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Official E3 2010 Thread

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  • Actually, it was surprising how boring it was...

    Sony will probably make a dig at their conference in regards to the 360 conference. They should too.
    Last edited by Pikminister; 06-14-2010, 03:42 PM.
    Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


    • No love for XBLA, that's the biggest disappointment for me.

      But anyone that thinks the conferences can't get worse must've missed Nintendo's last year. And let's no forget, Sony are gonna be dry humping the shit out of their own motion-tech so it's not a given that they'll produce anything that great.

      Microsoft hit the ball out of the park last year, such a shame.


      • That was a really boring conference. If it wasn't for Gears 3, CoD and Halo: Reach, it would be a disaster :/
        Even Rising trailer wasn't all that good, especially when you compare it to all the other trailers from MGS games.
        And poor Nat... I mean Kinect (what a stupid name :/) was reduced to Wii/EyeToy mini-games level.

        Originally posted by Stu View Post
        But anyone that thinks the conferences can't get worse must've missed Nintendo's last year.
        At least there was an unexpected announcement of Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid: Other M.
        Last edited by Mr_Zombie; 06-14-2010, 04:24 PM.


        • Originally posted by Stu View Post
          No love for XBLA, that's the biggest disappointment for me.
          Yeah. Joyride seems to've become full retail now...
          GameTrailers showed a new trailer for Dust - An Elysian Tail" and some new gameplay footage of Limbo, though (before the show started), both of which looked absolutely awesome on the 2D-o-meter.

          Originally posted by Stu View Post
          But anyone that thinks the conferences can't get worse must've missed Nintendo's last year. And let's no forget, Sony are gonna be dry humping the shit out of their own motion-tech so it's not a given that they'll produce anything that great.
          MS was horrible this year. The worst part was either the ESPN segment or the UbiSoft section. Without doubt. And, yeah, Nintendo's was just weird last year... fortunately, their tiny showreel made up for most of it. Why couldn't MS have one of those?

          Sony's conference, I predict, will be the same as MS'. Pretty much the exact same, but with a lot of PSP and PSN downloadable sequels pimpin' thrown in, I bet.

          Hopefully Nintendo's will be awesome this year (at least their line up has potential for making it beyond awesome.)


          • So what happened with Capcom's Natal/Kincet game?


            • G4 is slamming the Kinect presentation right now, including the use of avatars in the games (they call them "awkwardly pubescent"), the pound for pound similarity to Wii's "casual" library (and Mario Kart), and the lack of Milo.

              Plus there was an interesting statistic before about the handheld market. In 2008 I think, Cell phones had 5% of the market with PSP and DS at 20% and 75% respectively. The next year saw PSP w/ 11%, Cell phones w/ 19%, and DS w/ 70%. Makes me wonder if Sony will have a big reveal for the PSP2.
              Last edited by GuardhouseMusic; 06-14-2010, 04:35 PM.


              • Rising's trailer was a disappointment. What I saw I liked, but we really didn't see much. No story at all.


                • Hopefully EA's one in 15 minutes will be a better show.


                  • The Microsoft conference was kinda boring, but I really liked the new 360. A shame they didn't show any "hardcore" games for Kinect, though. And what the hell happened to new game announcements? All they showed were games we all expected. *yawn*


                    • Sony's gonna pull the same shit tomorrow, except I hope they'll spend A LOT less time on Move than Microsoft did on Kinect. I think/HOPE that's why Sony had their Move unveil conference about a month or so ago, so they could focus on more than just that. We'll get info on PS2, PSP and PS3, new bundles will be unveiled, and lots of trailers for games that we already know about. I'm really hoping for some kind of surprise tomorrow.

                      As for Nintendo...they'll show off more casual bullshit, some DS crap, and maybe Zelda if we're lucky.

                      EA's conference is starting now, looks like a new Need for Speed game. Hot Pursuit! I used to LOVE the original Hot Pursuit on PS1!
                      Last edited by Vector; 06-14-2010, 05:12 PM.


                      • Hot Pursuit was one of my favorite racing games for the PS1, and I wasn't such a fan of that genre.

                        Online mode will be a blast.


                        • And here comes Dead Space 2...


                          • And here comes the sequel to the most overrated "horror" game ever...
                            A man chooses...a slave obeys.


                            • Holy bat cave of horrors. Dead Space 2 looks pretty nice (so did Need for Speed)


                              • It did look cool, but when I tried playing the demo for the original game, it just didn't click with me. Turned me off of buying the game completely. The controls were so clunky and the character moved really slowly...I dunno, I just didn't like it. And I've played it many times, too. I wanna like it, but I just don't.

                                Here's Medal of Honor. Anyone else surprised that EA's using PS3's to demonstrate games? I feel like that's very rare...
                                Last edited by Vector; 06-14-2010, 05:28 PM.

