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Capcom Outsourcing More Franchises to Western Studio's ?

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  • Capcom Outsourcing More Franchises to Western Studio's ?

    This is obviously just a big rumor until official, but I was listening to the new Weekend Confirmed podcast starring former 1up, now Shacknews editor Garnett Lee and during their news segment they talked about Capcom's earnings call report.

    They read off of it the points including the one where Capcom said they're going to rely more on outsourcing and at that point Garnett interjected to say something like "This goes perfectly in line with a bombshell that Capcom are gonna drop at E3".

    So this leads me to believe that there's probably going to be an announcement of another big Capcom franchise being outsourced. I think we all saw this coming to a certain degree already, what are your guesses ?

  • #2
    Ninja Theory developing Devil May Cry 5.

    It was a rumor in a recent issue of Game Informer, in case anyone is wondering.

    I'd still kill for a Western-developed Resident Evil, but I think it's too early for them to announce Resident Evil 6, and with the success of the Monster Hunter franchise on the PSP, something tells me Resident Evil Portable will be handled in-house. And considering the sales of Darkside Chronicles and Capcom's general boneheadedness when it comes to the Wii, I don't expect to see anything Resident Evil-related on the Wii anytime soon.
    Last edited by Archelon; 05-15-2010, 06:15 PM.


    • #3
      Yes, because Bionic Commando and Dark Void did so well, so Capcom should rely more on games outsourced to western developers

      And I hope that the rumour about Ninja Theory doing next DMC is just that - a rumour. I love DMC fighting system, yet I've heard very little positive opinions (from DMC/Ninja Gaiden fans) about Heavenly Sword's fighting system. The game may have interesting story, well-made characters (especially faces) and animations, but that's not what I would call a priority in a DMC-type game.
      Last edited by Mr_Zombie; 05-15-2010, 07:57 PM.


      • #4
        It would be hilarious if Resident Evil Portable has ended up becoming such a mess of a project that it's now been kicked out the door and given to an external dev somewhere

        (but, yeah, the Ninja Theory thing sounds kinda plausible... I still think we'll be seeing more Wii action from Capcom. Doubt they're giving up on it yet, but I'm not sure if any of that stuff would evt. be done by western devs.)

        Originally posted by Mr_Zombie View Post
        Yes, because Bionic Commando and Dark Void did so well, so Capcom should rely more on games outsourced to western developers
        They've been working on nailing their outsourcing formula for a few years now. Currently, it seems like Dead Rising 2 is the way they wanna do stuff (launch IPs via Japan, sequels via outsourcing. Of course, that could be troublesome in the long run if they're never letting anyone else touch MT Framework). Anyway, Rearmed did well beyond expectations, which is why we're still getting Rearmed 2, even though its cousin didn't exactly pull those 1,5mil they wanted to sell or something (it's currently at 700k, I think).

        No clue what triggered Dark Void Zero, though, but I guess its popularity gives birth to a chance of some sort of Dark Void follow up. (Dark Void's a broken mess... heck... it's so weird... especially how it throws a ton of pretty neat large scale boss fights at you at the very end... not to mention that they somehow managed to sell Brad Pitt the movie rights to the franchise... The game should've certainly had another 6 months to go + a solid ride on the hype train...)
        Last edited by Carnivol; 05-15-2010, 08:04 PM.

