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Games You Need to Beat

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  • Games You Need to Beat

    I'm betting I'm not the only one with a list of games that I need to beat, games I've either bought and never completed (but want to) or games I've never even started.

    Well, as part of my attempts to stop spending money on games I've decided to stick up a list of the damned things so I can tick 'em off when I beat them. Maybe then I won't spend so much. Like getting Alan Wake and pre-ordering Fable III and Fallout New Vegas...

    Feel free to list the thorns in your paw too.


    Command and Conquer - I've beaten the NOD missions before, but not the GDI

    Vandal Hearts II - I hunted this game for years, and was lucky enough to spot it in a pile of trade ins at my local shop before it went on sale. Got it for a song. Now I just need to play it...

    Bsuhido Blade - In fairness, I only got this last week.

    Crusaders of Might and Magic - Same. I owned this years ago, but traded in because rather than talking to people I attacked them instead, so I couldn't buy new gear.


    Final Fantasy XII - I got fed up. Think I'm playing it wrong. I grind until I kill the boss of an area without breaking a sweat, only to get owned in the next area in the first fight. So sick of grinding.

    Pokemon Colosseum - It's for the kids! Honest. Really.

    Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time - Yes, I know. I get part way through Zelda games and then do something else for so long I need to restart them.

    Legend of Zelda Wind Walker - See Above.

    Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess - See above. More.

    Killer 7 - Bought it in a buy 4 for £10 sale.

    Alone in the Dark: A New Nightmare - Got stuck pretty early.

    Half Life - Never finished this one.

    Devil May Cry - Saw it cheap a couple of weeks ago. Thought I'd see why new Dante was creating so much rage.

    Haunting Ground - I grabbed it cheap. Never played it.

    Resident Evil: Dead Aim - I never finished, for some reason.

    Resident Evil: Gun Survivor 2 - Played it years ago. Bought it months ago but still need to beat it.

    Obscure II - Liked the first one. Never started this one.

    Ring of Red - I have no idea what this is. I got lent it by a friend who then vanished.


    Resonance of Fate - I enjoyed this, but the controls are awkward as hell and I forgot them when I didn't play it for a while.

    Dead Rising - I know shame.

    Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Whoo for sales?

    Dead Space Extraction - I like Dead Space. On rails shooters? Only for playing with my wife...

    Cursed Mountain - Cash Converters gave it to me dirt cheap. I laughed!

    Folklore - Awesome game. Beat me up though.


    Baldur's Gate - Old D&D rules make me cry; Clerics can use axes too! Plus the laptop with my game got...squished.

    Baldur's Gate II - Wanna beat the first one first.

    Fate/Stay Night - Beat the Fate and Unlimited Blade Works paths. Heaven's Feel is intimidating me.

  • #2
    a lot
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    • #3
      How so very descriptive.

      I need to beat Valkyria Chronicles, Final Fantasy XIII, Half-Life and Half-Life 2, Silent Hill 4, and Silent Hill: Origins off the top of my head.


      • #4
        Quite a few decent games up there I'm particularlysurprised by Half Life 1/2

        My Thorns look like this:

        Started Never Finished:
        Kingdom Hearts:Chain of Memories
        Kingdom Hearts:358/2 Days
        BioShock 2 (Meh)
        Dead Space
        Street Fighter IV
        GTA IV
        Devil May Cry 4
        Super Mario Galaxy 2
        The Conduit
        New Super Mario Bros. DS
        Pokemon Platinum
        Pokemon Silver
        Cursed Mountain
        Boom Blox Party
        Dragon Quest VIII
        Dragon Quest IX
        Sonic Chronicles
        Metroid Prime 3:Corruption
        Resident Evil Gun Survivor (Always got bored)
        Sam and Max Season One
        de Blob
        A Boy and his Blob
        Wario Land:Shake Dimension
        Little King's Story
        Trauma Centre: Second Opinion (Saw Awesome Centre byEgoraptor and could never take it seriously again)

        Never Even Started:
        Eternal Sonata
        Viva Pinata Trouble in Paradise (came with xbox)
        Assassins Creed (got it for a fiver)
        Super Street Fighter IV
        Dragon Ball Z Tenkaichi 2
        Command and Conquer 3 (sale too)


        Thats all I can think of for now and thats just staying almost exclusively in this generation . . .
        Last edited by Rancid Cheese; 10-05-2010, 06:22 AM.


        • #5
          Red Dead Redemption, Resident Evil Zero, Killzone 2 (will probably never complete it because it bores me), Dead Rising 2, and a lot of XBLA games.


          • #6
            Aliens Vs Predator
            Resistance 2
            GTA IV
            Super Paper Mario
            Super Mario RPG
            Paper Mario
            Smash Bros Brawl
            Killer 7
            World of Goo
            System Shock 2

            These are all games I've accquired in the past year or two, and for some reason never bothered finished. Some I really like but don't have the time to finish (like World of Goo and Mario RPG), but others I just won't bother with (Resistance 2 and GTA IV)


            • #7
              I'm embarrassed to actually post some of these as they might get me murdered in the street. And most of these are because they were stolen from me earlier this year.

