Originally posted by Dracarys
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IMO, unless you grew up ONLY with a Dual-Shock controller and nothing else (Xbox controller maybe), then yeah, I can see people having issues with dealing with this game. For some of us gamers that played 3D games back when there were NO ANALOGS or just 1 of 'em (PSX, N64, Dreamcast), this shouldn't be a problem. I have none. Zero. Beat the demo on my first try and found it a bit easier that Splinter Cell.
The framerate issue only shows up in the 1st cutscene on my system. I read that it happens on all the cutscenes but I just couldn't detect any noticeable drop. Not in the sense that it hurts the game in any meaningful way.
And the game does have some improvements over the "HD" version. Since that version is just the PS2 version running in higher-res (Vita is not really an HD machine... it just runs games at a higher resolution than the 3DS. But that doesn't make it HD. No more than the PS2 was HD just because it had better resolution than the PS1).
Anyhoo... I'm more interested in other games. Spirit Camera for one.