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Devil May Cry series discussion/DmC anticipation (your mileage may vary)

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  • Originally posted by Rombie View Post
    I'll bite

    Subjectively you're correct about the userbases and normally I think thats a fair comparison for any game, but to me also a game which walks away with that many GOTY awards from almost everyone in the industry should also be pushing the numbers up on both units sold as well as new console users significantly at the same time. I still say, and I figure from the point of comparison to the low sales of DmC you mentioned you kinda agree too, that the game still undersold on seemingly it's critical potential when you're talking just about the GC edition.

    RE4 was a strange beast though I guess, expectations were always of a PlayStation 2 edition when a) first announced for it and b) still after supposed GameCube "exclusivity" - the number of people who said I'm not getting a Gamecube and waiting were plentiful in 2004. But still, those who waited just for the PS2 version didn't exactly walk away with a top class edition at the time. Their loss though :p

    But yeah, then I make those comments full well knowing as to why the GC version may not have had the chance to ever sell as much as the PS2.... user base, expectations of ports, franchise history with Sony etc. etc.

    Oh yeah, as I said - I found the idea of comparison apt enough, both on response from a sales and critical level I guess. I mean it's a bit different coming out on two platforms at once and on formats again with bigger user bases and expectations, but I get why your comparison is there.

    I really think the negative concept of this "version of Dante" and a "Western studio" has been a bigger barrier to success than Capcom (and Ninja Theory) expected. The game got great reviews, and even if they'd even made a perfect 10/10 game across the board, I think it just would have an uphill battle still. DmC has somehow proven that occassionally, unlike what Capcom has found in the past, fan support on agreeing about the content of a project sometimes does make a difference to if people will fork out the cash.

    While Capcom also has traditionally been a developer who bucks the trends and releases games in Jan quite frequently, I think you can also add into the fact they released into the start of an unexpected glut of big releases for the first three months of the year, where also many were pushed back that people are waiting to spend their money on.

    I personally didn't pick up DmC as a purchase because I spent money on Aliens CM for example... ACM might turn out to be a huge sack of monkey crap, but I'm more interested in Aliens than DmC. I could believe that is the same for people with interests in Dead Space, Bioshock Infinite, Tomb Raider, Metal Gear Rising, or anything else arriving soon. I'm not saying there isn't people out there who did perhaps want to pick up DmC (I've seen plenty around and the chart placement says there was enough in the first week for top billing in the UK etc.) but perhaps due to the above issues about the content etc. not nearly as much as some of these other games.

    Of course that's all prediction until I see how some of those titles later sell. For all I know the impact could be across the board and they all walk away with below average sales because people were so unsure and spread out about their purchases between Jan, Feb, and March. :p
    Good points.

    IMO a thing to consider here is that DMC wasn't really as big as Resident Evil nor did it have as big as a fan base.

    When Capcom alienated the core fan base with RE4 (by branching out of the Survival-Horror genre and adding so many changes), the series was still able to continue thanks to the fact that it was always a more 'mainstream' title. So even if part of the fan base avoided the game, it didn't really affect its sales numbers.

    And because DMC was not as popular as RE, DmC wasn't ever going to get that type of support from mainstream gamers.

    So when Capcom alienated that series fanbase, DmC took a serious hit in terms of its sales. And its obvious to me that is going to have a harder time finding an audience for itself.

    If it sells at all, it will be because of the good reviews and word of mouth.
    Last edited by Pikminister; 01-29-2013, 11:51 AM.
    Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


    • Originally posted by MiLØ View Post
      Haha wow, please tell me what game do you like and I'll be happy to trash it.
      I like MGS, MGS2, MGS3, MGA, MGA2, Ghost Babel.

      Go for it.
      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


      • ^ Hey, I like Metal Gear Awesome too. ;D


        • FACT: The MGS series is one big bloated movie that Kojima wished he had made instead of the videogames.

          That's basically it.

          Numbers from everyone's trusted source: VG chartz:

          DmC (PS3) - 362,982

          DmC (360) - 183,109
          Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


          • Even as a movie MGS4 would be appalling.
            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


            • I remember a time when I hadn't played MGS4. Randomwab would tell me or hint towards all sorts of random stupid shit and I would shrug it off as him just trying to trick me into playing MGS4... and when I finally played it... all that stupid stuff he spoke of was all there... and none of his stories did the stupidity justice.

