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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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  • #46
    Alchemy is cool, I like how you can experiment and have to remember the recipes rather than the game tell you. Good point regarding master difficulty will definitely try that on my next game when the patch is released. I think the AI needs some improvement for the dragons though, they just do the same thing fly around and then lay on the ground. Some of the AI is pretty good though - mainly the close quarters stuff, flanking etc.

    Speaking of bugs I just encountered one, I couldn't get rid of flames equipped to my right hand (used it on the College of Winterhold quest).. had to equip weapons on my right hand and swap stuff around for like 5 minutes to get rid of it. And now any spell on my right hand seems to stick around for ages, I'm pretty sure it wasn't like that before ;) It seems to be an issue doing the rounds though, might be a mod or patch coming soon..

    A good list of console commands can be found here (for PC only): some of these may be legacy commands and have no effect. I tried to use UnequipAll (technically you would use player.unequipall) for my problem (which made me naked and the woman in the Bits and Pieces store told me to leave rofl) which left my spells/weapons intact but for some reason I could change my right hand spell temporarily.. Weird stuff.. be careful with your save games folks.


    • #47
      Glad you're having as much fun like I am with this game. I bet you keep thinking on wondering what Fallout 4 will look like with the updates (And more) done in this game.


      • #48
        Thanks, that's a handy list. Just off the bat you can edit your field of view by typing in "fov (insert numerical value here)". 100 works well for me.

        I'm loving the music as well. Jeremy Soule is a talented guy.
        Last edited by WeskerIncarnate; 11-14-2011, 10:07 AM.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Zombie Fred View Post
          Glad you're having as much fun like I am with this game. I bet you keep thinking on wondering what Fallout 4 will look like with the updates (And more) done in this game.
          Part of me is looking forward to it, part of me is worried.. I know they've probably done studies on usability and stuff for this game but making it ultra simple is not always the way to go.. I don't want FO4 to be ultra simple.. the engine and other stuff is great though, loving the new waypoint system and I've only crashed twice (one time when I was trying to get rid of that damn equip bug). That's something..

          Originally posted by WeskerIncarnate View Post
          Thanks, that's a handy list. Just off the bat you can edit your field of view by typing in "fov (insert numerical value here)". 100 works well for me.

          I'm loving the music as well. Jeremy Soule is a talented guy.
          Yes the music is awesome, when your fighting its like your in the Lord of the Rings.. and the peaceful music is very relaxing, like you want to retire in a town somewhere and just watch the world go by ;)

          Right now my dark elf is looking for certain secret groups.. I've heard the name a few times but I want to find them on my own, I think I may be close..


          • #50
            Saw this and had to post it here, how to use buckets for crime.

            Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


            • #51
              Haha, that is hilarious.. part of me thinks that can happen because stealth isn't too sensitive to detection.. for example I did a quest to loot a safe, found the owner inside with a key, it said he detected me and he was looking right at me but I stole the key anyways without him saying anything and just walked out of there with the loot. A lot of the stealth parts of the game seem to be like this.. I dunno if playing on master difficulty would change this or not, I hope so.. could be because I'm a frigging ninja though

              Speaking of buckets I could of sworn I ran into one after coming off a flight of stairs and taking a 1 HP hit.. could just be my imagination or the game messing up though..


              • #52
                Encountered another major bug during the main quest - seems a lot of people are getting it... eventually you'll find someone who doesn't open the door for you and doesn't speak - when that happens download the BSA unpacker and use it on the extravoices.bsa file (extract to data directory) then restart the game. Or of course you can wait for the patch/mod.. It's not so bad as IIRC using the BSA unpacker on all your files and doing a defrag may even improve performance marginally.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Zombie Fred View Post
                  I bet you keep thinking on wondering what Fallout 4 will look like with the updates (And more) done in this game.
                  ...which is very sad.

                  The Elder Scrolls isn't Fallout.
                  Freedom of Information.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Trent View Post
                    ...which is very sad.

                    The Elder Scrolls isn't Fallout.
                    Lol I think we're talking about the capabilities of the new creation engine rather than "OMGZ Elder Scrolls doesn't have 10MM SMGs wtf..". It's not news that these games share a lot of similarities either, especially that they now share the perks system..

