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Humble Indie Bundle Charity

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  • #16
    I own 3 of the 5 games; seriously, how do you give your other copies away to others?


    • #17
      I don't think that is possible.
      These bundles are just amazing.
      My boyfriend bought the third and shared it with me.
      I can't wait to see what they do for the next but the games that are included are pretty much the best in every bundle, besides Minecraft anyway, which I expect to eventually see in Humble Bundle #84.


      • #18
        Minecraft won't be in an indie bundle, it's too profitable. By that I mean there's far too much money to be made from it, it has a lot more potential than say VVVVV or Cogs.
        See you in hell.


        • #19
          Minecraft trial now included (well at least it has been)

          new game included for buyers: Steel Storm: Burning Retribution

          also, Cogs Go for Netbooks also included
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          • #20

            Freedom of Information.


            • #21
              7th game included now. Atom Zombie Smasher.

              pay more than the average, and get all 5 games found in Indie Bundle #2 added to your order.
              Last edited by Branden_Lucero; 08-05-2011, 08:44 PM.
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              • #22
                I'm pretty hooked on And Yet It Moves. Sweet game!
                Freedom of Information.


                • #23
                  Humble Frozen Synapse Bundle available. pay more than average, get Humble Frozenbyte Bundle as well.
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                  • #24
                    Playing Trine at the moment, awesome game.
                    Freedom of Information.


                    • #25
                      They've added Trauma and then just today they've added SpaceChem to it too.
                      Non-blurry Signature Version
                      Youtube | Steam | Website (Under Construction)


                      • #26
                        God dammit, I bought SpaceChem.

                        Great game though, worth getting by itself.
                        See you in hell.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                          God dammit, I bought SpaceChem.

                          Great game though, worth getting by itself.
                          funny. i had that game on my wishlist, on a count of when the summer tickets appeared, i didn't know what to buy with them, so i picked SpaceChem's DLC.
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                          • #28
                            Voxatron Debut has arrived
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                            • #29
                              introversion Bundle available
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                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Branden_Lucero View Post
                                funny. i had that game on my wishlist, on a count of when the summer tickets appeared, i didn't know what to buy with them, so i picked SpaceChem's DLC.
                                Yeah, I chose the SpaceChem DLC ("Corvi 63") for the Summer Camp ticket event too. Yet to have a real stab at it as it has new gameplay mechanics, quantum fusion or...something. My brain will probably die.

                                Also, just bought the Humble Introversion Bundle. Always wanted to play DEFCON again.
                                See you in hell.

