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Official E3 2011 Thread
Originally posted by valentinesdead? View PostThe only good thing that I gleamed out the the Microsoft Conference was Skyping with Mr. Spencer and another friend and riffing the hell out of that shit. Otherwise, I'd feel like I'd been raped and left in a dark alley to bleed.
Good times though.
That was just a bad conference, the only thing that looked halfway decent was that Star Wars game but that's been completely ruined by being on Kinect, if it was just a regular old game it would probably be fun.
And Skyrim looks mediocre (not the graphics, but the gameplay). Why does Bethesda insist on awful combat systems? And I can't wait to see the thousand and one game-breaking bugs that are sure to be there like in Fallout and Oblivion.Last edited by DarkMemories; 06-06-2011, 01:31 PM.A man chooses...a slave obeys.
BATMAN ARKHAM CITY at Spike in a few minutes!!!!
edit: damn Vector beat me...Last edited by Dark_Chris; 06-06-2011, 01:24 PM.Spoiler:
Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View PostAnd I'm wanting to see some Dragon Age 3 stuff but we have a while to wait to see some stuff for those games.
Originally posted by Dark_Chris View PostI'm pretty sure EA will announce Dead Space 3 with release holiday 2012 ;)
"I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key
Originally posted by PracticalAl View PostI think it was an okay conference. Not sure what everyone was expecting? Millions of people bought Kinect, so they have to support it. Casual crowd makes a lot of money for companies. Nintendo taught us all that. I suppose a few more surprises would of been nice..Last edited by BBboy20; 06-06-2011, 01:39 PM.