^ Not a good sign on the progress of the game. Also first E3 since 1997 that Kojima hasn't attended. He even attended the two shit years when they got rid of the massive expo.
Edit - Kojima seems confident in his video it's still coming out next year. We will see I guess.
Edit 2 - First year without something not - forgot about 3DS Snake Eater. Nevermind.
Edit 3 - Interesting to see when talking about the MGS Rising artworks, there is a Snatcher logo left in the left side. Very intentional it seems.
Edit - Kojima seems confident in his video it's still coming out next year. We will see I guess.
Edit 2 - First year without something not - forgot about 3DS Snake Eater. Nevermind.
Edit 3 - Interesting to see when talking about the MGS Rising artworks, there is a Snatcher logo left in the left side. Very intentional it seems.