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Official E3 2011 Thread

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  • #61
    ^ Not a good sign on the progress of the game. Also first E3 since 1997 that Kojima hasn't attended. He even attended the two shit years when they got rid of the massive expo.

    Edit - Kojima seems confident in his video it's still coming out next year. We will see I guess.
    Edit 2 - First year without something not - forgot about 3DS Snake Eater. Nevermind.
    Edit 3 - Interesting to see when talking about the MGS Rising artworks, there is a Snatcher logo left in the left side. Very intentional it seems.
    Last edited by Rombie; 06-03-2011, 02:01 AM.


    • #62
      wow im a little bit let down with no mgs1 on that "collection" =/

      still getting it.


      • #63
        Originally posted by Vito View Post
        wow im a little bit let down with no mgs1 on that "collection" =/

        still getting it.
        I'm also a little disappointed in the SH Collection...

        Well...I guess Shattered memories could be considered a remake of the first
        one...but then again, it's very different that could be taken as an entirely
        different game with a very similar yet more detailed plot with the same

        At least they should make 2-4...I think 4 was great even though a lot of
        people don't like it as much as the rest before it.

        At least put in all the HD remakes of the numbered titles...even if it's just 2-4
        which were released on the same generation.

        I'm keeping my eye on NeverDead.

        New IPs always make me excited. =D
        Last edited by Kaneco; 06-02-2011, 11:26 PM.


        • #64
          Originally posted by Vito View Post
          wow im a little bit let down with no mgs1 on that "collection" =/

          still getting it.
          not to be picky, but Konami could have easily taken the Twin Snakes version.
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          • #65
            Isnt it nintendo exclusive?


            It just seems out of place, it should be the HD collection of the original trilogy.

            They could have made another collection for the portable games (PW and Portable ops).

            Hell i would have bought both gladly.

            Guess ill buy this and keep my original MGS1 for PS1 and sell the PS2 collection i have.


            • #66
              Great news as far as the MGS HD Collection goes--especially with Peace Walker being apart of the deal. My only complaint though is why aren't they using the 3DS version of Snake Eater for it? I think that's pretty lame personally, given that Snake Eater 3DS is getting much more of a graphical revamp than just getting the ps2 Subsistence version of Snake Eater in HD and 60 fps. Not that's that's bad, but yeah. . .kinda defeats the point of the HD Remaster if you ask me.

              Other than that, day one purchase. (Like any MGS fan would think twice about picking this up--especially if they haven't played Peace Walker yet).

              EDIT***Okay, after watching the MGS3DS trailer, it doesn't really look any different, so scratch my whole little complaint there.
              Last edited by valentinesdead?; 06-03-2011, 12:04 AM.


              • #67
                SoulCalibur V Trailer
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                • #68
                  Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                  With the exception of like one year, Nintendo's conference has always been the game changer that's kinda put everyone else to shame and caught people off guard (though, MS' been giving them a good run for the money lately). Of course, it might not be the most interesting to those who're just waiting for the trailer to the next CoD map pack or something similar...
                  For the last 3 or 4 years Nintendo have been awful at E3 imo. 2008 was the worst, I think they did better than MS last year but only because MS was very weak and promoting Kinect for 80% of it. Last year Nintendo walked away sparkling somehow but I wonder why because a lot of what they showed was crap, the Zelda demostration failed and we as viewers didn't really get to see anything proper from the 3DS aside from a list of games. Exciting info perhaps but not entertaining.

                  I missed Sony 2006 and 2007 but for the last 3 years I've enjoyed their shows because they actually show off their stuff, bar a few brief exceptions like Rockstars Agent talk.

                  Originally posted by PracticalAl View Post

                  Surprise character in Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D.. Haha...

                  Maybe replaces the frogs?
                  Last edited by Dracarys; 06-03-2011, 06:58 AM.
                  Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                  • #69
                    That silent hill news has made my week! Fantastic!!


                    • #70
                      PayDay: The Heist is a 4-player co-op game that is Left 4 Dead, except the zombies are cops and the objective is robbing banks.

                      Definitely looks very interesting. Only announced for PlayStation Network and PC.


                      • #71
                        Can't wait, E3 is next Tuesday! We'll finally get to see more of Operation Raccoon City and Revelations. It would be cool if RE6 was showed off too, and I'm kinda hoping that Capcom will reveal another Megaman game, more specifically Megaman 11, or Megaman X9 in the 16-bit style. Should be interesting to see.
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                        • #72
                          Sony's 2006 E3 was an utter disaster. I had to fire Phil Harrison because he made a mistake, now it's time to erase that mistake.
                          See you in hell.


                          • #73
                            Time to bring a few joys as it's only one day left until E3 begins! (thanks to GAF)

                            Last edited by Zombie Fred; 06-05-2011, 01:27 PM.


                            • #74
                              Posting this again for those who might've missed it a few pages back:

                              Live on OR OR OR or pretty much any other gaming site out there...

                              MONDAY -- June 6th
                              Microsoft Press Conference (SpikeTV)
                              12:30 pm - 2:00 pm ET / 9:30am local / 5:30pm GMT

                              EA Press Conference (SpikeTV)
                              3:30 pm - 4:30 pm ET / 12:30pm local / 8:30pm GMT

                              Ubisoft Press Conference(G4TV)
                              5:30 pm - 6:45 pm ET / 2:30pm local / 10:30pm GMT

                              Sony Press Conference (G4TV)
                              8:00 pm - 10:00 pm ET / 5pm local / 1am GMT

                              TUESDAY -- June 7th
                              Nintendo Press Conference (G4TV)
                              12:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET / 9am local / 5pm GMT

                              For those of us in the US of A, Spike will have coverage from 12pm to 5pm ET, and then G4 takes over from 5-10, then it's G4 all week.
                              Last edited by Vector; 06-06-2011, 01:10 AM.


                              • #75
                                Halo 4 has been leaked..

                                Microsoft's E3 2011 briefing isn't until 9:30 AM Pacific. Someone forgot to tell the guys that, because for a brief moment around 9:30AM Eastern, fans caught a glimpse of Halo 4.


