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Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

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  • #76
    I dunno if there's a Battlefield 3 topic on the forum, but you guys are welcome to create one if there isn't.


    • #77
      They've taken away his right to express joy at Osama's death and he's gonna be damned if these fuckers take away his right to enjoy the Call of Duty franchise!
      See you in hell.


      • #78
        Another favorite from 'Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2' that's getting upgrades is Spec Ops, the single-player or cooperative combat modes.

        Spec Ops "Survival" mode. Think Gears of War Horde Mode or Nazi Zombies, with AI enemies.


        • #79
          Sounds interesting. Zombies never held my attention much, but fighting smarter enemies might be pretty damn fun.


          • #80
            A friend and I were talking about MW3 and possible ideas for more balanced, less powerful, harder-to-earn killstreaks. As it got even geekier, we began getting into weapons and perks and all that jazz, to try and fix the mistakes of CoD's past and try to make it the best it could be. As for the killstreaks, though, here's what we came up with:

            3 kills UAV
            4 kills SAM turret/counter-UAV
            5 kills Airstrike/care package
            6 kills Predator/Sentry gun
            7 kills Chopper/Harrier
            8 kills Airdrop/Mortar Strike
            9 kills Nerve Gas/Carpet Bomb
            10 kills Pavelow/Blackbird
            11 kills Chopper Gunner/EMP
            15 kills AC130/Dogs
            Last edited by Vector; 05-27-2011, 07:00 PM.


            • #81
              Originally posted by Humor Tumor View Post
              I feel the gameplay is much moe expanded. And the size of the maps really helps each game feel exciting. Black Ops pretty much felt the same everytime I played it. That and the small touches that BF has over CoD. the sound design is utterly fantastic in Bad Company 2. The guns had bark to them, while in Black Ops felt like I was going "pew pew".
              In all honesty its the size of the maps that put me off all the previous BF games but after seeing that 12 minute gameplay video of BF 3 I have to say im incredibly impressed. the graphics and over all realism of the game looks amazing.

              Im not exactly ecstatic about a new COD game but I do enjoy the online play and will get it just to keep up to date with the new online play


              • #82
                I can understand the size being an issue. Especially on consoles since Dice seems to hate giving us bigger player limits on the console versions, despite the fanbase pretty much begging for it.

                If there is one thing I could ask for in the new CoD though, I want the Famas in it, the classic one I know from MGS. The one in Black Ops is so underwhelming and boring to use, and doesn't really look like a Famas at all.

                But from what I hear the recoil of guns in MW2 was practically none, and I haven't played CoD4 so I've no clue how an Infinity Ward game feels.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Humor Tumor View Post
                  If there is one thing I could ask for in the new CoD though, I want the Famas in it, the classic one I know from MGS. The one in Black Ops is so underwhelming and boring to use, and doesn't really look like a Famas at all.
                  It was a early, prototype model. Also, MW2 had a FAMAS and that was a 3 burst. =/

                  Black Ops also has the PSG-1 though so that's a plus.


                  • #84
                    Yeah, I knew it was a prototype model, but it just wasn't the same.


                    • #85
                      so who's ready to pay them monthly fees....come on you know you want to.
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                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Branden_Lucero View Post
                        so who's ready to pay them monthly fees....come on you know you want to.
                        *redirects comment* Well, nothing so far seems to indicate any justification for a subscription and there isn't enough content in this FPS franchise to wait for exclusive price cuts (which Activision will probably not do) and would be beyond BS if it had stuff that effected gameplay and maps gamers outside Elite can't play on're basically paying for =/
                        Last edited by BBboy20; 05-31-2011, 04:07 AM.


                        • #87
                          hey is anyone else unable to play the PC servers in black ops?


                          • #88
                            More supposed leaks from Kotaku:

                            It's a fair guess that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 will follow in the footsteps of last year's Call of Duty: Black Ops, shattering sales records and bringing even more people to video games.

                            While we don't know the total number of team perks coming to Modern Warfare 3, we have been told four of them:

                            Stopping Power: Increased bullet damage.
                            Blast Shield: Unclear
                            Health Regen: Regenerate health over time.
                            Stun Protection: Prevent stunning from flash grenades.

                            New perks coming to Modern Warfare 3 include:

                            Blind Eye: This makes you immune to computer-controlled and player-controlled killstreaks. The pro version makes your launchers lock on faster and gives you extra bullet damage to vehicles.
                            Assassin: This makes you immune to UAV, thermal, and heartbeat sensors. The pro version also makes you immune to CUAV, EMP and no longer shows your name in red or the crosshair in red when you're targeted.
                            Point Guard: Every two assists count as a kill towards your killstreak.
                            Dead Silence: You make no noise.
                            Recon: Gives you a special kind of radar to spot enemies, most likely. We're not sure on this one.

                            We're not clear on how many or which previous perks will be coming to the game, but it sounds like the ones that do return will do some from Modern Warfare 2, not Black Ops.

                            There will also be a bevy of new killstreaks to play with in multiplayer. Here's the rundown on the latest thinking:

                            EMP Grenade: Temporarily takes out all area electronics.
                            Littlebird: A tiny remote-controlled helicopter.
                            Precision Airstrike: Calls in an airstrike on a targeted area.
                            Stealth bomber: Calls in a B2 Spirit to carpet bomb along a line designated by the player.
                            Remote Turret: A remote controlled turret.
                            Directional UAV: A UAV that can be directed into areas to scan for enemies.
                            Remote Mortar: Direct a mortar team using a zoomable camera view of the map to call in strikes.
                            Airdrop Trap: A booby-trapped airdrop.
                            Ammo Resupply: An ammo reloading airdrop.
                            Escort Airdrop: A protected airdrop.
                            Specialist Strike Package: This one remains a mystery to us.

                            EDIT: Update from Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling:

                            This game now has a legitimate chance of me liking it.
                            Last edited by Vector; 06-01-2011, 05:00 PM.


                            • #89
                              Spec Ops Survival mode Trailer
                              YouTube video:


                              • #90
                                Are they copying BF3's style of trailer development? Because if they are, they're so failing at it with those gun sounds.
                                Last edited by BBboy20; 08-09-2011, 11:22 PM.

