I respect the hell out of both of those characters, they're the most formidable and badass final bosses this side of Rugal Bernstein. Still think they should have thrown Bison in there. Hey! Put him in instead of Chun Li. Great idea!

                              Anyway, thank you all for those crazy crazy matches. I came away from that with a lot more experience than I had before, even if all I seem to do with Wesker is spam his pistol. It's just ridiculously effective, keep distance and chip away at their health and if the opportunity arises, go in for some punches.
                              Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 04-15-2011, 05:58 AM.
                              See you in hell.


                              • That teleport spam is why one match i picked dante and hulk with upward assists, so every teleport you ate one, I don't really like dante though, I just dunno who else has those type assists. I really should go to practise and see
                                Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."

