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Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

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  • I was hoping for a story trailer, I guess we'll have to wait until E3.


    • Biggest gripes for me in Uncharted 2 MP

      - The health nerf patch.
      - Wall hack booster, especially combined with the health patch.
      - Lack of auto-balance, people drop out and the game is massively unbalanced, especially in objective games.
      - Quit penalty meaning when the above happens and the full team wanna kill farm you cannot even leave without punishment.
      - Pull-downs/kicks offs being impossible to do to laggy players, you always lose the kick/pull.

      I'll likely buy this on release but really hoping they fix these issues.

      Edit: Oh how did I forget grenades, lamest things in the world. You get the drop on someone and they throw a nade at their own feet which blows up near instantly and catches you. Those things need to have a 4 second fuse or something and if you want a quick explosion after throw you should need cook it first.
      Last edited by Dracarys; 04-18-2011, 12:35 PM.
      Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


      • Originally posted by aris13 View Post
        I was hoping for a story trailer, I guess we'll have to wait until E3.
        Yeah me too, I don't care too much about multiplayer in Uncharted. Hopefully on E3 we will have a lot of new info
        Last edited by Dark_Chris; 04-18-2011, 12:37 PM.


        • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
          Lazarevic wasn't interesting? Sorry, but he'll always be the greatest threat that Drake has ever faced. He didn't have to hide behind his goons, he was more than capable of taking care of everything himself.
          I totally agree. Lazarevic was totally a complete badass. If you want talk about not interesting, try the main baddie from UC1(That I unfortuantly can't think of his name). That guy was cliche, and boring(but kinda cool none-the-less). Lazarevic? Holy hell--you DO NOT mess with that man.

          He'll fuck you up.

          Do you understand history, Mr. Drake?

          Originally posted by aris13 View Post

          Originally posted by Dark_Chris View Post


          Early access June 28? That's it, I'm buying Infamous 2 then.

          Originally posted by KylieDog View Post
          Biggest gripes for me in Uncharted 2 MP

          - The health nerf patch.
          - Wall hack booster, especially combined with the health patch.
          - Lack of auto-balance, people drop out and the game is massively unbalanced, especially in objective games.
          - Quit penalty meaning when the above happens and the full team wanna kill farm you cannot even leave without punishment.
          - Pull-downs/kicks offs being impossible to do to laggy players, you always lose the kick/pull.

          I'll likely buy this on release but really hoping they fix these issues.

          Edit: Oh how did I forget grenades, lamest things in the world. You get the drop on someone and they throw a nade at their own feet which blows up near instantly and catches you. Those things need to have a 4 second fuse or something and if you want a quick explosion after throw you should need cook it first.
          The health nerf was what ruined UC2's multiplayer, but hopefully, HOPEFULLY, judging by what they said--they've totally learned there lesson on that front. UC2 was f'n great multiplayer. Hell, just the addition of Free-for-All and 2v2v2 is frigign awesome. I can imagine playing against Friends in custom matches in Free-for-All, 2v2v2. Add on to the fact of customizable weapons, and you have an EPIC multiplayer in the making.

          Naughty Dog. . .LET'S GO!
          Last edited by valentinesdead?; 04-18-2011, 12:53 PM.


          • The early access is for PSPlus users and I seriously cannot wait for this I always disliked the lack of depth in the multiplayer but this will fix it Team BRING IT! Is ready to whoop some major ass in this game

            If any of you guys wanna play U2 I'm game LOL I never played with anyone on here
            Last edited by Jill4EverSTARS; 04-18-2011, 01:22 PM.
            "Admit it, you're going to miss this ass" - Chloe Frazer


            • Originally posted by Jill4EverSTARS View Post
              The early access is for PSPlus users and I seriously cannot wait for this I always disliked the lack of depth in the multiplayer but this will fix it Team BRING IT! Is ready to whoop some major ass in this game

              If any of you guys wanna play U2 I'm game LOL I never played with anyone on here

              It's either PSPlus or buying Infamous 2. although, its nice to see there making the beta public for everyone not too long after. Though how long the entire beta will run is what I'm wondering. Either way, I really just want to know about what they've done with the health issues. What made UC2 multi gold before was that it rewarded aggressive play, and often became a duel of hwho was the better killer. That's what was so fun about it.

