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Devil May Cry series discussion/DmC anticipation (your mileage may vary)

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  • #47
    Don't forget this thread for those who want to see an analyses of how the game-play mechanics is shaping up in DMC.


    • #48
      Originally posted by Mr_Zombie View Post
      The game did reuse levels and bosses, but at the same time:
      - introduces new enemies (at least on Human/Devil Hunter difficulty level; IIRC those enemies already are present in Nero's part of the game on higher difficulty levels)
      - the locations are a little bit changed (portals in the forest, poison gas in the underground laboratory, frozen castle, different parts of the town etc.)
      - you're playing as a totally different character, with different abilities and weapon set; so even if you're fighting against the same enemies and bosses, you're fighting them differently. By your logic, going through DMC3 SE as Vergil would be BORING because you're going through exactly the same levels, enemies, bosses and puzzles as you did while playing as Dante; it isn't.

      Not to mention, even if the second part really were a copypaste of the first part, with nothing changed at all, it still wouldn't be boring. It's DMC - even a Bloody Palace where it's just you, tons of enemies and a timer, is still exciting as hell due to a great fighting system.

      Also, can someone explain to me why people shit on DMC4 for repeating level (even though those levels do introduce new hazards and enemies) as Dante in the second part of the game, while I haven't heard such complains about DMC3; in that game, after the Teminigru is activated, you also go through previously visited places that are more or less changed due to tower's activation. The same goes for boss rush - both DMC4 and DMC3 had a chapter with it, but only one of those games are criticized for that level.
      Just noticed this now. DMC3 always managed to feel fresh and pretty much every level felt different. Vergil's run through was a bonus implemented in the Special Edition. Dante's alone was enough and a fantastic game. Same for DMC1, was an awesome game and always felt fresh despite most of it being in the Castle on the Island. DMC4 didn't. Nero's gameplay was great, but the story was just boring. You spend half the game traveling to one area to rescue Kyrie, shit happens, then you have to go ALL the way back again to rescue Nero, and the levels had some slight changes but didn't feel that different. The final boss was pants as well, Bayonetta does better within the first couple of chapters and over the course of the whole game, absolutely humiliates DMC4. Shame as well, as I've loved the DMC franchise since I had the demo disc in RE:CVX and played all of them, and love the atmosphere in 1 and 3. 4 wasn't a bad game, just didn't feel quite good enough to be a DMC game. As for this new crap, ugh. Not even worth a purchase, and Capcom are absolute tools for letting Ninja Theory completely retcon the canon. Bayonetta was more DMC than 4 and DmC put together. Such a shame.

      *Sits watching epic DMC moments*

      Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

      Here it is, the battle that will twist the sky, fall the thunder, make adults cry, wake the dead, and oh the heck with it just look. Enjoy! ^_^ All rights be...
      Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 08-21-2011, 02:14 PM.


      • #49
        With the seemingly greater emphasis on platforming in DmC, I really hope they've finally fixed jumping, though I don't think it'll be an issue since Ninja Theory is developing it. The platforming in DMC games has always been terrible, and if there's one thing I have always hoped they would fix, it's how Dante/Vergil/Nero jumps. It's not nearly as fluid as it needs to be, and the fact that they hadn't changed it one iota in DMC4, especially considering how much more platforming there was in conjunction with Nero's Devil Bringer, really irked me to no end.


        • #50
          Originally posted by KylieDog View Post
          I hated Bayonetta, I have no idea the appeal of the game. Over(and badly)sexualised 13 year old masterbation material imo. The graphics were crap and the gameplay average once you ignore the visual nonsense, whoo she shoot from her heels while doing a handstand, this is fun! Story/acting was awful too. What was the appeal?

          I do not understand the praise Platinum games have either? Madworld was utter crap, just spoke of Bayonetta, Vanquish was average like a million other action games with a boost gimmick and had awful story/acting. Each game hit the bargain bins very quickly.

          I'm not a big DMC fan but I hope they go nowhere near DMC, ever. Perfect way to kill any and all interest in the series.

          Platinum Games titles never sell very well so I'm forced to believe at least part of the praise they get is some sort of rooting for the little man because when it comes to actually forking out cash for these apparent quality products it repeatedly doesn't happen.
          I have to agree. Vanquish was fun, but I beat it in a day and took it back for a full refund. It has literally no replay value, and the story was just as generic as a million other 3rd-person shooters.

          Bayonetta to me felt like Dante's Inferno with tits. Well, less-demonic tits, at least. And yeah, it seemed to have been made specifically for 12-year-olds to wank over.

