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Dead space 3 First images !

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Beanovsky Durst View Post
    Everything manly looks better with a beard.

    I gotta side with Darkmoon on this one. Dead Space was all about being alone. I sincerly hope that Visceral won't sell their soul to EA like Bioware did, so this can be either a great experience or the biggest disappointment.

    See, if I forced co-op on a game like DS, I would have the players being separated most of the time, with one player's actions having a direct effect on the other, and just get them together on big boss fights/ambushes.
    That could work.
    Actually they had plans about giving dead space 2 coop but they kinda waited for the next game but.. yes it was already in the talks when they created dead space 2. and yeah he actually looks kick ass with a beard thats how he should have been in both the games.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
      Are you sure? His face and pose look odd for a human.
      Yes, it was leaked a few weeks ago that you fight human enemies, you now have cover mechanics and dodge abilities too.

      Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
      Well, we dunno whose under those suits. It could be Ellie and Isaac. It might also feature Lexine from Extraction and Severed, given she's immune to the Marker and he child probably is too, and that's the biggest loose plot thread at the moment.
      More likely this guy, John Carver.

      The sci-fi survival-horror classic Dead Space™ returns, completely rebuilt from the ground up to offer a deeper, more immersive experience. This remake brings jaw-dropping visual fidelity, suspenseful atmospheric audio, and improvements to gameplay w
      Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


      • #48
        Originally posted by rehunk88 View Post
        Actually they had plans about giving dead space 2 coop but they kinda waited for the next game but.. yes it was already in the talks when they created dead space 2. and yeah he actually looks kick ass with a beard thats how he should have been in both the games.
        Yup, I'm fine with coop, but when it's done properly.

        For me, my prime example of well executed co-op is Splinter Cell: Conviction. You have your SP campaign, and then you have the co-op as a bonus story, which keeps both parties happy.

        Anyway, I'll give DS3 the benefit of doubt. We'll have to wait for more info/trailers/gameplay to start judging it.

        Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
        It could, but timing would be'd have to hold one player in place while the other catches up.

        Thinking on it. I'd actually prefer the enemy to be human. Odd as that is. Some people driven crazy by the marker could make excellent drama fuel.
        But stalling happens even with both players on the same path. RE5, Kane & Lynch, Army of Two, you name it.

        Unitology fanatics. They DO crazy shit. So human enemies could make sense.
        Last edited by Beanovsky Durst; 05-31-2012, 01:57 PM.

        "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


        • #49
          Yeah with e3 just around the cornor it wont take long for trailers and hopefully gameplay to show up .. im very excited about this.. big fan of dead space series :3


          • #50
            Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
            Yes, it was leaked a few weeks ago that you fight human enemies, you now have cover mechanics and dodge abilities too.
            Ugh... it just gets worse.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
              Yes, it was leaked a few weeks ago that you fight human enemies, you now have cover mechanics and dodge abilities too.

              More likely this guy, John Carver.

              Well...the human enemies are OK, it's the whole cover and dodge thing that's a bit 'meh'. But this sounds promising;

              he cooperative mode mirrors the single-player campaign, but Isaac's story changes to accommodate it. At one point in Dead Space 3, Isaac and his counterpart stumble, wounded, bloody, and missing chunks of armor, out of burnt wreckage together. In single-player, the same scene happens without the other character. While Isaac may have a psychological breakdown and experience hallucinations on his own, certain traumatic events don't occur with someone by his side.

              Players will also work together (using telekinesis, for instance) to interact with pieces of the environment. In addition, you'll be able to share ammo with and heal your co-op partner, although there is no revive system -- once someone's down and dead, both players reload the last checkpoint.
              Not forced co-op. I'd prefer a whole separate scenario but that'll do nicely.


              • #52
                Not really sure why people are surprised by this, especially after they shoehorned multiplayer into Dead Space 2.

                Besides, Dead Space has always been more of an action shooter with grotesque monsters than genuine survival horror, anyway.


                • #53
                  It's most likely a co-op story separate from the main game, which will be single player.
                  See you in hell.


                  • #54
                    Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo !

                    I am so damn impressed by Dead Space 1 + 2 that I refuse to believe that they can fuck this series up but god damn are they off to a good start. Co-op, enemies with weapons?! Whats next a Necromorph merchant? Wasnt it Resident Evil who should try to be more like Dead Space. Seems like EA hold RE5 on a pedestall. Are they forgetting that RE has a huge fanbase and Dead Space doesnt have that kind of gathering to draw people in no matter what they bung out. I am not impressed so far....Ok one thing impressed me and that is Issacs facial hair. Is it just me or does he look a spit of Nathan Drake now? Its like they are combining the best games since the second games release. This is not good I love this series through and through and am fascinated by the story. Read all the books, watched the films, spent many of hours in Dead Space 1+2, read everything there is to read online.....I hope this isnt the end of the 'last real survival horror game'. I will hold out faith untill we see more but it certinaly doesnt look good.

                    Originally posted by rehunk88 View Post
                    Actually, im enjoying them again yes.. i do have them all on dvd :3


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by CrimsonElder View Post
                      I hope this isnt the end of the 'last real survival horror game'.
                      It won't be, because it never was one.
                      Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                      • #56
              , instead of using Ellie, we get another boring white guy. I generally don't notice that a lot of devs use a lot of boring white guys unless somebody points this out but considering that gaming is still starving for female protagonists, just getting a random, boring, white, male protagonist instead of a character we invested in and is capable for combat is very disappointing.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
                          It won't be, because it never was one.
                          Care to explain that one?


                          • #58
                            Dead Space 3 looks pretty and all but what's with the co-op? It would be cool if they had a separate co-op campaign but this is in the main game. It looks like this will be an action fest and not so much horror... oh well. I was so excited for DS3 then I saw the co-op bit and my expectations dropped a lot. If I have to deal with a Sheva type AI partner I will not be pleased.. *Barely gets damaged and AI partner hit me with a large med-pack*

                            They should have had a separate campaign without Issac and just had two other soldiers. This way the main campaign would still be horror oriented while the co-op campaign would be action. I wouldn't mind it like this at all.

                            The visuals looks like the Frostbite engine. All quite pretty but I feel the framerate might suffer with all those Necro's on the screen at once. Consoles have a tough time with Battlefield 3, so DS3 might bog them down, unless they tuned the engine differently.
                            My Head-Fi Page


                            • #59
                              So the snow planet stuff was true... cool.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by alexdz View Post
                                Ditto, Darkmoon. I don't want to babysit a stupid AI that wastes ammo and health itens and I certanly don't want to get game over screens when it dies.
                                Click image for larger version

Name:	Sheva_Alomar_Close_Up.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	12.3 KB
ID:	401278
                                Did someone say ammo and health items?