              (Not to derail the DmC thread; but why can't I have more Metal Gear Ac!d? And why can't I have it on XBLA or something?)
              Last edited by Carnivol; 01-29-2013, 06:59 PM.


              • Metal Gear Ac!d was brilliant, such a sweet gameplay twist that worked considerably well.

                DmC's gameplay isn't even that different. The only thing that bugs me is 30fps vs 60fps.


                • Played the first three missions, found it okay so far and the story is pretty meh but keeps me interested enough to keep me playing it. Overall the combat is fun even though I have this problem with hack'n'slashes where I try to use every possible attack and weapon every single fight. It's not the horrible game people predicted it'd be but I guess the critics are mostly about the lore and characters, which I know nothing about.

                  Not going to say the fans should shut up and call them whinny bitches though since I know where they're coming from since I'm a Reisdent Evil, Metroid and, most recently, Mass Effect fan.

                  EDIT: Forgot to mention, the use of Metalcore/Death Metal or whatever it is since I can't make out the difference kind of annoys me because I'm not a fan and makes it look like they're trying to appeal to edgy kids who listen to Korn and Slipknot.
                  Last edited by alexdz; 01-29-2013, 09:13 PM.


                  • Originally posted by alexdz View Post

                    Not going to say the fans should shut up and call them whinny bitches though since I know where they're coming from since I'm a Resident Evil, Metroid and, most recently, Mass Effect fan.
                    Holy cow... You're qualified to discuss whiny bitches alright.
                    Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


                    • Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
                      Psst! I was merely using your comment as an EXCUSE to make a comparison between RE4 sales on the Cube and DmC on both the PS3 and 360.

                      The fact that DmC has yet to top the sales of RE4 on the Cube (individually on either PS3 or 360) is something to think about. Don't you think? I thought so, that's why I went along and made the comparison.

                      And in regards to your little rant about how low RE4 sold on the Cube compared to the PS2 version... did even you consider their respective user bases? specifically, their size at the time? - 6/7 million on the gamecube compared to 22 million on the PS2 aprox.

                      And when we take their user base into account, it turns out RE4 sold quite well on the cube. Since more people on that console bought RE4 (1.6 million out of 7 million) than on the PS2 (2.3 million out of 22 million users).

                      But that's another issue for some other time.

                      Right now, DmC needs to prove that reboots of this kind DO work in terms of sales. It worked with critics. How will fans and gamers respond to it? That's what I want to find out.
                      Your hardware numbers are well off. GC was closer to 20 million and PS2 about 100 million.
                      Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                      • Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
                        Your hardware numbers are well off. GC was closer to 20 million and PS2 about 100 million.
                        LOL Nice catch. I got RE4 confused with the RE1 REMAKE (blasphemy).

                        When the remake came out, the Gamecube user base was around 6 million units sold. I was thinking too far back with that one. At the time RE4 came out (early 2005), there were 18,500,000 GameCube's in the wild.

                        Still, my point stands. The gap between the two was huge.
                        Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


                        • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                          I like MGS, MGS2, MGS3, MGA, MGA2, Ghost Babel.

                          Go for it.
                          No MGSTT??


                          • Originally posted by Member_of_STARS View Post
                            No MGSTT??
                            Just a dumbed down MGS1 so it's included by osmosis.
                            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                            • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                              Just a dumbed down MGS1 so it's included by osmosis.
                              No real difference in AI capabilities but with the addition of FPS mode in gun use hardly makes it dumbed down, though. People generally dislike John Woo-esque cutscenes and the soundtrack in MGSTT. Still, nowhere near as great of a departure in a remake, compared to a total reboot as DmC is.


                              • The addition of FPS mode seems pretty dumbed down to me since it made the game piss easy. Most of the MGS2 mechanics they added were absolutely worthless since the base game wasn't designed for them, and they made absolutely no changes to accommodate them. DmC is also "dumbed down" in that respect because the difficulty has also been tweaked to be absurdly simple.

                                The localization was also worse in TT, as well as voice acting. A half-decent game though, outside of the awful cutscene direction and shitty music.
                                Last edited by News Bot; 01-30-2013, 05:35 AM.
                                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