              But, the new features are really interesting as well. Liike the truck, the airplane, and the exploding building. Really wonder how thats going to figure into the actual multi experience.


              • This is the apparent booster list.

                Booster Slot 1

                Come Here - See the opponent that killed you up to 15 meters until they die
                Let Me See - Every two deaths allow you to see all opponents for 8 seconds
                Regeneration - Recover from wounds 70% faster
                Beast Mode - Move faster with heavy objects by 10%
                Scoped In - Reduce pain wobble while scoped in
                Fleet Foot - Move faster while aiming
                Retaliation - Spawn with limited ammo when killed with a Power Weapon
                Cloaked - Opponents will not see your player arrow and you are difficult to hear
                Weapon Expert - Add on additional MOD slot to all pistols (Required Rank: 5)
                Explosive Expert - Carry an extra grenade
                Endurance - Decrease sprint recovery time by 20% (Required Rank: 7)
                Booty Buddy - Share what is found in chests
                Stealth Buddy - Fill your Medal Kickback when your buddy gets a stealth kill
                Sugar Buddy - Receive cash when your buddy does
                Thanks Buddy - Shared medals

                Booster Slot 2

                Back in the Saddle - Respawn time reduced by 2 seconds
                Monkey Man - Climb faster
                Lucky Me - Increase the [chance] of getting goods from chest by 10%
                Bargain - Decrease Medal Kickback cost by 1
                Deposit - Earn more money for objective medals
                Treasure Hunter - Increase the chance of getting treasures from chest by 10% and see cursed treasures
                Ammo Award - Receive ammo for getting kills in a row
                Daredevil - Taunt over an opponents body to receive ammo (Required Rank: 5)
                Team Safe - Explosives do not knock you down and teammates only receive 1/2 damage from your grenades
                Overstock - Medal Kickback limit increased by 3
                Power Hunter - See the location of Power Weapons within 10 meters (Required Rank: 7)
                Kickback Endurance - Increase Medal Kickback times by 10%
                Revenge - Drop live grenade upon death
                Explosive, Buddy - Get a grenade for each of your buddies' explosive kills
                Kill, Buddy - Receive ammo for each kill your buddy gains
                For My Buddy - See the location of the opponent that killed your buddy until they die

                Seems to punish people for being good a fair bit and reward people for doing F-all. Lame.
                Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                • Yea the boosters definitely seem to benefit those that are good which I don't mind cus I've been told by some of the best in U2 that I was very good but I like fairness and thought all boosters other than Situation Awareness was good
                  "Admit it, you're going to miss this ass" - Chloe Frazer


                  • This is a pretty awesome inside look to a mo-cap session with Nolan North(Drake) and Richard McGonagle(Sully).

                    Your trusted source for video game news, reviews and guides, since 1999.

                    It's really pretty wild how much work goes into games like this.


                    • NICE!!



                      • ^ sweet I'm hoping Chloe returns I loved her attitude
                        "Admit it, you're going to miss this ass" - Chloe Frazer


                        • If we're lucky the PSN will be fully operational a few days before Uncharted 3 is released.
                          See you in hell.


                          • Lmao so October 28?
                            "Admit it, you're going to miss this ass" - Chloe Frazer


                            • Pretty funny video I found. It features outtakes from UC3 with Drake and Sully. Dont worry about the quality you dont really need to see it, its more about the audio. Nolan North is one funny guy. Best part is 3.23. Watch this.....Ahhhhhhhh!!

                              At the Uncharted panel at PAX East 2011 in Boston, this video was shown to loyal fans. Nolan North, voice of Nathan Drake, and Richard McGonagle, voice of Vi...


                              • So, Uncharted movie is a no-go.

                                David O. Russell left the project and I assume that Wahlberg is no longer apart of it anymore. Eh, I never liked the casting for Wahlberg as Drake anyway. Los Angeles Times still wants to make the movie soon.

