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Mass Effect 3

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  • Even pole dancing Miranda would have more substance and relevancy than what we got. The original planned ending made sense and sounded great. A fitting end. But they picked three things, none of which make any dicking sense or were nice to watch.


    • I think what everyone is expecting for the extended ending, and what should have happened in the first place, is something like Fallout 2's ending where you get to see the consequences from most of your actions. Alpha Protocol had this too, of course, it's a much shorter story than ME and Fallout 2but at the end there's real closure for that character and the story.


      • Speaking of the ending...the voice actors from the game have all been getting back into the studio to record for the Extended Cut DLC:


        • Thank fuck for that. I was half expecting it to just be silent still shots before the 'Old Guy speaking of the SHEP' scene.


          • Do you think the extended cut will feature at EA E3 conference at all or that EA will just ignore the elephant?
            Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


            • I dunno. The whole thing seems to have died down somewhat, and I suspect BioWare/EA would like it to stay that way.


              • The way EA & Bioware have been behaving, their heads are probably filled with peanuts. Regardless, I hope the DLC helps to 'fix' things. I have a feeling the game was rushed out to begin with, anyway. Really messed up how the black screen glitch hasn't been patched yet.


                • Just completed Mass Effect 2 for the first time. Seriously amazing, didn't think they could top the climax of ME1, but I was wrong. Suicide Mission was simply astounding.

                  I'm afraid to even buy ME3 now, knowing that what awaits me is simply bad. Annoying turret sequences, Jessica Cuntbot, Roid Face, RGB... yeah, no. I'll wait and see how they handle the Extended Cut first. Still hoping they pull up indoctrination (caused by the artifact in Shepherd's cabin would be nice considering that thing did fuck all in ME2) to explain away those bullshit deus ex machina endings then give us what was originally intended before Hudson decided to be a giant flailing cunt.

                  Such an annoyance that the whole Dark Energy sub-plot simply gets completely ignored in ME3 despite being made out to be a pretty damn big deal in ME1 and ME2.
                  PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                  • They wont fix the endings all we get is why is joker running away... they still wont fix the shit endings we got. hell they even said so themself.


                    • We'll get expanded versions of the current endings. Hopefully, they'll now make sense and not be copy/paste/change colour versions now.


                      • I honestly think that Mass effect 3 good enough overall and is worth buying IF you can get it at a good price. I got the game new for $33 and I think it's one of the reasons I didn't mind the ending too much. The gameplay is very much improved from 2 and I like all of the characters except for that Chobot reporter. Her character serves little to no purpose.

                        Edit: Here's the original endings for Mass effect 3 (SPOILERS below of course). I'm sure Hudson is to blame for us not getting the real endings. If we simply got these intended endings, everything would've been just fine.


                        "Mass Effect writer Drew Karpyshyn revealed his original intent for the ending of Mass Effect 3, which involved the concept of Dark Energy, which was hinted at in the previous two games, such as on Haelstrom during Tali's recruitment mission, when she commented that the planet's sun was an advanced age for no scientific reason.

                        The Dark Energy was a force that was going to consume everything. According to Karpyshyn, "The Reapers as a whole were 'nations' of people who had fused together in the most horrific way possible to help find a way to stop the spread of the Dark Energy. The real reason for the Human Reaper was supposed to be the Reapers saving throw because they had run out of time. Humanity in Mass Effect is supposedly unique because of its genetic diversity and represented the universe's best chance at stopping Dark Energy's spread."

                        The original choice was between killing the Reapers and trying to find a way to stop the Dark Energy threat with what little time was left before it consumed the galaxy, or, "Sacrifice humanity, allowing them to be horrifically processed in hopes that the end result will justify the means."

                        This still doesn't change the main sticking point of fans: all of the recruitment, all of the alliances, all of the sacrifices, were essentially moot because they essentially were inconsequential to the resolution."

                        So there you go.. endings that made sense, to the effed up endings we got instead.
                        Last edited by Deus Flux; 05-12-2012, 09:03 PM.


                        • I know for me the problem;

                          - They promised a ton of endings. 16 I think. Technically, they are actually there - but only if you count a three second scene having more explosions in it as a completely different ending.

                          - The promise that they WOULD NOT do a silly ending that left questions unanswered. Which we got.

                          Point one won't get fixed. Even if they do expand the endings it'll only be that RGB are now somewhat different, but you'll still be stuck on those three. Point two might.


                          • Its bioware afterall they turned shit. just look back dragon age 2, mass effect 3 EA xD


                            • Comment

                              • "Garrus, am I your dirty little secret?"

                                "We could always just shoot up drugs with a lot of kids."

                                Fucking love these things.
                                Last edited by Inferno04; 05-30-2012, 04:01 AM.

