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Mortal Kombat (Reboot)

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  • Ok now I've found something that pisses me off more than 3 Shao Khan's at once. Mind you I'm not even within sweep distance and somehow Baraka's super scissors literally teleport me within reach and tear me to shreds. WTF!!! One other thing, while you can clearly tell that you have cleared his head on a jump you also get teleported into the same move...WTFx2!!! I can handle losing just fine but what the hell is up with that.


    • Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
      Use 2 day trial.

      Played with Jillstars4ever about an hour ago. He's really good. Watch out for his Sonya though. He's mean with her.

      I also just got done playing with a guy who is in the PDP Tournament. OH man he kicked my ass so bad lol. I did win with Mileena though. He told me some tricks and tips and said my best character is Mileena but I still need to work on her. It was a pleasure to play with the guy for sure.
      What?! My Sonya is an angel not a mean bone in her body
      "Admit it, you're going to miss this ass" - Chloe Frazer


      • Just rented this yesterday and I'm hooked. Beat story mode today and did some fatality tutorials.

        I actually felt really good playing as Kung Lao and Smoke... very fluid characters. Now keep in mind I suuuuck at fighting games. XD


        • I'm trading in MK, turns out there's a region lock for online. Completely ridiculous in this day and age.
          See you in hell.


          • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
            I'm trading in MK, turns out there's a region lock for online. Completely ridiculous in this day and age.
            Totally shows how incompetent their online coding is. Fuckin' balls. RIP Cage and Stryker tag-team. You never had a chance.
            Last edited by valentinesdead?; 05-15-2011, 11:27 PM.


            • Even I find that to be a bit bullshit. NRS REALLY needs to work on their online.


              • It seems, from the prompt that you receive when trying to join on a private invite from another region, to be an implementation choice rather than a technical hiccup. It views each region's game as a unique product, similar to the way you can get two different sets of trophies for the same game if it's from a different region.
                This explains why Seb and I were having issues earlier. Whenever I sent him an invite, it asked him to quit the game and then insert the disc for MK. Did the same thing for me too, so it looks like the online is region locked afterall. Must be similar to how in the States you have Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection and in Europe it's the Ultimate Sega Mega Drive Collection.

                Two different products with two seperate trophy lists, so technically not a region lock in the traditional sense but unique regional releases. I don't believe that region locking should exist in this day and age, especially with the internet being as high speed as it is these days. For example, I've played MvC3 with quite a few people from the States and suffered very little lag to none.

                No, that isn't an excuse to start a new MvC3/MK flame war. Just using that as an example.
                Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 05-15-2011, 11:35 PM.
                See you in hell.


                • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                  No, that isn't an excuse to start a new MvC3/MK flame war. Just using that as an example.
                  It's not so much a MvC3/MK flame war, but a MK versus every other online fighter out there flame war. It's the only one I've known to do this---only Virtua Fighter 5 for the PS3 has no online mode to compare. It's garbage, plain and simple. But, that's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes unfortunately. It's pretty bad that even a game like Dragonball Z Burst Limit, released almost 3 years ago, had region free play.



                  • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                    I'm trading in MK, turns out there's a region lock for online. Completely ridiculous in this day and age.
                    ...That really sucks!

                    I wonder if using an account from another region could fix this.

                    I bet it all has to do with the software itself, though.


                    • Well, that just dropped down my list of games massively.


                      • *shrug* Doesn't bother me at all. I rarely play with overseas people.


                        • hmm...maybe it wasn't intentional and may be fixed with a future patch, hopefully.


                          • Seb and I had a time trying to wrangle a match against each other yesterday, it just never worked. Some real patching must be done.

                            While I don't think I'm trading this in anytime soon, dammit LA Noire's out tomorrow.


                            • Every match I played the people ragequitted LOL it gets really annoying

                              BTW first DLC to be released by end of the month
                              Last edited by Jill4EverSTARS; 05-16-2011, 03:00 PM.
                              "Admit it, you're going to miss this ass" - Chloe Frazer


                              • They cannot patch the game if different regions are seen as different games, if it was just a simple region lock then it could be removed, but not this.

                                So who in the UK has this and will be NOT be trading it in?

                                I never trade in games but really this would make me do it if no one ot play with.
                                Last edited by Dracarys; 05-16-2011, 04:56 PM.
                                Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."

