^Exactly what I was thinking too. "Wait a minute... wasn't she just flying around?"
No announcement yet.
Marvel vs Capcom 3
The leaked list looks pretty cool, but who the heck is "Mike?" I'm guessing that it is a Capcom character, but does anyone know which one? (And "Trish" is a DMC person, correct?) As for the "Marvel" character - anyone with an extensive knowledge of comics know who this is referring to?
And thank the Heavens for the inclusion of Wesker. Though Chris is my fave RE character, no one from the franchise belongs in a fighting game more than Albert W. He should be an absolute beast. I'm loving Chris's finisher where he unleashes all of his weaponry in rapid succession, but I'm crossing my fingers that his other combo finish is where he summons a boulder from the sky down onto his opponent and then proceeds to smash it to pieces.
It makes sense that the roster has been finalized since the voice work has (likely) already been done for all characters, with all the playable ones so far calling out the names of their teammates.
Oh yeah, thank you thank you thank you Capcom for including Cyclops. That is my go-to guy in MvC2. He's a powerhouse (in a fair manner, not like Magneto/Sentinel/Storm/Cable/Iron Man). Too bad "bouncy" babe Psylocke didn't make the cut.
^WTF is that?!!!! I just threw up in my mouth a little, thanks. Haha.
Originally posted by aris13 View PostYou're unbelievable.How can you forget Mike from RE 4. The pilot who knows the good bars in town.
Is "Mike" maybe a character from Viewtiful Joe or Ace Attorney (or whatever it's called) or something? Maybe a miscellaneous DMC character? Y'know, one of those Capcom franchises I know next to nothing about.
EDIT: It's too bad they didn't include the dreadlocked Radd Spencer from "Bionic Commando." That is nemesiswontdie's favorite character from his all-time favorite game. EVER.Last edited by Jill's Boob; 06-16-2010, 03:27 PM.
Originally posted by Jill's Boob View PostThe leaked list looks pretty cool, but who the heck is "Mike?" I'm guessing that it is a Capcom character, but does anyone know which one?
Haggar FTW
EDIT: Dr. Strange is on the list! YES.Last edited by Beanovsky Durst; 06-16-2010, 03:28 PM.
"I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key
Originally posted by Beanovsky Durst View PostHaggar FTW
"Where's my JESSICA?!"
Haggar is the reason why Zangief was not needed this time around. ;)
Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View PostIt's definitely Nolan North, by the way. That guy works too much.
Originally posted by Jill's Boob View PostOh yeah, thank you thank you thank you Capcom for including Cyclops. That is my go-to guy in MvC2. He's a powerhouse (in a fair manner, not like Magneto/Sentinel/Storm/Cable/Iron Man). Too bad "bouncy" babe Psylocke didn't make the cut.sigpic
Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
EDIT: It's too bad they didn't include the dreadlocked Radd Spencer from "Bionic Commando." That is nemesiswontdie's favorite character from his all-time favorite game. EVER.sigpic
When Chris saves Morrigan from the fall (Chris still can't help saving the pretty girls it seems), it looks like the missing animation from the first LIN trailer where Chris saves Jill. Maybe Capcom recycled something after all? Haha.
I love that Ryu dragon punches Wolverine in his overrated, overhyped face at the end of the trailer. Sometimes all is right with the world.
The animation is nice and fluid in the newest extended trailer - almost on par with the beautifully rendered intro to SSFIV. Speaking of which, anyone want to place bets as to how long it will be after the release of MvC3 when Super Turbo MvC3 HD Remix (with additional characters) is announced? (Sorry, I couldn't resist on the lame joke, but it's pretty likely that it could happen.)Last edited by Jill's Boob; 06-16-2010, 03:52 PM.
Originally posted by Jill's Boob View PostIt's too bad they didn't include the dreadlocked Radd Spencer from "Bionic Commando." That is nemesiswontdie's favorite character from his all-time favorite game. EVER.
Originally posted by aris13 View PostOh yeah he definetely loves BC, he just can't stop talking about it.
I'd take any Bionic Commando over no Bionic Commando
Say, how come a lot of sites that list the character roster list lists a "Spencer" after Frank West's alt (Chuck), while the one on GAF did not?
(I doubt we'll see Ozwell in MvsC3, although he was to become a God... so... can I has hope for stache, dreads or nice sneakers?)Last edited by Carnivol; 06-17-2010, 10:39 PM.