          Madworld I kind of enjoyed. Good for quick bursts of play, but not something I can do for hours on end, if just for the colour scheme (Or in this case, lack of)

          I don't see all that big a problem with the new DmC. I'll reserve judgment for when I actually get to play it. Protagonist doesn't really look like Dante, but whatever. DMC4 is my favourite of the series, simply because I found Nero's personality (and weapon) more interesting. That, and he's voiced by Johnny Yong Bosch, the man behind Sanada Yukimura in Sengoku Basara, and I recently found out Zero in MvC3.

          Visually the new Dante looks a bit odd, but hey. If the game plays well, I couldn't care less who I'm playing as.


          • #51
            Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
            Just noticed this now. DMC3 always managed to feel fresh and pretty much every level felt different. Vergil's run through was a bonus implemented in the Special Edition. Dante's alone was enough and a fantastic game. Same for DMC1, was an awesome game and always felt fresh despite most of it being in the Castle on the Island. DMC4 didn't. Nero's gameplay was great, but the story was just boring. You spend half the game traveling to one area to rescue Kyrie, shit happens, then you have to go ALL the way back again to rescue Nero, and the levels had some slight changes but didn't feel that different. The final boss was pants as well, Bayonetta does better within the first couple of chapters and over the course of the whole game, absolutely humiliates DMC4. Shame as well, as I've loved the DMC franchise since I had the demo disc in RE:CVX and played all of them, and love the atmosphere in 1 and 3. 4 wasn't a bad game, just didn't feel quite good enough to be a DMC game. As for this new crap, ugh. Not even worth a purchase, and Capcom are absolute tools for letting Ninja Theory completely retcon the canon. Bayonetta was more DMC than 4 and DmC put together. Such a shame.

            *Sits watching epic DMC moments*

            I'm guessing, by your post, that DMC2 is not even worth a mention because of how terrible it is...

            It should have never existed, even the creator of the series thinks so as well...


            • #52
              Love this artwork from Makoto Tsuchibayashi.

              I do wonder how DMC would have been if it did turn out to be Biohazard 4 in the final product.


              • #53
                I think its funny how some think that its an easy or simple thing for Capcom to just bring back Kamiya or Inafune.

                Especially after said company basically kicked them to the curb (or kicked them in the nuts, take yer pick) and told them they weren't special (& needed) and that they could go fuck themselves.

                The fact is, the moment Capcom begun to target western audiences and it adopted a strategy that catered to its shareholders - almost exclusively - the old way of doing things went out the freakin' window.

                So it just wasn't possible - under the present Capcom strategy - to continue supporting their peculiar batch of famous 'game creators' - such as Mikami, Kamiya and Inafune. And allowing them to pretty much do whatever they wanted.

                What Capcom did to their talent... was as stupid as Nintendo getting rid of Shigeru Miyamoto or Konami not giving Kojima any sort of freedom to work (or respect) and letting him out of the company. Just like that.

                And looking at their current business model (where they make money-making scams such as Smurf Village or the whole Mercenaries 3D save feature BS, among other questionable money grabbin' 'ideas'), it seems like things won't ever change to the way it was before.

                And Dante reminds me of Travis Touchdown from the 'No More Heroes' franchise.

                I guess he now reminds ppl of everyone else... except of Dante himself.
                Last edited by Pikminister; 08-26-2011, 02:59 PM.
                Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


                • #54
                  1 was great
                  2 was okay
                  3 was amazing
                  4 was nice
                  new one ... Pure twilight shit


                  • #55
                    ►► Remember to select 720p◄◄Capcom released this New gameplay trailer for Devil May Cry @ TGS 2011.Platforms: Playstation 3 & Xbox 360Publisher: CapcomDevelo...

                    TGS trailer. I must admit I'm warming up to it.


                    • #56
                      Originally posted by Archelon View Post

                      TGS trailer. I must admit I'm warming up to it.
                      It looks so bad its nothing like the old devil may cry games its just a fag twilight kid now .... they ruined it ...


                      • #57
                        Trailer was pretty meh. We're at TGS and we still don't know much about the game other than the new Dante looks like a bitch. The game play looks "okay" compared to the previous games. And am I right in hearing this will run at 30fps?

                        But is there anything story wise to take from this? What about other characters?


                        • #58
                          Considering it's Ninja Theory using UE3, it'll run sub-30fps.


                          • #59
                            Still mixed. I can't help but feel the whole white haired Dante Devil Trigger mode has been utterly shoe horned in..... It also means it is nothing but a pure reboot with a new continuity (meh) as wasn't the first time Dante ever triggered in DMC3 when Virgil impailed him on the tower roof?

                            I fucking hate reboots.
                   The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
                            Review and contributor for


                            • #60
                              reboot that changes the whole backstory of dante ...
                              so lame.

