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Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
Originally posted by aris13 View PostShooting sucks.
I prefer not to speculate that Uncharted 2 has maybe set the bar a bit too high, and that at any other point this would be an amazing game - but that's how it feels right now.
I'm nearly three hours in now, and it's not picking up at all. That's not to say it isn't a good game, because it is and i can still acknowledge that. But right now i don't feel like Naughty Dog has followed up the sequel as well as they could've.
I beat the campaign, kinda mixed feelings on everything. I'll hide anything spoilerish so beat the story before reading unless you don't care.
First up, the aiming sucks balls. Up/down/left/right are ok and perfect diagonal aiming is fine but anywhere in between and it is just so unresponsive. Try turning your stick in a full circle and on screen you're see your reticle move about in a square. In multiplayer it is fine, seems odd.
As for the levels and such, had some great moments like the chateau levels but some I found really really dull and boring, the ship graveyard and all the way to the ship itself for example. The drugged parts I found awful also, and the lost city was too much a repeat of Uncharted 2 ending.
The story overall kind of weak, too many plotholes and things not followed up on, though the twists like Cutter being good (especially being a villain on MP beta) and Sully getting shot were real shockers, overall this was a bit too guy focused, not enough female character screen time. Major bothers for me are Talbot...he seems to care a great deal about Marlowe but never given a clue why, plus he vanishes like magic a few times and gets shot just to be fine a minute later, no explanation for any of this. Also Marlowe and co are after this drug yet Talbot seems to have something just as good if not better for use aready, not understanding the need to find the city or any of it. Lastly why on Earth drop a massive bombshell about that not being Drakes real name and then never touch upon the subject again?
Oh, and I encountered a few bugs which combined with the above makes me think this game got a bit rushed, perhaps why so many Uncharted 2 MP levels are getting reused in this game, save time designing them.Last edited by Dracarys; 11-02-2011, 11:16 PM.Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."
For me, I think it was kind of a flip flop of UC2. No worries, no spoilers here.
I think that the game is the opposite. UC2 started off with tons and tons of action, but then around the midway point it quite drastically slowed down. Especially in places like the monastery where there was less shooting and more exploration. I think UC3 is the opposite of that. It starts off slow for the first half and then for the second half it really ramps everything up. I loved it either way. Fantastic title. Though the shooting isn't really an issue for me, I can see why people would be annoyed by it. I adjusted pretty quick. It felt slow so I upped the sensitivity and haven't really had an issue since.
Nooooo!! So gutted you know its a good game when your sad you finished it. Felt the same way after number 2. Glad to see the ending but kinda depressed gotta wait so damn long again.
Kyliedog I think the last thing you mentioned would be something for the next game. The controls are abit funny but they will get patched in time. Its the first day of release theres going to be some glitches thats why they have patches. They only problem I found with the game was so many damn puzzles in the middle of the game. That is my only problem and its not a big one because I'l learn to fly through them like the first and second games.
Without a doubt this is my game of the year nothing even comes close. I'm a huge fan of Dead Space and Dead Space 2 was brill but Uncharted is just on another level for me. Best damn series out there right now. The next game cant come soon enough. Like both its predacessors this game gets a 10/10 for me.
Spoilers below
My favorite part of the game was the airplane sequence. I have never EVER been so shocked by a video game. My jaw was literally on the floor when Drake flys out of the plane and has to grab the box with a parachute attached. That part was just insane. I found the sandstorm fight to be pretty damn hard took me a few goes it was kinda weird to get used to. Chole didnt have much screentime either, thought she would have showed up at the end to save the day with Jason Stantham guy. He was pretty damn funny to, specially with the claustrophobic stuff. Ending was abit weird was expecting a tough boss like Lazarovich. Think it was Kyliedog who mentioned it had elements of the first game. Totally agree with that, there was tons of references. Drake and Sully combo, The plane at the end, the end boss fight, I could list alot more but need to play it again get it all fresh in my head.
Not sure this game deserves the criticism I have been seeing but guess thats what happens when you have something as great as Uncharted. Expectations are extremley high. Fortunatley I'm pretty good at keeping mine low.Last edited by CrimsonElder; 11-02-2011, 11:39 PM.
This is an unbelievable read.
I mean, like i'd touched on my last post - i wondered if it was just me that didn't like the shooting. But why on earth did Naughty Dog look at the gunplay in Uncharted 2 and think it needed changing? I mean, reading that explanation, it reads like they've got it the wrong way round to me. Really poor form.
Also...the game started ripping off Dark Void when i was playing last night. Oh dear!
After giving it a fair thought from finishing this game last night, I have to say that I was fairly disappointed. Don’t get me wrong though if that means the game is a mess, so to speak. The game on a technical level was very impressive in a few areas (especially with what they did with Arabia and some other scenarios) but I felt this game was too repetitive, repeating the same thing in many ways, as if they wanted to copy how Uncharted 2 was and make it “more awesome”. The shooting for the most part was boring and had no feel to it for me, I would rather them go back to focusing on one giant area, like how Uncharted 1 was (still my personal favourite of the series) and then focus on a good scenario with it (that's what I was hoping for when I saw the anouncement trailer).
Such a shame though, the first two games were brilliant. I guess that's what happens when you follow a template too close and that can reuslt in it being stale.
Agree on the repetition. So many times it was Drake running, Drake gets into fistfight, Drake finishes fistfight with a big guy, Drake finds the exit, Drake finds the exit has been blocked off.
Three things i took from Uncharted 2 - How much fun it was. How spectacular the set pieces were. How incredible the environments looked.
Well it's not been fun so far, the set pieces have been bland, the environments don't look as great as the last game.
Also, it's abundantly clear to me that maybe Arkham City has ruined other games for me haha!Last edited by Stu; 11-03-2011, 08:20 AM.
Like I said, the reviews seemed to say "not as good as Uncharted 2 but still pretty good."Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 11-03-2011, 11:26 AM.See you in hell.
Desert section was there, because you are lost in the desert, obviously! And it was done absolutely great. Uncharted 2 was all about shooting, but almost no exploration. Uncharted 3 is 50% exploration 50% shooting. I hope Uncharted 4 will be the same.
Also I don't understand whining about aiming a shooting. It's much better in U3 than it was in U2. It feel more realistic.Last edited by Dark_Chris; 11-03-2011, 01:38 PM.Spoiler: