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Dead space 3 First images !

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Kaneco View Post
    I took the arm part into account, but when necromorphs are formed they grow limbs and their body go complete skeletal re-arrangement...the transformation could have just healed the severed arm.
    It cannot do that. In Dead Space 1/2 if you find an area with dead bodies that will have infectors in it later try just shooting an arm off a corpse, later when it transforms into a slasher the Slasher will not have all of its appendages.

    Infectors are not the only way of infecting, they are human torsos that became Injectors which eased & sped-up the process of convergence.
    Yeah infectors just make the process instant, as the file shows it takes days without one.
    Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


    • #92
      Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
      It cannot do that. In Dead Space 1/2 if you find an area with dead bodies that will have infectors in it later try just shooting an arm off a corpse, later when it transforms into a slasher the Slasher will not have all of its appendages.

      Yeah infectors just make the process instant, as the file shows it takes days without one.

      I tried doing that in DS2 by stepping onto the dead bodies, hoping they wouldn't become slashers, and by some freaking miracle some of them did have their appendages all intact like if I never did anything prior to their transformation...just like how flawed DS2 is when it comes to carrying things with kinesis into other rooms and have them disappear out of thin air. If anything, that end scene in extraction was just a badly executed (more like an afterthought) cutscene and just used a generic 3D model of a slasher.

      About the transformation taking days...they were probably wandering in space for days before they reached the Sprawl. I'm pretty sure that the physical/outward transformation w/ or w/o infectors is instantaneous, just takes more time for the virus to do its internal work on a dead body without the assistance of an infector who would probably somehow inject a higher dose of the virus.

      I would think the body would take a caccoon-like role in that the outside seems perfectly unchanged but the inner shell is suffering a massive change and eventually sprouts all at once revealing the change...kind of how Saddler just sprouts into a spider-like beast form from his humanoid form in a matter of seconds in RE4's end game.


      • #93
        Read the file please, it highlights in great detail why that theory is completely void of possibility.
        Last edited by Dracarys; 06-02-2012, 05:13 PM.
        Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


        • #94
          Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
          Read the file please, it highlights in great detail why that theory is completely void of possibility.
          Do you have the link for that file?

          I lent both DS1 & DS2 to my brother so I can't confirm...or is it in 'Extraction'?

          Anyway, here's more in-depth info on Necromorphs as a whole. Very interesting read, takes me back to the 'Alien' universe. =D
          Necromorphs are reanimated corpses and other dead tissue reshaped into horrific new forms by a recombinant infection derived from a genetic code etched into and transmitted by the Markers.[2][3][4][5][6] The resulting creatures are extremely aggressive and will attack any living organism on sight.[7] The sole purpose of all Necromorphs is to acquire more corpses to convert and spread the infection. They are believed to be the heralds of humanity's ascension by certain Unitologists and individual


          • #95
            It was linked a few posts up.
            Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


            • #96
              Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
              What I can infer from this file is that the corpse undergoes no changes whatsoever until the third day (which is what this report covers) where the transformation is instantenous without the need of an infector (which would speed up the process with its huge doses of the yellow substance in the bladder...the disease/virus).

              Nate could have just instantly transformed several days after his death on his way to the sprawl.

              Anyway, this is just an observational report by in-game scientists...there could be more secrets yet to be revealed in future titles (DS3? Books? Animated movies?) of how Necromorphs are formed and more details of their origins. The convergence process may vary between hosts/organisms, including both the time it takes for the convergence process to achieve completion and result of what it can become (type of Necromorphs).

              Your thoughts? =D
              Last edited by Kaneco; 06-02-2012, 07:07 PM.


              • #97
                I actually thought the ending of Extraction was just a dream but since he wasnt in Severed and he has been offically announced as dead by the Ex Producer then thats pretty much the nail in the coffin (Pun intended) for me. I didnt really care to see any of them again anyway so its no biggie to me. I care about one man in that series and thats the guy who I have been through hell and back with twice! Extraction was more of a team effort and you didnt get the sense of being a certain person throughout the game because of all the interactions and character changes. The new guy I really dont like the look of, he is another action man looking tool. Issac is your everyday average Joe, we have gone from him being a mechanic to a bad ass Necro slaying machine.


                • #98
                  Oh. Ok, crisis shuts down.
                  Last edited by BBboy20; 06-03-2012, 03:00 AM.


                  • #99
                    EA: Dead Space 1 and 2 were too scary

                    Whose feedback were they listening to? What kind of person buys a horror game then complains that it's too scary? The stupidity of this just hurts my head.


                    • Gaming journalism.

                      Read this instead <- Explains what was ACTUALLY being said


                      • But the way the sentence “We were hearing feedback that they love the thriller game, but it was pretty scary, and the obvious next step was that they wanted to play with someone" was phrased does make it sound like she was saying "People like the game but it's scary!"

                        I'll give it that the headline was misleading but the EA representative should've chosen her words a little better.


                        • While Laura indeed is a marketing rep and "could" have chosen her words better, the person doing the interview shouldn't use a headline based of a line he/she isn't sure how to interpret. If they didn't understand what the person said; they should've inquired about it.

                          Technically, when doing interviews and such, it's also common practice in proper journalism to run the final article through the person you interviewed or thei PR representative to ensure that whatever you're putting on print ... of course ... video game journalism ... har har .


                          • Marketing? They're doing it wrong.


                            • Yeah. In general, the "industry" as a whole should just stop communicating with "gaming journalists" - as they're simply not journalists (same somewhat applies to almost any so called journalist these days)

