You don't have to be first place in sales to have a profitable system. PSP was not a failure.
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PSP2 to be unveiled January 27th, 2011
I never said it was a failure, just that you can't even hope to topple Nintendo's dominance over the handheld market. Sega tried it, didn't work. I will say this however, I think the idea of releasing UMD format movies was a failure. Who wants to watch Hitch while they're sitting on the toilet and taking a shit?
I do however think that the PSP has a good library of games, Peace Walker and Dissidia are obviously very popular with gamers. With this in mind, I think - if Sony play their cards right - the PSP2 will fare a lot better than the PSPgo. They need an aggressive marketing campaign and some solid titles, plus something that will make people opt for the PSP2 instead of the 3DS.
Sony have to look at their strategy and think, "Why should I get this instead of that?" What can we offer gamers? In that regard, I think the PSP2 will make a better competitor to the iPhone, which to be fair is a poor platform for games.Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 01-20-2011, 05:21 AM.See you in hell.
the things i liked about the PSPgo are the features that don't appear on the 1K-3K models.
the ability to resume the game at any time after quitting it. this also works automatically if the system dies, as a last resort. means that you don't have to worry about losing your place in your game, if you run the battery dead.
actual 2-player on a single screen, so Twisted Metal 2 is more enjoyable than being by yourself. (one uses the screen buttons while the other person uses the PS3 controller) bad thing about this though, is that without a PS3 this feature out of question because it needs registration.
the wifi had a significant upgrade, at least when i compared it to my 2K model. its such an embarrassment how fast the PSPgo can download an update compared to a previous model. now i didn't save the download, i stopped it before it can finish downloading. i'm thinkin' about uploading a video and letting both of them download at the same time, just so anyone can see. cause really, i think the PSPgo has better wifi than the PS3.
now, if any of these features are included into the new PSP (without the need of a PS3 to register the controller), then i say do it. i don't see why this should be ignored.
I hope to god that picture in the first post isn't the real design. Analog nubs above all the buttons? Ugh.
I have a Peace Walker PSP-3000. I like it. I have a few games for it and it isn't too bad. Still play my DSi XL a lot more though, don't think I've even touched my PSP in months.
And honestly, between this and the 3DS, there's no contest. Sorry, Nintendo gets my money over this any day of the week. Nintendo is all about innovation, Sony's still catching up.
Rumble Controls: Nintendo (N64 Rumble Pak)
Memory Cards: Nintendo (the N64 Memory Pak)
Motion Controls: Nintendo
Touchscreen handheld: Nintendo
Now they're doing a 3D handheld. Expect a PSP2-000 with 3D capabilities soon.
Not to dis Sony, I love my PS3. But the only thing they did before Nintendo was HD graphics and Netflix. Which works better on the 360 anyway.
Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View PostI never said (PSP) was a failure, just that you can't even hope to topple Nintendo's dominance over the handheld market.
I don't get why you can have competition in the home console market but that seems to be out of the question on the handheld front.
What do you guys think Nintendo is going to do if somehow, Sony or Apple takes the top spot with the PSP2/iPhone on all 3 major markets?
Do you actually think Nintendo is going to give up and pack its bags just because they're in 2nd place? Heck no.
They'll stick around without making a big deal about being second best. Sure the gaming analysts and fanboys will have a field day over it. But in the end, it won't matter. They will still have a piece of the pie to take home and live off it. Just like they did during the N64 and Cube days.
So why can't anyone expect Sony do to the same? They made same mistakes with the PSP, sure. But hopefully they will fix most of them and the PSP2 will be able to not only survive against Apple's and Ninty's fierce competition, but also thrive and why not, even become the top dog in the handheld market.Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.
Originally posted by Pikminister View PostToby's facial expression is my own when dealing with the whole "PSP2 is dead at the gate" mantra some seem to believe in.
Also, I think I'll see you as the Toby to my Michael on THIA.Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 01-21-2011, 03:42 PM.See you in hell.
Yeah, fuck the PSP! Its sales pale in comparison to the 3DS, so it stinks and I hate it! Nintendo has a stranglehold on the handheld market!
I always wondered why people gave a shit about stuff like this. Who gives a flying fuck if it's "dead at the gate" and "wont compare in sales" to something else? I'm more apt to spend money on a PSP2 than a 3DS at this point(for a myriad of reasons that I won't go into), so why should I care if it's not going to sell well? The dev support will always be there. Sony will always have great first-party titles coming along with third-party gems...and that's all I care about.Last edited by Vector; 01-21-2011, 06:16 PM.
Yeah well, that's the thing. If it's true that the graphics are "PS3-caliber" along with dual analog sticks and a track/touchpad, then odds are it'll be very expensive and I won't be getting it at launch. I won't be getting the 3DS at launch, either, because I don't think any handheld is worth $250 or more.
Yeah, Sony's kinda boned. To try and wrestle people away from the 3DS it's gonna have to be cheaper, better or both. Knowing Sony's opinion, it may well end up being worse and more expensive, but with a couple of fairly useless gimmicks...which won't be nearly enough to make this a fair fight.