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Marvel vs Capcom 3

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  • Originally posted by valentinesdead? View Post

    I have been training with my bro this past week. Im ready for anything.


    • So, you doing anything after this?
      See you in hell.


      • Boy am I rusty LOL haven't touched this game in a month
        "Admit it, you're going to miss this ass" - Chloe Frazer


        • Well, let's see. Played this morning with Jill's Boob(before he skimped out under the guise of "lunch"), then Mr. Spencer(who gets discouraged a little too easily concerning his performance sometimes, lol), and just finished about an hour of playing with KylieDog. (Every match recorded btw).

          She really turned up the heat as it went on, and actually creamed my Wesker, Morrigan, and Akuma team in one match, so bad I had to redeem myself with them, and that took a few matches to do so, lol. But all in all, very fun games. Definitly shaking the rust off, though I HATE how many accidental Morrigan missles I trigger. I really need to fix that.
          Last edited by valentinesdead?; 05-15-2011, 03:58 PM.


          • Yeah good matches, made some horrible mistakes in some and some characters I just completely forgot some moves for since not used them for so long.

            That match where I went idle as Deadpool I had to run to the door to answer it.

            I was especially proud of my Arthur vs Akuma moment when I had zero health while knocked down and you fired his fireball hyper, I somehow X-Factored, blocked and punish/KO-ed him. Even though I lost the match afterwards I liked that.

            Also, damn Viewtiful Joe, I hate him so much. Cost me my win streak. Same match as above maybe.
            Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


            • I just rewatched the Deadpool one. Whoops. I didn't realize you had left the controller until i had stopped my inputs, but at that point, you had no health left, so I went and put Deadpool out of his misery, lol. I guess I get abit carried away with Akuma. I really try to leave no breathing room with him, and Deadpool had just jumped in the match, so I guess there was no real way of knowing when you left until I realized Deadpool was just soaking up the damage like a training dummy, and not like a player controlling him should react.

              Oh, and yeah, I was in disbelief at the Aruther KO Akuma when Aruther didn't have a lick of health left. Talk about unbelievable moments, lol. I screwed up doing a move I didn't mean to do in place of what I was trying to do, an servilely paid the price on that one. Haha.


              • Trying to play some ranked matches, need the 5 ranked wins in a row trophy but I cannot even play ranked matches. It just searches forever than finds a rage quitter.
                Last edited by Dracarys; 05-15-2011, 05:03 PM.
                Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                • I have this on 360 also now.


                  I mean no offence to anyone but when I play this in a private lobby I'm just looking for friendlies, nice to be competitive and all but when I join and all I see is stuff like running away and spamming projectile attacks from the get go, abusing the same online advantaged move over and over or heavy turtling I'm gonna leave. I can get that in random online matches, in fact it is all I get and the boredom is beyond the point I care to play someone doing it anymore.

                  I play friendlies in the hopes for some fun fights where the opponent isn't scared to try and physically attack first, get close and doesn't just abuse certain moves over and over that are well known for being next to impossible to punish properly when online.

                  If you enjoy that then good for you but it isn't what I'm looking for so no hard feelings when I leave.
                  Last edited by Dracarys; 05-25-2011, 11:05 PM.
                  Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                  • Too bad i dont have a 360 =/


                    • Originally posted by KylieDog View Post
                      I have this on 360 also now.


                      I mean no offence to anyone but when I play this in a private lobby I'm just looking for friendlies, nice to be competitive and all but when I join and all I see is stuff like running away and spamming projectile attacks from the get go, abusing the same online advantaged move over and over or heavy turtling I'm gonna leave. I can get that in random online matches, in fact it is all I get and the boredom is beyond the point I care to play someone doing it anymore.

                      I play friendlies in the hopes for some fun fights where the opponent isn't scared to try and physically attack first, get close and doesn't just abuse certain moves over and over that are well known for being next to impossible to punish properly when online.

                      If you enjoy that then good for you but it isn't what I'm looking for so no hard feelings when I leave.
                      Not referring to me I hope? Didn't even get to fight you sadly this morning. Was hoping to try out my new team of Iron Man, Sentinel and Doctor Doom.

                      Carpet bombing, missile strikes and smart bombs.

             - Should be Iron Man's Level 3 hyper
                      Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 05-25-2011, 11:36 PM.
                      See you in hell.


                      • No not refering to you. Never seen you do any of that.
                        Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                        • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                          Not referring to me I hope? Didn't even get to fight you sadly this morning. Was hoping to try out my new team of Iron Man, Sentinel and Doctor Doom.
                          I'm up for some matches if you're interested.


                          • Originally posted by aris13 View Post
                            I'm up for some matches if you're interested.
                            me too


                            • Just had a few quick games with KylieDog which has proven to me that I'm always shit at first yet pick up my game after a few matches. Definitely got my team finalised now, just need to do more training and time my assists. Those were some great games, I liked that one against Hulk where it literally came down to whoever could launch their hypers first won. That was fun.

                              I am adamant about the fact that Amaterasu is completely broken. Was watching a live stream of an MvC3 tournament and some guy was using the old circle circle circle trick, managed to come in third place in a major tournament using only two buttons. Outrageous. I don't think Capcom put much thought into the character, seems very badly designed and overpowered. Most projectiles go right over her head. I don't care if she has low stamina, it's a struggle trying to hit the damn thing in the first place.

                              Also, to avoid being labelled a scrub I'll have you all know that I started using Sentinel AFTER he got nerfed. He's still pretty fierce, can't imagine what he was like before the fix. Very glad he did, at least this means we won't be seeing countless Sentinel players online now. That down+heavy beam projectile is still retarded, I rarely use that unless the situation is desperate or if I need to quickly take someone out via chip damage.

                              I've also reached the conclusion that a keepaway game is my speciality.
                              See you in hell.


                              • Haha I can't hear everything you say over the noise of fighting/music but I could hear the complaints about the wolf.

                                The more I see that Sent crouching medium and the more you see the dog! Who I was thinking of putting in place of Spencer :p

                                /Super-armour hate

                                What is circle, circle, circle? Heavy attack x3 on a gamepad? Is a legit combo. I didn't even bead you.
                                Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."

