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Official E3 2010 Thread

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  • #91
    I hope there will be MGS Rising trailer today


    • #92 has a pre-show airing right now.

      Who do you guys think is gonna close out the show? Halo, Gears, or possibly something else?
      Last edited by Vector; 06-14-2010, 01:25 PM.


      • #93
        Black Ops looks pretty. Plus I'm glad there's less of a "HOO-AHH" tone and more of a MGesque one w/ themes of responsibility.

        SPEAKING OF MG!!! Edit: Well now, slow motion, precision cutting, apparent ultra violence, and environmental damage? Looks good to me. No story content though.
        Last edited by GuardhouseMusic; 06-14-2010, 01:48 PM.


        • #94
          Rising is a Kinect title? Am I getting this right?

          Hahahahaha, what the FUCK was that? Is that a joke? The game looks AWFUL. I just wanna know where it fits in the MGS storyline.

          EDIT: So, yeah, Gears 3 looks titty-fucking awesome. And here comes Molyneux to show off Fable 3...
          EDIT 2: Kinect looks like such gimmicky bullshit. Controller-less gaming? Why? Then again, they haven't even shown a game yet...
          Last edited by Vector; 06-14-2010, 02:20 PM.


          • #95
            So Kinect looks pretty queer (or maybe it was just the moron who decided to have even the slightest second of a Justin Bieber song play in a room full of gamers).
            A man chooses...a slave obeys.


            • #96
              Um. This little Asian girl is REALLY creepy.


              • #97
                Kinect this, Kinect that... I've seen enough of it to last me a lifetime.


                • #98
                  Dude, this conference blows. They spent a half hour on games and, seemingly, the last hour all on this Kinect bullshit.


                  • #99
                    I think it's safe to say Nintendo won't have the worst conference this year...
                    A man chooses...a slave obeys.


                    • HAHAHAAHAH. THIS IS SUCH A JOKE. I'm laughing so hard at this dweeb trying to dance right now.

                      Okay, the Star Wars game looked pretty cool, but that's about it. Pricepoint is gonna be a huge deal.
                      Last edited by Vector; 06-14-2010, 02:53 PM.


                      • Someone oughta make a GIF of the guy saying "ALRIGHT LESS TALKING MORE DANCING." Comedy gold. Too bad the conference, beyond the few games they showed before (save Fable, not much to that) blows


                        • E3 2010: The Top 20 Kinected Press Reactions

                          20. @oliviamunn: Walked in late to Microsoft Natal E3 event with every single person in white rob shirt thing.... No. No, I don't want any koolaid, thank u.

                          19. @jeffcannata: Yes, Kinect does nintendogs, too. But it is a tiger! Extreme!

                          18. @mattbertz: Somewhere in Los Angeles, Nintendo is laughing

                          17. @CheapyD: And the only thing better than playing motion control sports mini-games is watching video of other people playing them

                          16. @Vahn16: That Star Wars trailer was so obviously pre-rendered. I think this event is actually making me angry with it's underwhelming-ness.

                          15. @CheapyD: I'm in a marketing acid trip!

                          14. @jwhdavison: At Microsoft thing. Wearing a white sheet, having stepped through a hole in the wall to be greeted by a family in multiple languages.

                          13. @Vahn16: If any creepy dancing people touch me, I will fight them.

                          12. @BenKuchera: Guys, you can take the ponchos off, it's called kinect and it has Wii Sports. We know already.

                          11. @jeffcannata: You know what wod make this event better, Microsoft? Anything.

                          10. @DanRyckert: According to tweets I've seen, the Kinect event seems to involve: KKK members, magic smocks, floating couches, and people dancing on flowers

                          9. @GI_AndyMc: In any other place this many people in white sheets would be hit with tear gas. I hate myself right now.

                          8. @louiethecat: I don't know WTF to think about this but I am scurred and wanna go home.

                          7. @Andrew_Reiner: I don't even know what to say...

                          6. @jeffcannata: Microsoft now has a standing army.

                          5. @jeffgerstmann: So does Sony rename their thing to Müv or Mooove or something now to complete in the misspelled motion controller wars?

                          4. @Vahn16: From now on, when I'm embarassed, I'm going to imagine everyone in these ponchos.

                          3.@andrew pfister: Can't wait to see what E3's closing ceremony is like.

                          2.@Vahn16: The only way this could have been worse was if James Cameron came out and talked for two hours

                          1. @GI_AndyMc: Now I know why Robbie Bach quit.

                          Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


                          • Take away Gears 3, Black Ops and the ESPN announcement, and I call this conference a 100% fail.


                            • There is no amount of facepalm that can describe this conference...
                              A man chooses...a slave obeys.


                              • Looks like Nintendo would actually need to work miracles to have a worst conference than MS.

                                Jeeeesus! I'm going back to watching football.
                                Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.

