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Dead Rising fansites?

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  • Dead Rising fansites?

    Does anyone know of any? All I can find is the Wikia page which I wouldn't really count as a site per say.

  • #2
    i just found this here:


    • #3
      I was thinking more of a proper fan site, with strategies and such. Its strange there isn't one. Maybe we need to rectify that


      • #4
        hell yeah..why not..we should create a dead rising fanpage..if you need help,let me know..
        if i remember right i got a DR2 disc with fully working debug.We could use the disc for the page.....if you want..


        • #5
          Nice, do you have any pictures of the debug menus? I'd be curious if it mentions anything about the engine it used. They did a really good job mimicing DR1, I almost thought it was the Framework engine that Capcom used.

          It would also be a good chance to show off two early DR1 beta's I have


          • #6
            very good.yes,i got some pictures of the debug..
            take a look at this:

            the only problem is,that its a ps3 disc,so i cant play the disc without a ps3 test.Thats the reason i am searching the xbox 3600 disc


            • #7
              Ah, I see. No luck in acquiring a test ps3? If you ever need someone to play it just lemme know, I have one
              Last edited by Dot50Cal; 06-15-2011, 02:55 AM.


              • #8
                oh,i could send the disc to a friend,thats not the problem..i am searching a ps3 test,but i would like to get the xbox version of the game
                i dont think there is something special on the disc,i would say its a final build with debug but who knows


                • #9
                  One thing that interests me is the effect test rooms Capcom traditionally has on those review debug builds. There still are differences, I have an RE4 Gamecube review debug build that has some differences. They are mostly minor, but the debug makes thing a lot of fun. Sometimes you luck out and those effect test or beta maps are still on the disc.


                  • #10
                    oh yes,the re 4 gamecube review..i know the game..very nice..i like to clone some monsters..
                    so did you know if other capcom debug games got these test rooms too??


                    • #11
                      Several of the ones I have for older games have them too, but almost universally none of them are on the disc. On the RE4 one we're talking about, they were placed on an external "server". I think it was the purple/red gamecube that would play them through the ethernet port when it was hooked up to a certain machine. If you look at them, they usually have a XMapNameHere. The X usually designates an external drive location.

                      I believe the DR1 ones I have do have these maps, but Im not at my apartment to check.


                      • #12
                        i got several other capcom discs,like lost planet 1 and 2,street figher,dark void and even dead rising 2


                        • #13
                          hm,so no news about making a dead rising page??i got a new case 0 debug disc if that would help to to make a DR page


                          • #14


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by aris13 View Post
                              I tend to think of it as good business.
                              See you in hell.

