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Call of Duty: Black Ops

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  • #31
    Pretty sure that's the 9th of November and not the 11th of September.


    • #32
      To be honest Im not actually that hyped up for this game. Il just wait till a friend of mine gets it then borrow it for a while.

      I think the remote controlled cars look fun though haha


      • #33
        People are liveblogging the MP Reveal right now. Unless somebody posts after me, I'll just edit my current post.

        "Compete, Customize, and Create is the theme of BO"

        Combat Training: Fight with and against Bots including it's own progression system. (claims that a big population consists of and for players who never play MP online; also considered training for pro players and teams)

        Character appears in your menus to showcase your clothing and equipment.

        Tier 1 Perk Selection (Wink wink)

        Frag on the right bumber;"confuse" on the left.

        Motion Sensors, UAVs, and the likes are now equipment.

        Unique weapons only available by Care Packages (for example: Mini Gun and special grenade launcher )

        COD now has currency called COD Points.

        Contracts are time-limited challenges you purchase with CODPoints: Mercs., Ops., and Specialists. Each accompany certain gameplay types, styles, and in-game "achievements".

        Gambling. Yes, you can bet your points on matches now.

        4 new modes though two noted: Sticks & Stones (Crossbow & Knives), Gun Game (Progression of better weapons with each amount of kills)

        Special Attachment is aesthetic manipulation to's called "Gun Porn"...yes, EVERY SINGLE weapon can be customizable, even flamethrowers.

        3/4 mode: Sharp Shooter - Everyone starts with a randomly selected weapon which cycles over time.

        Emblems can be edited (like a Horse carrying a gun because the player made it so)...Mario Kart DS, anyone?

        4/4 One in the Chamber: One Bullet; Three Lives.

        Yes, Theater Mode allows free-roaming. Also, seems to be just like Reach when it comes to making your video noticed.

        Now journalists are going to play the multiplayer. END?

        Barebones confirmed.

        Highest Rank is 50.

        So far, people are saying that Stopping Power and Bling no longer exists; Juggernaut also is not returning.

        Wager Match Trailer:
        Last edited by BBboy20; 09-01-2010, 11:32 PM.


        • #34
          Two things I took out of the trailer: Akimbo weapons and a Gatling gun.

          Fuck this game.


          • #35
            To be honest, I got Goldeneye vibes when I saw those duel PMMs.


            • #36
              Perks and Killstreaks REVEALED:


              The placement of the perks are key here, and they seem to be MUCH more balanced than MW2.

              Other things of note:
              No more Stopping Power. That's a first. I think I like it, though. Even playing field for everybody.

              No more Commando. No more One Man Army. No more Danger Close.

              And suddenly, I'm kind of excited for this game again.
              Last edited by Vector; 09-02-2010, 04:11 PM.


              • #37
                It seems like your first Perk also alter your uniform to fit those requirements. I do wonder though if there is any change for someone who has one less kill to get a killstreak...

                It seems like TY trying to balance out adding more while removing some then compared to literally just throw everything into one pot and hope for the best.
                Last edited by BBboy20; 09-02-2010, 05:18 PM.


                • #38
                  Multiplayer Overview:

                  This video shows off some of the game's weapons, how Perk 1 affects your appearance and more.

                  Team Deathmatch montage:
                  - The Dragunov is back
                  - The MP5K looks awesome, just like the MP5 from COD4 <3

                  Exec. Producer Interview:
                  Last edited by Vector; 09-02-2010, 11:00 PM.


                  • #39
                    Massive amount of info compiled at GameBattles.


                    Last edited by Vector; 09-05-2010, 01:35 AM.


                    • #40
                      Python: ACOG Sight - Enhanced zoom ACOG sight (750 CoDPoints)

                      Holy. Fucking. Shit....

                      THIS is why Akimbo exists; THANK YOU, TY!

                      Though, kind of sad to see LMGs and Snipers get the short end of the stick. =/


                      • #41
                        I'm not sure everything listed above is final, but I would be pissed if there were only three sniper rifles to choose from.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                          I'm not sure everything listed above is final, but I would be pissed if there were only three sniper rifles to choose from.
                          If it's because of more memory issues, perhaps they should remove some ARs and SUBs; cool that some of these weapons nobody ever heard of or are very unique but it's better to just keep any weapons that SOG or "Black Ops" would most likely use.


                          • #43
                            Treyarch confirms my 'hope' in Black Ops:

                            They continue to show that they're listening to the community.


                            • #44
                              Black Ops to have online splitscreen multiplayer, but no campaign co-op.


                              • #45
                                Pretty sure they said Co-Op would be separate from the beginning. And they're still being secret on what exactly that is.
                                Last edited by BBboy20; 09-13-2010, 01:28 AM.

