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Dead space 3 First images !

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  • #61
    Co-op is your choice. You can play single player with the bloke as Issacs guide or Co-op with him as your partner. If you choose single player Issac will experience hallucinations like is DS2. In Co-op he doesnt. I know what version I am playing first.

    Ellie will return but wont be playable (Booooooooo!).

    There are no necromoprhs with weapons lol they are humans but if infected they can turn into necros. Theres also alot of details on the enemys at the link. The Pack look about a million times more scary now.

    There is also an interactive comic book due to be released about a 'John Carver' as the protoganist so thats probably who Issacs buddy is in DS3.

    I knew Dead Space couldnt go from top notch to total crap. I'd say this news has redemed DS at least for now :-)

    More news to follow at E3 and even a Demo! RE6 you have a true challenger now. I wanna see a good clean fight listen to my instructions at all times, Are you ready? Are you ready? LETS GET IT ON!!!
    Last edited by CrimsonElder; 06-01-2012, 05:15 AM.


    • #62
      So far it sounds...promising. The roll and cover system is worrying - I'm concerned too many enemies will be humans gone mad and the Necromorphs won't be around much. That the co-op is not forced has changed this from a, 'Hope and wait' back to my 'buy new on release' list. As I've said, I actually like the idea of human enemies gone mad because of the Marker - it's been a part of the series in every animated feature and story, but never the games, so I think it could work. They just need to be less touch than Necromorphs and only one set of enemies, not the main bad guy or even the main enemy.


      • #63
        Technically, I'm surprised that you weren't fighting human opponents in Dead Space 2.
        See you in hell.


        • #64
          Well Stross, Mercer and others were driven crazy by the marker so I guess if the 'enemies' are like this then it would be ok. I dont want to see half man half necro kinda shit though. I also dont want to see Issac turning insane and being killed off by the new co-op guy because according to sources this is a 'Beginning of his overall story'. If Issac is to go I want him to do himself in. We have come to far with his character to have him be killed off by the new protagonist Resistance 2 style. They have said this new guy is important to fighting the necros whatever that means. So I dont mind seeing Issac die but I want it done classy which shows him as a hero he is. I am really interested in his story and dont want it to end then pick up with a new one. Cant really say im as interested in the series when Issac isnt around.


          • #65
            I want to know what happened to Nathan McNeill. He survived DS:E and we never hear from him again, DS2 Severed DLC answered nothing and just asked more questions, like why the hell is Lexine shagging Gabe now, and why Nate not in the picture at all?
            Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


            • #66
              Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
              The visuals looks like the Frostbite engine.
              It's already been confirmed DS3 is not using the Frostbite engine.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
                I want to know what happened to Nathan McNeill. He survived DS:E and we never hear from him again, DS2 Severed DLC answered nothing and just asked more questions, like why the hell is Lexine shagging Gabe now, and why Nate not in the picture at all?
                He is dead.

                'Shortly after escaping from the Ishimura, Nathan succumbed to the Necromorph infection and became a Slasher. He immediately tried to attack Lexine, who subsequently shot and killed him.'

                'The in-game footage is unclear, as the last scene of Extraction simply depicts a Necromorph attacking a lone Lexine. However, Dead Space Executive Producer Steve Papoutsis clarified McNeill's fate while answering some fan questions. In addition, there is no mention of McNeil whatsoever in the Severed DLC.'
                Last edited by CrimsonElder; 06-01-2012, 10:58 AM.


                • #68
                  Where it say that? Because he was alive, and the living cannot become Necromorphs.

                  Edit: Of I see. Sorry but the guy is wrong, it violates DS universe rules.
                  Last edited by Dracarys; 06-01-2012, 11:01 AM.
                  Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
                    Where it say that? Because he was alive, and the living cannot become Necromorphs.

                    Edit: Of I see. Sorry but the guy is wrong, it violates DS universe rules.
                    Lol well Papaoutsis is Executive Producer of Dead Space so I highly doubt he is wrong. It may however be a plot hole. Why cant the living become Necromorphs if infected? Im confused how else do you become one?


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by CrimsonElder View Post
                      Lol well Papaoutsis is Executive Producer of Dead Space so I highly doubt he is wrong. It may however be a plot hole. Why cant the living become Necromorphs if infected? Im confused how else do you become one?
                      It is in the name. NECROmorph. Only the dead can turn into them, the living go insane and eventually kill themselves/others, then they can become necromorphs. A living person cannot transform.
                      Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                      • #71
                        Well, the news about optional co-op are a relief, still not liking gun weilding enemies though.


                        • #72
                          McNeill was seriously injured wasn't he? Maybe he died and then become necromorph.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
                            It is in the name. NECROmorph. Only the dead can turn into them, the living go insane and eventually kill themselves/others, then they can become necromorphs. A living person cannot transform.
                            *Face palm* My bad. It does say though that he succumbed to the infection. Probably why I got confused, it should have said he succumbed to his injuries then became a Necro which begs the question would he have turned into a Necro if he died whilst on another ship? Depends how far they were from the Marker I guess. I want to find out how bad Mcneil's injuries were because they would have to be pretty fatal to kill him that quick.

                            Originally posted by Dark_Chris View Post
                            McNeill was seriously injured wasn't he? Maybe he died and then become necromorph.
                            Didnt he get impaled and then have his hand chopped off? I am in dire need of a recap.


                            • #74
                              His hand or lower arm was impaled, so he hacked it off. Regardless of this though he made his way back to the ship shooting necromorphs fine with a contact beam, showing no ill effects, saying he is fine, even pushing Lexine out the way to pilot the ship. When he is told is a medkit in the back he even says "It can wait until we get home."

                              So I find the execs claims in major conflict with the game and the universes rules.
                              Last edited by Dracarys; 06-01-2012, 12:20 PM.
                              Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                              • #75
                                Smells of BH5. I hope the coop won't be forced on us too.

