Originally posted by Rombie
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IMO a thing to consider here is that DMC wasn't really as big as Resident Evil nor did it have as big as a fan base.
When Capcom alienated the core fan base with RE4 (by branching out of the Survival-Horror genre and adding so many changes), the series was still able to continue thanks to the fact that it was always a more 'mainstream' title. So even if part of the fan base avoided the game, it didn't really affect its sales numbers.
And because DMC was not as popular as RE, DmC wasn't ever going to get that type of support from mainstream gamers.
So when Capcom alienated that series fanbase, DmC took a serious hit in terms of its sales. And its obvious to me that is going to have a harder time finding an audience for itself.
If it sells at all, it will be because of the good reviews and word of mouth.