I've seen a number of decent sales on recently thought I'd start a thread to keep track of them. I only have a 360 really but no harm in mentioning Steam or PSN offers too if you see something of note let us all know eh?
Okay so there are a number of decent sales on right now including a very limited time one day only sale consisting of:
TMNT:Reshelled for 160
Splosion Man also 160
Trials HD for 400
Greed Corp for 160
Halo 1 for 400
GTA:San Andreas for 400
Surely at least one of these is worth you M$
They have more up so check 'em out even some avatart stuff is reduced and some great games including the superb Monkey Island 1&2 and Portal:Still Alive, Serious Sam HD and Megaman 10 . . .
Just thought I'd pass the word about, incase you go on here but not on yer 360 . . .
Okay so there are a number of decent sales on right now including a very limited time one day only sale consisting of:
TMNT:Reshelled for 160
Splosion Man also 160
Trials HD for 400
Greed Corp for 160
Halo 1 for 400
GTA:San Andreas for 400
Surely at least one of these is worth you M$
They have more up so check 'em out even some avatart stuff is reduced and some great games including the superb Monkey Island 1&2 and Portal:Still Alive, Serious Sam HD and Megaman 10 . . .
Just thought I'd pass the word about, incase you go on here but not on yer 360 . . .