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Will L.A. Noire really brick my console?!

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  • Will L.A. Noire really brick my console?!

    I know i'm late on this one, but I only got an xbox 360 recently (December), and L.A. Noire (CE) was one of the games I got new with it. I was doing some general info reading on the game before I get around to playing it and I came across a lot of stuff on websites that has me wondering if I should play this game at all.

    Appearently, this game is known actually to burn up (older) 360 and PS3 consoles, with several people claiming it has actually happened to theirs after playing the game. What?! I have a mid-gen white jasper 360.

    If it helps, I always keep my console cool and install to my hdd.

    There is one article about save file corruption that seems to make sense, but I just want to me sure. I mean, this game looks interesting and all, but not enough to risk my console. From what i've gathered myself, it's not so much keeping the console cool or installing, it's that something in the actual game glitches up and puts too much stress on the console's circuits, causing damage.

    Can anyone confirm if this it total bs or if this is true? Anyone here played / completed the game on a jasper 360?

    Edit: Just came across this and it also seems to make sense. Definately sounds to be a software issue to me. Wow, this game sounds extremely buggy and even dangerous to the console. I might as well take this back and get UFC Undisputed 3, i've been looking forward to that game anyway. Well, let this thread serve as a warning to those thinking of playing L.A. Noire (on either console). I'm not gonna risk it, although I am disappointed.

    "The problem seems to be that the game uses so much processing power that the console overheats, causing the crashes. Next time it does it, feel the back of your console. The thing's burning up. The issue is exacerbated for older consoles but seems to be a problem across the board. Believe it or not, but putting my console in the refrigerator for about 20 min prior to playing gives me a couple hours playing time before the crashing. I'm pretty concerned though that since this is an overheating issue, it's eventually going to result in a RROD situation."
    Last edited by Deus Flux; 02-20-2012, 05:38 PM.

  • #2
    You're not missing much if you skip it. Bunch of crimes that are impossible to not solve even if you miss vital clues and a lot of saying "1247" into phones.
    Last edited by Dracarys; 02-20-2012, 05:40 PM.
    Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


    • #3
      "and a lot of saying "1247" into phones."

      For whatever reason, I lol'd at that. I found a video of the game crashing a PS3 console: "did your ps3 broke? tedwaaa 9 months ago
      @tedwaaa yeah my ps3 got fried im going out to buy a new slim right now GucioKiLLer 9 months ago"
      That is just ridiculous and unacceptable, especially given that R* has seemingly ignored the problem.
      Last edited by Deus Flux; 02-20-2012, 06:14 PM.


      • #4
        As I recall they did actually respond working out that it was a small number overall, there was a sharp peak of it in the first week of sale of the original game because it sold very well. Do some searches, I remember reading the official responce on both Rockstar's newsfeed and on places like Kotaku.

        I played through the entire game + all of the DLC (which is included now in the Complete Edition) on a first generation 60GB PS3, and it didn't do anything.

