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  • Did you guys hear about this?

    This news is about a week and a half old, but I'm just finding out about it now, from another forum that I visit.

    Capcom has cancelled the Megaman Legends 3 Project.

    Now incase you didn't know what the MML3 Project was about, it was basically the fans working with Capcom to develop Megaman Legends 3, a game that apparently has been requested to be made for a long time, since the first two games were popular.

    Now personally, I never cared for MML, nor for the Megaman side games, just the main series and the X series, but to see that Capcom has cancelled this project, is surprising. Even though it shouldn't be surprising, considering Capcom's track record.

    I found this project interesting though, because it allowed the fans to input their ideas, work with Capcom, and not only would it have been a learning experience for both parties, but the end result would have been interesting.

    Read the page on the link below. Apparently Capcom has no intention of releasing the prototype or the finished product. Sounds an awful like the situation with Resident Evil 1.5. They can't just keep cancelling shit whenever they feel like. It is complete bullshit. What makes it worse, is that this MML3 project was Capcom's idea. You can't just lure your fans in, get them excited, and then say fuck you to them.

    The difference here, though, is that Capcom has pissed off a shit load of fans. Even people on this page are saying to boycott them, lol.

    Capcom is just doing so well these days, aren't they?

    They are ruining every series that they dealt with, and pissing off their fan base.

    If they keep this up, no one is going to buy their games anymore, and they will go out of business. Seriously, it's pretty bad the amount of people that Capcom actually manages to piss off.

    Here is the link. It's an interesting read, even if you're not a Megaman fan. Check it out.

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  • #2
    I think its a big screw over by capcom many fans wanted this ( well not me .. im not a mega man fan) but i can understand if so many is hateing capcom now more than ever course its a big time screw over
    getting the fans hope up just to spit them .. right in the face

    shame on you capcom...
    Last edited by rehunk88; 07-29-2011, 06:42 AM.


    • #3
      Yeah, the cancellation announcement was made even worse by someone making a statement on one of their Twitter accounts that had to be later clarified and still didn't exactly help it with that. (Actually they said that it would be released "very soon" and then more or less blamed the fans for not having enough involvement and/or interaction publicly around about three times so far off the top of my head).

      Lots of enraged fans when the news hit considering that they had actually been fairly active as far as I'm aware.

      But you're right about it being pretty wrong the amount of people they do manage to piss off lately.
      Last edited by Enetirnel; 07-29-2011, 09:22 AM.
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      • #4
        Originally posted by Enetirnel View Post
        Yeah, the cancellation announcement was made even worse by someone making a statement on one of their Twitter accounts that had to be later clarified and still didn't exactly help it with that. (Actually they said that it would be released "very soon" and then more or less blamed the fans for not having enough involvement and/or interaction publicly around about three times so far off the top of my head).

        Lots of enraged fans when the news hit considering that they had actually been fairly active as far as I'm aware.

        But you're right about it being pretty wrong the amount of people they do manage to piss off lately.
        I bet you its not the fans fault .. they was into the project 110% but capcom got cold feet and bailed out on them.
        Last edited by rehunk88; 07-29-2011, 09:48 AM.


        • #5
          and what do we end up with...more ports of the smae games with little to no capcom beign run by the same idiots in WCW?


          • #6
            No, that would be TNA.


            • #7
              Originally posted by riderkid View Post
              and what do we end up with...more ports of the smae games with little to no capcom beign run by the same idiots in WCW?
              I know. So sick, and tired, of the fucking non-stop ports. Some will say it's money. They are a company and want to make money. I say it's quick money, greed, and laziness. The more the fans stop buying their ridiculous ports, the better. Stop supporting a company that doesn't give a shit about its fans.

              You guys have played RE4 and Code Veronica many many times I'm sure. Do you really need to pay for a HD version of the same damn games you have played over and over and over again?

              What if they release a HD version of Resident Evil 2? Are you guys going to buy that also?

