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Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

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  • Originally posted by Jill4EverSTARS View Post
    I mean heroes starting on the plane while villains have to try getting on the advantage goes to the heroes. As for bunny hopping, if you have problems killing those people then your aim comes into question. Yes U2 isn't what it was (update 1.04 being the pinnacle) and I'll have to play the build you're on for a proper assessment. Most of my friends feel U3 is a step back in core gameplay saying it feels much more like U1 than U2, which to me is a terrible downgrade.

    Speaking of blindfire/melee if it's a head on fight idk what you're complaining about it's an easy kill. Just change up your strategy and adapt
    The blindfire/melee just removes skill as an important equation from the game, if you got a person with a really great aim and another who cannot aim for toffee in close quarters it doesn't matter because pop-pop-melee and someone is dead. No strategy to change up from it. It dumbs the game down, like insta kill knifes in CoD and other games that keep copying it in some way, gone are the days when close quarters combat skills matter in an FPS game, you used to need be really quick on movements while aiming and hitting the other guy. Now you just click a button and you got the kill, skill isn't a factor. A monkey could do it. Uncharted 3 changing it so the guy with a great aim can beat the blindfiring melee guy without resorting to it also is a great change to me, skill should be rewarded, not made non factor.

    I never had problems with the plane segment, it spawns people on the plane for kills in the back if they trying to shoot at trucks, not that isn't easy to shoot from trucks also.
    Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


    • I still don't see your point about blindfire melee if you have good aim just kill the dude simple as that. So what if you have to melee at close range, like Leon said in RE4 a knife works better in close combat than a gun, in U2s case the melee. It's all about knowing when to adapt to the situation. Main problem with melee is how it can hit from a distance, U3 Beta had same problem though. U3s addition of loadouts and perks makes it much less balanced. A higher up will have AK with rapid fire (deadline combo) which a newcomer will not have. In U2 everyone had same weapon choices, what mattered was combat capabilities and who was truly better. Maps in U2 were small but well suited to the gameplay. U3 is going for the grandiose maps of CoD which is not Uncharteda style.

      As for the plane? All I have to do is sit on the plane and beast with the sniperr rifle, good for me but unfair for the competition.
      "Admit it, you're going to miss this ass" - Chloe Frazer


      • Originally posted by Jill4EverSTARS View Post
        I still don't see your point about blindfire melee if you have good aim just kill the dude simple as that.
        What I mean is in UC2 the speed combined with such a quick kill from the blindfire/melee meant someone with a good aim had no time to use it. UC3 they've slowed players down and reduced damage so it is now harder and more time consuming to kill someone like it. This benefits those with a good aim since they have more time for their aiming skills to come into play.

        Removing bunny hopping and replacing with a sprint function is also a benefit to skilled gamers, people can still close the gap by sprinting but now it doesn't look retarded, the hitbox doesn't go all wobbly and people cannot do faster than intended movements. Considering you complained about UC3 beta animations I dunno how you can defend bunny hopping people pretty much floating about the maps only touching the ground for brief moment at a time.

        Uncharted 3 is fixing the problems with UC2. I don't know why they aren't being welcomed unless you built your UC2 playstyle on taking advantage them?

        Both teams can snipe during the plane section.
        Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


        • All the "changes" for the better made it into an average tps U2 felt unique. To be honest most of your complaints of U2 I've rarely thought of as a problem, when U2 was first out no one bunny hopped. When it started you adapt, and while less effective you can still hop about in U3. Also most blindfire n melee people are the noobs, play against the higher ups and you get great gun battles where actual skill comes in hand. Which with U3s stupid perk and loadout system will be less fun, but that's just me I believe in a no fair fight where skill outweighs ranking cus I may be a 72 but I still whoop 80s in U2.
          "Admit it, you're going to miss this ass" - Chloe Frazer


          • Maybe I didn't play UC2 multiplayer long enough to come across the "higher-ups" (though I'm pretty damn certain everybody was leagues above me in terms of rank) but I never found it a combat system that required any kind of skill and I was usually top of the scoreboard. Most of it is either blindfire or camping in one particular spot until you run out of ammo.

            I probably won't play UC3's multiplayer (unless it has trophies, in which case I'll have to).
            A man chooses...a slave obeys.


            • Campers are still around but every has those. And against people who are smart enough blindfire n melee rarely works.
              "Admit it, you're going to miss this ass" - Chloe Frazer


              • If this was already mentioned, I apologize, but I just watched that seven-minute gameplay video, and I thought I remembered reading/hearing somewhere that ammo pickups were supposed to be automatic now? That video still showed the Triangle button prompt for picking up ammo.

                Also, for such a creative studio, Naughty Dog cannot seem to come up with interesting Trophies to save their lives. I don't really care about Trophies, mind you, but they're almost exactly the same as they've been since the first Uncharted.


                • Eh, the Trophies don't really matter when it comes to Uncharted. I've got platinums on both games already and it doesn't stop me from enjoying my playthroughs any less than I did the first time.

                  That said, yes, they could be a little more creative than 20/50 Kills - Insert Weapon Here
                  A man chooses...a slave obeys.


                  • Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the Trophies somehow negatively affect my enjoyment of the games. They don't. I got a Platinum for both Uncharted and Uncharted 2, but it was more because they were so easy to get.

                    There was no sense of accomplishment in doing so like there is with other games in which I have achieved Platinum status. It's just busy work or grinding, for the most part.


                    • Originally posted by Archelon View Post
                      If this was already mentioned, I apologize, but I just watched that seven-minute gameplay video, and I thought I remembered reading/hearing somewhere that ammo pickups were supposed to be automatic now? That video still showed the Triangle button prompt for picking up ammo.
                      I believe the automatic ammo pick up is multiplayer only. People often had trouble picking up ammo if another weapon was close to the ammo they wanted.
                      Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                      • ^ Could be switchable for single player. Guess we'll find out closer to the time. Maybe one of the unlockable bonus options. One of the trophies now is for picking up ammo as you roll over it x25 I do note, probably means it will be Multiplayer only for auto-pickup at first at least.

                        The trophy list is indeed not much different than the norm. They've reduced the number of treasure hunter ones to increase the number of combat related ones, but it's all much of the same. 2-3 play-throughs depending on starting difficulty level, just to unlock Crushing and finish that. Chapter select for clean up. Looks like they are leaving the MP trophies again for DLC like last time.
                        Last edited by Rombie; 09-28-2011, 08:15 PM.


                        • Would have prefered more multiplayer trophies, don't even need be hard ones, get a stealth kill, get a pull down or whatever. Grinding out kills with specific weapons in single player is boring, and I seriously doubt co-op kills will count.
                          Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                          • UC2 had the one-competitive, one co-op trophies as well. All the rest it looks like you'll have to wait for the DLC to arrive. I kinda don't mind about that, I means to get Platinum doesn't require lots of online and those are seperate. I do agree, the kills ones can be annoying. Some of them pop without any trying, but I always have to go back and get a small handful later.
                            Last edited by Rombie; 09-28-2011, 09:13 PM.


                            • Just remembered people in the US should be able to play the full mutiplayer any day now with the subway promo, with stats/unlocks carrying over to the game when it releases.

                              Really pisses me off they would do something like that and not offer it worldwide, every american fan is gonna have a entire months worth of a headstart in unlocks and learning levels, item placements, what spots work for different melee kills and so forth.

                              ...anyone got a spare code please :p ?
                              Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                              • I can buy two cups today and give you a code
                                "Admit it, you're going to miss this ass" - Chloe Frazer

