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Division 9 - Awesome Scrapped Zombie game, wish Outbreak was like this...

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  • Division 9 - Awesome Scrapped Zombie game, wish Outbreak was like this...

    Check out the demo of it. Remember, this was just a quick demo the developers put together. It looked quiet promising tho,
    -zombies are perfect,
    -not too fast not too slow

  • #2
    Slow zombies don't work in an FPS. That demo was like target practice because they moved too slow and there weren't enough of them. Left 4 Dead has it right when you're overwhelmed by dozens of fast, enraged zombies.


    • #3
      Well, I can't see much except pixilation (Youtube hates me) but it did look interesting. I like the Infection status.


      • #4
        It did look interesting (the setting so reminded me of raccoon city ) but as ChrisRedfield29 said the slow zombies were way too slow and didn't seem like a challenge. It would be nice to see the creators of this game give it another shot, maybe with more challenging zombies, a few monsters etc. i know it sounds a lot like left for dead but if they could make it more story driven then that would be a major plus (I never really liked left 4 dead because of this).

