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Devil May Cry series discussion/DmC anticipation (your mileage may vary)

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Rombie View Post
    I think that is the Metal Gear Solid 2 effect there.... interest in DMC2 was higher based on the quality of the original game, but once people played the second game and didn't like it as much the sales of the third suffered greatly due to it, even though in both cases the third game is considered exceptionally good.
    Not to go off-topic, but I think that effect was in play with RE5's sales, and RE6 won't be so lucky considered RE5's critically lukewarm reception.

    Sorry for the random thought, but I couldn't help it.


    • #17
      Originally posted by valentinesdead? View Post
      Not to go off-topic, but I think that effect was in play with RE5's sales, and RE6 won't be so lucky considered RE5's critically lukewarm reception.

      Sorry for the random thought, but I couldn't help it.
      I do hope you're right though.


      • #18
        Oh no this is BAD new

        A reboot and now a movie seems like they're going all out with DMC
        "Admit it, you're going to miss this ass" - Chloe Frazer


        • #19
          I'd wondered how long it was going to be before someone tried, seeing as Capcom is happy enough to licence it's franchises (although at least smart enough to avoid someone like Boll). Ah oh well, another franchise I once enjoyed I continue to find less and less reasons to like...


          • #20
            New pics

            Last edited by aris13; 06-07-2011, 03:07 PM.


            • #21
              The actual gameplay's outside areas were more sterile white then red. =/
              Last edited by BBboy20; 06-07-2011, 04:18 PM.


              • #22
                Those images look like another DMC title.... DMC2 to be exact. Tight small street ways. Weird.


                • #23
                  Wow. Just watched the trailer. A complete and utter load of shit. I mean, really, DMC4 looks miles better than that stuff. Using the Unreal III engine instead of Mainframe was a completely retarded call on Capcom's part. The animation's too, look terribly chopped up.

                  Bleh. So not interested in this. Please Kamiya, be working on Bayonetta 2 or MGS Rising.
                  Last edited by valentinesdead?; 06-07-2011, 07:01 PM.


                  • #24
                    I honestly just do not like the direction they are going with the series.


                    • #25
                      i stopped playing DmC after the second one, the end boss was literally just all the previous bosses piled into one thing and you could run around the perimeter just out of its reach and kick its ass. it was absolutely ridiculous, but the first game was really good I thought.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by jimmyjoejangles View Post
                        i stopped playing DmC after the second one, the end boss was literally just all the previous bosses piled into one thing and you could run around the perimeter just out of its reach and kick its ass. it was absolutely ridiculous, but the first game was really good I thought.
                        You should have stopped at least on 3...clearly one of the better ones.


                        • #27
                          i remember hearing that the engine for DMC was originally built for re4, that would have been pretty cool, I would still pay for a resident evil with the DMC engine, maybe with carlos as the main character or hunk or or...cringe...wesker or steve, now I'm just naming male characters


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by valentinesdead? View Post
                            Wow. Just watched the trailer. A complete and utter load of shit. I mean, really, DMC4 looks miles better than that stuff. Using the Unreal III engine instead of Mainframe was a completely retarded call on Capcom's part. The animation's too, look terribly chopped up.

                            Bleh. So not interested in this. Please Kamiya, be working on Bayonetta 2 or MGS Rising.
                            Neverdead is using old school shooting mechanics and they had the balls to showcase a 7 minute gameplay trailer with no quick edits or trailer music.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
                              As I'm getting a bit tired, I'll keep this reply short and try to put it into context.

                              I've been a fan of DMC for years. I'm not really one to put much emphasis on characters' appearances but imagine if RE6 was due to come out and the first trailer showed Jill in a hipster jacket with a shaved head and she'd turned into a chain smoker. They have completely changed the series most iconic character, and not just the character, but the whole atmosphere of the game by the looks of it. The series has always been "gothic" and had a dark, Hellish atmosphere. DmC seems to have turned it into a punk rock game with the main character like Sid Vicious. They also seem to have gotten rid of his iconic weapons as well, and we've not yet seen any recognizable characters.

                              Like, let's make a new RE game, but completely change everything about the game. Change the characters, put no old characters in it, make it completely unrecognizable except for the title and let an outside developer handle it. Titles sell stuff!
                              The use of resident evil as an example is beautifully used here since what they are doing with DMC is similar to what they did to the RE franchise by introducing RE4 into the series. Leon is a bit like Dante in a way, they completely changed his character.
                              Having said this im still interested in seeing more of this game, I like the dirtier grittier feel of it so far.

                              scratch that last bit, just saw the gameplay trailer, slightly dissapointing really, the orginal trailer seems a lot darker than that and I was hoping to see more of it. ah well.
                              Last edited by I_Am_Nemesis; 06-09-2011, 06:57 PM.


                              • #30

                                I couldn't help but post this. Yes, Capcom needs to go ahead and abort this abomination of a reboot and give Mr. Kamiya his baby back so he can make a true sequel to the original. It's been 10 years too long.

                                Will it happen. Very much doubt it. It's all about the "westernizing" these days, after all.