                    It's also pretty common to be either a post-apocalyptic kind of a guy or a uh, fantasy roleplaying guy. I must say this game blurs the lines a little, its fantastic - especially the amount of content available, can easily spend 10 hours in each city alone. I can see what they meant by 300 hours of gameplay.. What really makes this world is the attention to detail, gotta love all those comments the AI makes as you run through town, 80% of the time they are totally relevant to what your doing with none of the dumb stuff from Oblivion..


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Scream View Post
                      Lol I think we're talking about the capabilities of the new creation engine rather than "OMGZ Elder Scrolls doesn't have 10MM SMGs wtf..". It's not news that these games share a lot of similarities either, especially that they now share the perks system..

                      It's also pretty common to be either a post-apocalyptic kind of a guy or a uh, fantasy roleplaying guy. I must say this game blurs the lines a little, its fantastic - especially the amount of content available, can easily spend 10 hours in each city alone. I can see what they meant by 300 hours of gameplay.. What really makes this world is the attention to detail, gotta love all those comments the AI makes as you run through town, 80% of the time they are totally relevant to what your doing with none of the dumb stuff from Oblivion..
                      Bang on point. It's ok though, Trent, I can't blame you for not reading it in the context me and scream talk about with this game
                      Last edited by Zombie Fred; 11-18-2011, 04:17 AM.


                      • #56
                        My dark elf is becoming pure pwnage, he was a little weak at the start but really stepping into his game now - he's currently leader of the Dark Brotherhood, Guild Master of the Thieves Guild and Arch-Mage of Winterhold College.

                        Went on an awesome raid of a fort with Shadowmere and Erandur (a fellow Dunmer Wizard from Dawnstar) - first time I went on a mission with a full group. This lone bandit in the middle got completely ganked (even my flame summon got in on the action), was hilarious at the time as I didn't know Shadowmere could put up a fight..

                        Haha I took them completely by surprise as the horse physics are so damn messed up - I used a tree to jump over the wall and surprise them. And with my expert destructive magic completely blew them away with fireballs and shit, it was pure and utter pwnage.

                        Here's the gang (and the guy who just got raped is on the left haha).. Got some awesome nightingale armor on, I could upgrade my equipment but I think this is looking killer enough already..

                        Pondering future missions, what a beautiful game


                        • #57
                          Have you come across the mask undead guys yet, Scream? They're very challenging and required to use tactics (for me stealth/archery) as they can kill you in 3-4 hits. The masks are damn good bonuses though.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Zombie Fred View Post
                            Have you come across the mask undead guys yet, Scream? They're very challenging and required to use tactics (for me stealth/archery) as they can kill you in 3-4 hits. The masks are damn good bonuses though.
                            Don't think I've come across those yet.. a lot of stuff can kill me in 3-4 hits due to my low HP/armor rating. The enemies that worry me are the ones that can do it in two.. came across some hyper Draugr death overlord on a thieves guild quest with tons of stamina who just wouldn't drop (he was also surrounded by his buddies, scourge and wights) had to use the environment to my advantage in that case..

                            I also find some powerful enemies seem to "stop working" and just get stuck after some time of cat and mouse, at that point I dispatch them with archery.. Then of course there is always the wabbajock - a true n00b stick, not sure if you got it but its a like random effect staff with tons of crazy stuff happening - teleportation, transformation, invisibility, appearance of some daedra demi-god ;) but anyways, most enemies seem to just fucking disappear after a few blasts with that (one time I even found two or three corpses of the same enemy, weird shit!).


                            • #59
                              I understand what you guys mean, it just bugs me that while both genres are totally different, they're built on the same game engine - which in turn shows similarities between the two. Not much to do about that really, felt the same thing when I played Fallout 3 after Oblivion
                              Freedom of Information.


                              • #60
                                I'm rather fond of Beth's hiking simulators.. sort of like a short version of real life. If anything they should add another IP to the mix.. it'll be shame if they lose the Fallout license to Interplay also..

