Hello guys. A good handful of Resident Evil Outbreak fans have banded together and are starting a movement to get a port/sequel to the PS3/Xbox 360. For those who do not know what Resident Evil Outbreak is I'll explain briefly. Basically it was the first Resident Evil game to support full co-op game play and featured eight citizens from Raccoon City. You the player, and three others, got to witness the Resident Evil story, through the eyes of normal citizens. The game was way before its time and was technically a failure. However the game was plagued by poor and unfair reviews, hardly any marketing for Resident Evil Outbreak File #2, and the online world wasn't as popular as it is today. And, if you have never played Resident Evil Outbreak before and your a big fan of Resident Evil, then I'm 75% sure most you guys would be interested in this really fun game.
So far we have gathered a good amount of followers (500+) and are getting attention from Capcom employees. It has been 11 months and we have more than 10000+ posts and over 1.2 millions views discussing this amazing game in a single thread (Got it sticky as well)!!! Still, we need more supporters of this game to show Capcom their still is a serious fan base for this game. If those who are curious about Resident Evil Outbreak, search on youtube for videos, games sites for information, or you can even google it. All die hard Resident Evil Fans should join this thread and this movement we are trying to get going.Thank you and hope some of you check us out.
If you still don't know how to support check out this video, it maybe simple but it was made by one of the supporter:
Check out the support Resident Evil Outbreak website below if you consider supporting the cause:
Lend us a hand will ya? Together we will succeed!