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Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

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  • It's weird though - this game has really split people down the middle! For every person that'll not like the new shooting mechanics, there's someone else to counteract it. Personally i think they're terrible in comparison to Uncharted 2's, it makes it so weird seeing the threads on Gaf saying it's fine.

    Shame, but Naughty Dog are at least getting a sale of the U1/U2 double pack out of me for Christmas haha


    • Appently the MP shooting mechanics are mostly fine (but I hear sniper rifles need some work) - it's just the single player stuff that's messed up. Which I find very strange.


      • I don't have any problem with shooting in Uncharted 3. What is so wrong with it for you?! I don't get it...


        • Surely it's easier just to read the other posts than for me to say it again, no?

          Regardless, it doesn't matter. Those who've said there's something wrong with the controls can feel justified for feeling so considering Naughy Dog had people in their offices today working on a fix.

          I'll definitely try the game again when it's patched, not sure what kind of difference it'll make but i'm more than willing to give it a second chance.


          • Controls are fine apart from some enemies being invincible. Magnum to the face and still standing is Kane & Lynch style. I like the shooting if you dont cant adjust it.


            • Just finished the campaign, and I enjoyed the game, found it as immersive as the previous two (saving that I never finished UC2). I didn't have too great a problem with the aiming controls, I chalked up any frustrations to the hard difficulty I started out with. Of course, I still haven't begun the multiplayer but considering I played the beta a good amount nothing seemed off.


              • okay i completed the game and i feel like .. it was rushed .. dont get me wrong it was pretty and all but
                rushed as hell ..... first we are in one place then the next the ending i hated ..... i felt like finally ...... Spoiler:
                that was it i think uncharted 2 is a better game better story this dident feel the best also the fighting gameplay was horrible.... dont get me started and the aiming in singleplayer ... dear god... but in multiplayer .. its perfect ..
                but overall i give this game 8/10 i hope batman is better than this .. when i get my hands on the pc version.

                also chloe was totally missplaced here she was there for abit then leaves for no reason ..never to hear from her again and elena ..... not enough relationship with drake it felt out of place the writer focuse way to much on sully and drake and forgets about drake and elena ....

                but yeah i stand by my rating 8/10 because multiplayer saves its ass.
                Last edited by Canas Renvall; 11-06-2011, 04:36 PM. Reason: Spoilers!


                • I edited your post for spoilers, be careful with those. Please remember to use tags!


                  • This game has blown my mind.

                    The first two were amazing, so I expected nothing less with this one, but I really think this is the best one of the series. The excitement level is higher (for me, anyways) and I love some of the segments (wont spoil anything).

                    Young Sully was a rather delicious pile of pixels.

                    Team Chris Redfield<3


                    • Young Sully was a total badass.


                      • I noticed the aiming problem too, pretty much as soon as I started playing (well, after I bitched about all the Batman nuances in the melee system). "Why's this so slow?" was basically the first thing I said as soon as I grabbed a gun. I hope they fix it, but in the meantime I'll have to up my sensitivity.
                        A man chooses...a slave obeys.


                        • Originally posted by Dan Corson View Post
                          Young Sully was a total badass.
                          Don't steal his damn wallet.
                          Last edited by Canas Renvall; 11-06-2011, 08:26 PM.


                          • Anyone know anything about the Throwback trophy? It says throw back 10 grenades killing 10 enemies. I have done at least 20 and still no trophy? WTF? Only need this Hard n Crushing to platinum it. If this wont unlock I'm gonna be mega pissed.

                            Edit: Never mind I have done it now. For some reason it didnt work on Chapter 22 only Chapter 16??
                            Last edited by CrimsonElder; 11-06-2011, 11:19 PM.


                            • Man, I don't know what it is with Naughty Dog, but they just can't seem to come up with a decent final boss battle for an Uncharted game to save their lives. It was better than the first game's, certainly, but not much of a step up from the second game's.

                              Overall, I enjoyed the game, but it doesn't have quite the same "wow" factor Among Thieves did, which is probably because Among Thieves was such a monumental improvement over the first game, and Drake's Deception is more of a refinement of the formula than a massive leap forward, which I suppose is to be expected.

                              It also felt significantly shorter than the first two games, but that may have more to do with the somewhat anticlimactic endgame than the actual length of the campaign. When I saw the trophy pop up for beating the game, my first thought was, "That was it?" I don't know, the end of Uncharted 2 just felt more satisfying for some reason. Maybe I went in with the wrong expectations or my expectations were too high.

                              Though, looking back on it, it may also have something to do with the fact that arguably the biggest set pieces in the game were the ones shown off to the public before the final game was released. It's almost like what Capcom did with Resident Evil 5, though not quite that bad.


                              • Playing through on crushing the other day, seeing even more plotholes and just silly things, like Spoiler:
                                Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."

