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Starcraft II

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  • Starcraft II

    Installing this now

    I was playing the beta for a few months. Can't wait to get into the single player story.

    If anyone else here is plays, we can exchange emails and play on together.


  • #2
    I'm getting this tomorrow and so is Gareth. Will be playing some games with Alzaire. Hopefully I can hear one of my favourite game theme tunes again: -

    Starcraft 2 TERRAN THEME SONG - no matter the costPlz subscribe to the New Ultimate starcraft pro gamer channel, for everyone interested in pro gameing and t...

    Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 07-26-2010, 04:27 PM. Reason: Found a better Terran theme


    • #3

      Starcraft 2 is ready to good and go (for both me and Emmas battlenet acount!)

      Let's siege tank in this mother fucker!
      Last edited by Zombie Fred; 07-27-2010, 11:03 AM.


      • #4
        Just finished the third mission on hard and like every other strategy game I suck horribly. More units, more structures, more medics. Hopefully I get the hang of things.
        Last edited by GuardhouseMusic; 07-27-2010, 12:20 PM.


        • #5
          spoil me with the story if someone gets a chance


          • #6
            Never played the first game, so I'm playing on Normal. Playing the first two missions and kicking ass. "I'm really good at this, considering I don't play RTS games all that often!".

            Third mission, Zerg come out and destroy me. I was doing decent until the end of that mission and then they just overwhelmed me.

            Just tried the forth mission, lost the second load of civilians and quit out in frustration.

            This is gonna be fun. ;_;


            • #7
              Originally posted by randomwab View Post
              Never played the first game, so I'm playing on Normal. Playing the first two missions and kicking ass. "I'm really good at this, considering I don't play RTS games all that often!".

              Third mission, Zerg come out and destroy me. I was doing decent until the end of that mission and then they just overwhelmed me.

              Just tried the forth mission, lost the second load of civilians and quit out in frustration.

              This is gonna be fun. ;_;
              I feel ya, man. I escaped with essentially nobody in the third mission, and during the last convoy of the fourth mission I had peanuts for units and I lost.


              • #8
                I was reminded that the game is region locked, so unless you guys are on south east asia, I won't be able to play with you guys yet...

                Alot of Australia and New Zealand's internet traffic to SEA actually routes via the west coast of the USA - and when this was brought to Blizzard's attention, they've said they will make SEA gamers able to choose to play on USA or SEA servers. This is to be implemented with a patch within 60 days. I'll probably make the swap over (I'm on SEA now), so playing with you guys might have to wait a bit


                • #9
                  bought the collector's edition, thinkin' that i might play it once the stand alone gets cheaper ( $60 for PC game, no thanks, can't believe Diablo III is following that price, and i want that game more). people are stupid as hell on ebay, payin' past $130 for one, when Amazon still has them.
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                  • #10
                    I find normal far too easy but this is coming from someone who does many actions per minute thanks to quick micro commands due to playing the first game for a long time. I am shifting to the hard difficutly once Emma is done with her game so I can jump onto my acount. The game does have a fair learning curve if you've not played the first game so I would say it would be best to look up some tips and tutorials, and do some practise vs ai skermishes. This would help a lot


                    • #11
                      Just installed it and playing it now.

                      I hope it's as good as expected...


                      • #12
                        Just a bit of a warning about something that happened to me - there's a way to bar yourself from playing some single player missions. I'll put it all in spoiler tag, and still try and be as vague as possible.

                        Last edited by TheSelfishGene; 07-30-2010, 10:41 AM.


                        • #13
                          I've just completed the campaign, and I must say, it is fracking awesome. Just about the end (don't read if you've not completed it) -


                          I also won my first multiplayer game. I'm not very good at playing Starcraft by any means, but the guy I played against, his play was quite shocking. Kept sending marines to be slaughtered by my siege tanks, I sent a ghost and nuked one of his mineral fields, and he left only one SCV mining Vespene gas and didn't send any SCVs to mine the minerals. Then I nuked his main base, and he sent his SCVs away from the nuke path, then he moved them back into the path of the nuke and his SCVs were completely destroyed. He then decided to take his marines out his bunker to go and attack my battlecruisers and Thors. GG.

                          Oh btw, if anyone wants to add me who's on the same server thingy - my account is "", or my SC2 name is simply (quite awesomely I might add, didn't think I'd get to bag it)... "Kerrigan".
                          Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 07-31-2010, 04:35 PM.


                          • #14
                            Ahaha because of emma in the funny thread I wanna get SC2 badly now.


                            • #15
                              Played SC2 beta. Dont like SC2 multiplayer.
                              Will play SC2 SP off my brothers account once I fix my lappy.

                              I had a lot of hope for multiplayer and it just isnt quite SCBW. Its different, not "better" different. Just "different".

                              For now, Im sticking to SCBW.

                              Emma and G-man, if you have my brothers contacts, hell start playing it up tomorrow or the day after.