              Start now. Don't buy the Revival Selection.
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              • #8
                Fans fault. MML3 got started due to the huge and lasting support for it on CU, so Capcom starts it and it turns out all that support was just mass alt accounts and it was recieving little input compared to what was expected, so Capcom canned it.

                The facebook page is evidence of how small the fanbase is, the 'reach 100k likes' facebook page has been running since it was canned and only reached 35k likes. Keep in mind just because someone clicks 'like' doesn't mean they are going to part with cash and buy it, not to mention people getting friends to click it who actually have zero interest.

                Sure some people are annoyed but anyone reasonable should understand why it was right for Capcom to can the game.
                Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                • #9
                  Originally posted by RetroRain View Post
                  I know. So sick, and tired, of the fucking non-stop ports. Some will say it's money. They are a company and want to make money. I say it's quick money, greed, and laziness. The more the fans stop buying their ridiculous ports, the better. Stop supporting a company that doesn't give a shit about its fans.

                  You guys have played RE4 and Code Veronica many many times I'm sure. Do you really need to pay for a HD version of the same damn games you have played over and over and over again?

                  What if they release a HD version of Resident Evil 2? Are you guys going to buy that also?

                  Start now. Don't buy the Revival Selection.

                  already planned not to buy it, gonna take my money and buy megaman zero collection...USED. stick it to the system!


                  • #10


                    • #11
                      The first mistake was watching a fake sport.
                      Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by KylieDog View Post
                        The first mistake was watching a fake sport.
                        the second was thinking that shit from 1985 would work for 7 years


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by KylieDog View Post
                          Fans fault. MML3 got started due to the huge and lasting support for it on CU, so Capcom starts it and it turns out all that support was just mass alt accounts and it was recieving little input compared to what was expected, so Capcom canned it.
                          They said they were gonna release the Prototype on the eShop to gauge interest.

                          Then they said there weren't enough people in the Dev Room giving them ideas so they canned it.

                          Um, excuse me? First of all, Capcom make the game. Not us. We can give ideas all day long, but that should not stop Capcom if we can't give them ideas since they're too lazy to do it themselves.

                          Secondly, why would anyone use the Dev Room besides computer-literate or even programming-literate people? They didn't advertise it at all, and now they blame us for not scouring their site for it? And again, they said they were gonna use the Prototype to gauge public interest. Why not do that? There are a lot more people who would buy it than were on the Dev Room board. It's almost like Capcom never even meant to release it.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post
                            They said they were gonna release the Prototype on the eShop to gauge interest.
                            I imagine the interest was really just that low that releasing it wasn't worth it, plus you know there would be people saying "I bought the prototype and you still cancelled MML3, Capcom suck".

                            Then they said there weren't enough people in the Dev Room giving them ideas so they canned it.

                            Um, excuse me? First of all, Capcom make the game. Not us. We can give ideas all day long, but that should not stop Capcom if we can't give them ideas since they're too lazy to do it themselves.
                            You obviously missed the entire point of MML3 creation.

                            Secondly, why would anyone use the Dev Room besides computer-literate or even programming-literate people? They didn't advertise it at all, and now they blame us for not scouring their site for it?
                            They advertised, and seriously research before making such silly comments, computer/programming literate?
                            Last edited by Dracarys; 07-29-2011, 04:50 PM.
                            Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                            • #15
                              I don't see what all the deal is behind Megaman Legends 3 anyway, people like to bitch when they don't get their own way. They're almost sounding as bad as the Outbreak fans, whining when they want a game and then complaining when they don't get it. For example, I was hoping for War Machine to be in Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 but it didn't happen. Am I disappointed? Certainly! Does it give me the right to start lambasting Capcom and throwing my toys out of the pram? Not at all.

                              The focus should be towards what Capcom are doing in regards to UMvC3, which in my opinion is the real crux of the issue, namely because it has a much larger fanbase than MML3.
                              Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 07-29-2011, 06:07 PM.
                              See you in hell.

