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Valentinesdead? And Friends! Youtube Gaming Videos

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  • #31
    They not announced what game EU PS+ members get yet, just that may be differences with the US. If EU gets it I give you some matches, not a VF fan but if it free I will play it.

    Any interest in Street FIghter x Tekken?
    Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


    • #32
      Nah. I'm waiting to see what Namco does with Tekken vs Street Fighter. Plus, I'm really adverse to giving Capcom any dough these days, since there not worth much these days as a company in my opinion. What I ilke about Virtua Fighter is while it's really a fundamentally simplistic fighter, skill is derived from knowing the exact moments to strike depending upon your characters fighting style. I haven't really had much chance to play with any real people besides my cousins(and that one match tonight), but VF has always been pretty fun to me. I think I prefer it to Tekken really, but I haven't played much of Tekken either, so I'm not sure if I'm really qualified to give an educated opinion on the matter.


      • #33
        Dunno what happening with Tekken X Street FIghter, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is the next Tekken game later this year or early next. Wouldn't surprise me if it went to next gen of consoles. Any interest in any of the SFIV games? I got them all.

        Edit: EU gets the new VF5.

        edit2: I got about 30GB or games to download (and I not even donloading them all because own some already) so this gonna take a week or so, need space them out or my ISP gonna drop my speed down for taking the piss.
        Last edited by Dracarys; 06-06-2012, 11:34 AM.
        Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


        • #34
          I have Super Street Fighter 4--didn't really see any value in buying the Arcade Edition. Thankfully, this isn't a MvC3/UMvC3 situation where the two versions are incompatible, lol. Yeah, I finally, FINALLY finished downloading and installing the free games. That took about two days. . .I can't imagine having to worry about ISP limits. That better never catch on over here. . .though if it did, it'd pretty much screw the idea of digital distribution of games for consoles.


          • #35
            Anyone up for some UMvC3?


            • #36
              Anyone want to play some matches tonight or sometime this weekend? I'm deathly bored at the moment. Btw, as far as bumping this thread, I'll be posting a couple new videos of a MvC2 lobby me, Mr. Spencer, and Jill's Boob had a couple weeks ago--this time with the skype chat audio inserted into the videos! Certainly gives it a different flavor. Anyways. . .


              • #37
                Last edited by valentinesdead?; 04-06-2013, 02:03 AM.


                • #38
                  Great games Valentinesdead. I had fun.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by valentinesdead? View Post
                    Anyone want to play some matches tonight or sometime this weekend? I'm deathly bored at the moment. Btw, as far as bumping this thread, I'll be posting a couple new videos of a MvC2 lobby me, Mr. Spencer, and Jill's Boob had a couple weeks ago--this time with the skype chat audio inserted into the videos! Certainly gives it a different flavor. Anyways. . .
                    See this thread too late for tonight, clocking off shortly. I got tomorrow free though. Got that VF game downloaded now but yet to play it, have MvC2 also but not really played it since early 2000s.
                    Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                    • #40
                      I just noticed something cool.

                      For UmvC3 go to PS Store > All games > PS3 Add-ons > T-V > search for UMvC3.

                      Scroll down to Jill/Shuma, the PS3 version are £4 each but if you noticed directly under that is the PS Vita version of the DLC listed as free. 'Buy' the Vita version for each character, then back up the menu until you can see the PS3 version listed again, now it thinks you have bought the PS3 version (since buying either one gives the other free) and you can get Jill and Shuma for free.

                      The PS Store been making this bug on a number of DLCs released for both PS3 and Vita. Shame did not make the mistake with the alt costumes.

                      Edit: This is UK store, dunno about other regions.
                      Last edited by Dracarys; 08-05-2012, 02:08 PM.
                      Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                      • #41
                        Well, might be up for hosting a lobby tomorrow night (especially since Jill's Boob might possibly be on). I'll be away for most the weekend otherwise, but hopefully at some point soon, the stars will align for everyone's timetable so we can have a rather sizable competitive lobby going.

                        Originally posted by Vito View Post
                        Great games Valentinesdead. I had fun.
                        Yeah they were fun. Despite fucking up on capitalizing on some team aerial combos, I felt I was keeping up for the most part. . .not that keeping up didn't mean getting curb-stomped more than I would have liked(lol), but I suppose it doesn't help I'm still learning how to use several characters(X-23, Zero, Chun Li, Strider. . .even Vergil since I don't utilize him well enough at all) along with getting the hang of finding the best ways of utilizing assist(since I used practically none for forever until I changed my control scheme on my arcade stick).

                        Anyways, definitively looking forward toward locking horns again in the future.

                        Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
                        Got that VF game downloaded now but yet to play it, have MvC2 also but not really played it since early 2000s.
                        Yeah, I keep forgetting about VF 5. I think Kaneco has it as well, so the three of us should definitely try it out together sometime. I always had fond memories of playing VF4 with one of my cousins. And MvC2's an oldie, but most certainly a goodie. . .though i wish Mr. Spencer would obtain Ultimate anyways, lol. The Age of Stark would fall faster than a comet to Earth in Ultimate. . .though he better watch out, cause I'm coming for him in MvC2 the next time we play. . .

                        READY? REVENGE!!!

                        And just for a general reminder, these are the games I'm primarily interested in holding lobbies for (all on PS3).

