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Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

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  • #91
    actually tempted to cancel my preorder to put that towards batman


    • #92
      There's a lot of information in that trailer if you pay close attention.

      Extreme Conditioning is back, probably replaces Marathon.
      SitRep is back along with Steady Aim.
      Model 1887 Shotgun is back.
      Smoke grenades mark airstrike locations.
      Suicide attack dogs strapped with C4...wonder how PETA will feel about this.
      Riot Shield is back, so is the AC-130.

      Again this is all for Spec Ops which looks like a good amount of fun, but is just an addition to the meat and potatoes of Call of Duty, which is and always has been the multiplayer. And that's why the end of the trailer was so interesting to me. A teaser for the CoD XP event next month where the MP will be revealed.

      The few seconds of gameplay shown at the end tease a 'Point Streak.' I dunno what it is, but I have a guess. Perhaps instead of just getting kills to rack up a streak and earn rewards, maybe you'll be forced to actually play the objectives and create a streak in that way. Say you're playing Domination...capping and defending flags earns you a point each. Or in Demolition, planting and defusing bombs earns you points. Perhaps they run parallel to killstreaks. I dunno, but something like this could be a huge change to the series and change up the way people play completely.

      Quick illustration I made of a screencap showing what I was talking about:


      Originally posted by BBboy20 View Post
      Are they copying BF3's style of trailer development? Because if they are, they're so failing at it with those gun sounds.
      This whole BF3 vs. MW3 internet battle has already run its course and it's not even autumn yet. No, I don't think they 'copied' anything from their trailer style, and I don't think CoD needs to 'copy' anything from Battlefield 3 to break sales records once again. I think both games will be fun in their own way and I wish this shit would be put to rest but that'll never happen.
      Last edited by Vector; 08-10-2011, 12:03 AM.


      • #93
        ^ It can't really they are two games trying define modern shooters, or at least the landscape of the "Modern warfare" image. In all honesty I see nothing special about this game, i preordered it but after seeing the E3 trailer i decided to just stick with Black Ops. CoD will sell only because it has brainless fans by the balls. Nothing new or ground-breaking comes from the CoD series, it's just the noob's solution to shooters.
        "Admit it, you're going to miss this ass" - Chloe Frazer


        • #94
          sadly i think i will keep my preorder but hardened better be awesoem to make me want it


          • #95
            Redemption Trailer


            • #96
              So how accurate were all the leaks that occured earlier this year?


              • #97
                Did the leaks say the gameplay is as broken as MW2? If so, they were right.

                Black Ops fixed so much, and now it is all back.
                Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                • #98
                  I went to an MW3 launch and bought Battlefield 3.
                  See you in hell.


                  • #99
                    They sell BF3 during the day you kno, did you buy it at MW3 launch to make a point?

                    TO be honest I have BF3 and it isn't much better, mostly because so much is trying to copy CoD, isn't like other BF games much.
                    Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                    • Your sarcasm is shit.
                      See you in hell.


                      • Better than that comment.
                        Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                        • Better than your signature. Such a poor thinly veiled attempt at provocation, no matter how you try to justify it and say otherwise.
                          See you in hell.


                          • Oh it the full moon, but instead of turning into flesh eating beasts people decide to act pissy and petty?

                            Seriously, act like you're old enough to buy mature games people. Or I will start throwing out infraction points.


                            • Went to metacritic to see MW3's scores and.... Holy Moley.....

                              Check out those user review scores:

                              Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


                              • I have both MW3 and BF3 on the PS3 and I have to say that MW3 is shit.

                                The maps are tiny, bullet damage is upped, gun recoil is almost non existent, campers everywhere, lots of glitches/bugs, stupid weapon proficiencies, and did I mention the campers? Really Black Ops is far far better. Man the guns sound like toys and there is too much going on at once. I loved MW2 butt his game s a cluster fuck of bad. The whole package feels super rushed and it's almost like they didn't play test the multiplayer. You can combine the Assassin perk and Bind Eye perk to make you not appear on the radar or anything at all. They brought back the pussy camper heartbeat sensors.

                                Sorry for the rant on the game but it pisses me off. There's nothing better than turning a corner only to meat a camper with a shotgun or blasting a guy with a full slip and he doesn't die and manages to take you out with one shot. The campers are so bad now in this game. You turn a corner and boom you find a corner camper. The stupid knife cancel is back now (where yo go to knife at point blank but you get shot and the animation ends). Fuck, you know Sledgehammer and infinity ward really messed this game up. Black Ops fixed everything that was wrong with MW2 and now all the problems from MW2 are back and worse than before. Thanks god that commando is not back nor is the Nuke!
                                My Head-Fi Page