              Failed to finish:
              Resident Evil Zero (was in the process of playing this)
              Resident Evil Code Veronica (see above)
              Fallout 3
              IL 2 Sturmovik (barely started this)
              Dead Rising (took it back because it bored me)
              Perfect Dark

              Games I never started for one reason or another
              Resident Evil Outbreak 1 and 2
              Resident Evil Dead Aim (honestly I'm waiting to try and find a guncon 2 so I can play it properly, but of course that means I'll have to find a damn old school TV then too heh)

              I'm planning on getting Fallout New Vegas as well hehe. Already have Black Ops and Medal of Honor paid for soooooooo, unless I get really bored with those I don't see getting anywhere on this list too fast.
              Last edited by Agent_Wong; 10-05-2010, 08:04 AM.


              • #8


                Command and Conquer
                You're doing it wrong !


                • #9
                  C&C is best on PC. :3
                  I couldn't bare playing the C&C3 demo on Xbox, and the PS1 versions of one feel so clunky.
                  I have too many games to finish, like, I'm not even messing, the list would take the page; I buy too many games then NEVER play them. >.>


                  • #10

                    IceWind Dale
                    Fallout 1 2 tactics
                    Midnight Nowhere
                    Devil may Cry 3


                    Battle Toads
                    Mario Kart


                    Decap Attack
                    Sonic 1 and 2 (can't actually remember if I ever completed them without cheating as a kid)
                    Sonic CD
                    Ecco The Dolphin


                    Deathtrap Dungeon
                    Metal Gear Solid
                    Time Crisis
                    Alone in the Dark: ANN
                    Final Fantasy IV and V (kept loosing my saves)
                    (pretty much any of the PSX games I picked up Jan to Mar)


                    Devil May Cry (picked up as a 3 for £20 back in 2005)
                    unlimited Saga (got bored within 5 mins)
                    Final Fantasy XII (got to airship bahamut, got bored with silly AI)

                    Xbox 360:

                    Hitman: Blood Money (need to rape for all achievements)
                    GoldenAxe Beast Rider (picked it up dirt cheap new, and realised why it was)
                    Phantasy Star Universe (played online for a few months but didn't have interest in the main game.)
                    Saints Row 1 (stopped playing due to a RRoD and by the time I got my console back in 2006 I lost the drive to complete it)

                    There are probably more I can't think of but most of these games are classed as "graveyard" for me, as in they are dead. not getting a dust off to play.


                    • #11
                      I want to finish any game in the Half-Life series. Unfortunately, Valve games make me incredibly nauseous if I play for more than 15 minutes at a time.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by A-J View Post
                        You're doing it wrong !
                        Originally posted by Gradon View Post
                        C&C is best on PC. :3
                        I couldn't bare playing the C&C3 demo on Xbox, and the PS1 versions of one feel so clunky.
                        I have too many games to finish, like, I'm not even messing, the list would take the page; I buy too many games then NEVER play them. >.>
                        What can I say? I'm a console gamer through and through. Which is not to say I don't have Command and Conquer for the PC...not when it's free to download on the site. No, it's more that I can't get it to bloody work.


                        • #13
                          The First Decade + the Unofficial First Decade patch fixes everything.
                          Seriously, for £10, you can't go wrong with every C&C up to Generals.


                          • #14
                            My backlog's creepishly huge. Don't think I'll even bother listing it - but I know that once Reach, Enslaved and Castlevania's out of the way, Wanted and Velvet Assassin might be up next.

                            Originally posted by Gradon View Post
                            I couldn't bare playing the C&C3 demo on Xbox
                            Had no problems wrapping up the GDI Campaign on Hard on the 360. Controls are surprisingly easy to handle once you get a hang of using the shortcut keys and group commands.

                            (Achievement whores better stay away from that one, though, since the difficulty achievements don't stack and you have no way of knowing whether or not you've finished a level on a lower difficulty if you've already done it on a harder one )

                            Either way, I'm probably returning to it later to wrap up the rest + possibly do the expansion and Red Alert 3 (and I've had Commander's Challenge since day 1, just never wrapped it up). Totally don't mind playing them on console - they really nailed the controls pretty well.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Agent_Wong View Post
                              Resident Evil Code Veronica (see above)
                              This is absolute blasphemy to me. I can understand not finishing Resident Evil Zero as it really isn't the pinacle of the series. I think Resident Evil Zero is good, but yeah, definitely not Resident Evil at its best...But CODE: Veronica?! This is like killing babies and eating their hearts to me.

                              I'm kind of surprised that a lot of people have never finished Final Fantasy XII; I actually saw this to be one of the better ones of the newer series. It is definitely a massive improvement over those mind abortions that are Final Fantasy X and X-2. I think the only thing I never did in Final Fantasy XII was beat the ultimate monster...Yziamat or something to that effect. The battle could take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour and, I'm sorry, but that is just a waste of time.

                              Anyway, games I've yet to finish...

                              Overlord II
                              This was fun in the beginning, but just got a bit repetitive after a while.

                              Dead Space Extraction
                              I loved Dead Space, but I just couldn't really get into this. It just really lost a lot of its original element when put onto the Wii and especially on the rail system.

                              I've come to the conclusion that I don't really like free range games like inFamous and Grand Theft Auto. I like games to be a bit more on the linear side and not have the whole world at my disposal (unless it is done like the PS1 Final Fantasies to where you do some linear/story crap AND have free world roaming).

                              That's all that comes to mind at the moment...