                        Super Street Fighter 4
                        Street Fighter 3 3rd Strike

                        Not that I wouldn't mind trying some Mortal Kombat or Tekken 6 (or even just plain ole Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD), but I figure the above are certainly the most relevant and common for everyone interested.

                        PS: Should have a another Retro MvC3 video up shortly
                        Last edited by valentinesdead?; 08-10-2012, 04:24 AM.


                        • #42
                          "This video contains content from Funimation Entertainment, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.
                          Sorry about that."

                          Mortal Kombat has problems, it is region locked for one thing, but then the 'Komplete Edition' doesn't even work with people that have the original release, even if bought the DLC making it identical to the KE. I only have Tekken 6 on 360.

                          What time tomorrow night? Not sure if going out but with the time difference may be able to make it anyway.
                          Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                          • #43
                            A day late, but no biggie. 2nd part of "Retro" MvC3 4 matches(two Mr. Spencer, one Vito, one KylieDog), plus various clips. Still got quite a bit of footage left even after two parts, so don't know how many parts there will utlimately be. Though when I finish going through this, I think i'll make a series that condenses my old MvC3 matches (the tones I uploaded, plus unreleased ones I separated). Besides not having a proper video editor back then, I just didn't really have a clue as to what a good match really was, but you'll just have to forgive me for being a total noob to the fighting game genre, and how exciting almost every match seemed to me back then. Anyways, enjoy!


                            Btw, had a blast playing with Dracarys for about four hours or so last night. Very experimental, satisfying series. I feel like the game's opening up in options to me compared to how I felt so stagnant in playstyle before. Half the battle is just knowing all the moves for a character, and the other half is knowing what to execute when. But I feel like I have a decent since of that for the first time in the game, rather than my old "charge in like a bull and combo" approach, hehe. Thinking about changing the M button to S on my stick though--that way my arcade stick setup for 3 will Mirror 2's exactly(since, I noticed I seemed to miss hitting H quite a bit with some aerial combos), but I'm exercising a whole new degree of control over most my characters than I used to not be able to(like say, Chun Li, or Morrigan. . .minus a couple accidental missile attacks due to fumbling with the joystick). Does anyone remember how I use to trigger x-factor early almost every fucking time back in the day? I certainly do, lol.

                            Disappointing no one was interested in doing a lobby. . .but there's always next week! Keep an eye out for a possible saturday and sunday next week, folks(definitely sunday). In the meantime, I might try to further get through the retro mvc3 stuff.
                            Last edited by valentinesdead?; 04-06-2013, 02:04 AM.


                            • #44
                              I still cannot work out what was up with the TACs, for ages it would just hit straight back to the ground, then after one lobby restart they began to work normally, I didn't change what I was doing. Maybe a small lag related thing, I dunno.

                              I need look up many characters movesets, some that I picked/got random picked I was working out as we played and was the first time played as them, some I just never got on with though, like Iron Fist...seemed useless.
                              Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                              • #45
                                So I've finished going through my Retro MvC3 footage and should have Parts 3-5 uploaded within the next day or so. I'll also have some old Super Street Fighter 4 footage of me against Mr. Spencer(before he traded the game in ) and Jill's Boob(though I have to record that first off the saved replays). I still have a good deal of separated, but unreleased MvC3 matches, but I'll wait till I finish with the current videos to go back and start consolidating the rest of my old MvC3 footage (and get rid of all those crappy matches).

                                Guess I should mention I've bought Street Fighter x Tekken(thanks to Kaneco providing me with a sweet, sweet deal on gamefly. Capcom won't be getting a cent of my money). Dont' know who has it, but totally up for some partnering up for some ass kicking online. Don't know what Tekken characters I might want to learn, but I"m sure my SF mains will be Cammy and Akuma(no surprise there!).

                                Spent the previous couple of days training in UMvC3 and playing ranked with my Phoenix team of Hawkeye, Doom, and Jean(which started out with Morrigan and Akuma, then I tried Akuma and Magneto, Wesker and Magneto. . .but just wasn't really meshing well together). While I ended up demoralized in realizing I still suck at the game's basic fundamental's of blocking and reaction time(what's the point of trying to learn combos when you can't pull'em off in a real match?), I somehow managed to sneak to a 9th lord rank after a few matches once I made the Hawkeye and Doom switch(and I think I'll stay away from rank until I actually get better at the game). Zoning seems to work better for me atm with Hawkeye as the point character and Doom's plasma beam assist. Gives me more opportunity to open up the opponent, or in the case of characters like Haggar and Hulk, run the fuck away while I try to squeak out 5 meters to snap in Phoenix and get her turned Dark. I'm still not too good with Doom(his movement is rather awkard to the type of movement I'm usually more comfortable with/used too), but I've practiced his Corner loop combo(but haven't really tried learning the mid-screen yet, since that requires getting air dashes down). I really want to step up my UMvC3 game, but I suppose I'm only going to be able to do it in small steps. But anyways, I need to get better at the basics of blocking and mix-ups before I worry more about advanced shit.

                                My fighting blood brother Jill's Boob should be on today and tomorrow, so I'm aiming in getting some lobbies/matches recorded with various fighters this weekend and throughout the rest of the week(since he's off from work all next week). To quote Revolver Ocelot, "It's been too long! (brother!)." So hopefully we can have some fun games together, guys!

                                I'll update with the new videos when I get them posted.

