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E3 2012

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  • Wow.. Really underwhelming this year. Was hoping for some info on Zelda for the Wii-U or the 3DS. .. Ubisoft certainly stole alot of their thunder!
    Last edited by PracticalAl; 06-05-2012, 01:09 PM.


    • Counting games... They only showed 22 games didn't they?


      • I'd say I pretty much agree with GT's assessment on this conference - they didn't really pull out the stops they should have to sell the Wii U, but maybe this mystery project will be something worth writing home about.
        A man chooses...a slave obeys.


        • Originally posted by DarkMemories View Post
          I'd say I pretty much agree with GT's assessment on this conference - they didn't really pull out the stops they should have to sell the Wii U, but maybe this mystery project will be something worth writing home about.
          Huh? What "mystery project"? When was that mentioned? Did I miss something?


          • wow...just wow,other than a fue games"Last of us,beyond,watch dogs"this E3 was total shit.


            • At least they showed games....right?

              Reminder Nintendo still has two other shows yet. The Developer Round Table Tonight and 3DS show tomorrow night.

              I think the show was mostly about features of the Wii U.


              • They specifically said they were gonna focus on software this E3 presentation, and they focused on the wrong areas. Nintendo Land was a terrible "final surprise". When's the round table tonight?

                And yeah, what's this about a mystery project? I must've missed it.


                • All they needed was one or two surprises! What about that rumored Retro Studios StarFox? New Metroid? F-Zero? Something!! I'm sure they are all in the pipeline, but the conference could of really used those "wow" moments! Can't say I hated anything I saw.. Still looking forward to the Wii-U in general. I know Nintendo first party games always deliver, even if their a little.. late.. (Also: Mass Effect 3 for Wii-U? Whaaa?)

                  Originally posted by Kaneco View Post
                  At least they showed games....right? Reminder Nintendo still has two other shows yet. The Developer Round Table Tonight and 3DS show tomorrow night. I think the show was mostly about features of the Wii U.
                  Hopefully we'll have a surprise left! *Crosses fingers for Zelda 3DS*


                  • Nintendo. . .fail. Not as disappointing as Sony or Micro's conference. Very interested in ZombieU, Lego City, and the console itself seems real nice, but it was really an underwhelming display. The Nintendoland thing was about as bad as the Harry Potter wand game. Bleh.

                    Ubisoft wins easily. . .which is rather sad.


                    • The mystery project is on Spike's GT coverage; apparently it's from Platinum Games and its working title is "P100". We're supposed to see something about it soon.
                      A man chooses...a slave obeys.


                      • So, NintendoLand will be like those Rollercoaster Tyccoon games? But no new Zelda or Metroid? I hope Nintendo get their shit together with their other franchises outside Mario and the Wii Sports kind of games, a new Metroid game would really benefit from better graphics and that new controller.


                        • No Metroid. I am disappoint. Bloody Zelda fans bitching via the twitter feed, you had Skyward Sword. Ungrateful fucks.
                          See you in hell.


                          • Originally posted by DarkMemories View Post
                            The mystery project is on Spike's GT coverage; apparently it's from Platinum Games and its working title is "P100". We're supposed to see something about it soon.
                            And here it is:

                            Yay? :/


                            • Originally posted by Rombie View Post
                              @ Smiley - It's true, but then again it's easier the more iconic and more games they do it. Tis a shame eitherway. Ubi just says it's because of the mo-cap and getting Ironside to do it, but RE5 proves you can do mo-cap and voice seperate and still make it work.
                              Actually, the Biohazard series is the worst contender for maintaining a voice actor. Nearly all but a couple characters have been replaced by actors. Capcom wanted RE5 to follow the same way as well. This happened around the time of DMC3 and the company behind the mocap refers to it as 'Devil Style'. For RE5 they wanted DC Douglas to do both physical and vocal mocap for Wesker. But he could only do vocal because of throwing his back out. They even considered having Ken Lally do both when he got the part of Wesker's physical mocap. Ken was already working on his Wesker voice as he was performing all the scenes. Jim Sorenzo, who was handling the cinematic scenes wanted Ken to do the voice as well. Liam O' Brien, who directed the voices, wanted DC Douglas to do it. So the decision was split both ways and both actors were hired. But the point is they wanted to have a single actor for it.

                              As you'll notice, most of the actors (Sheva, Jill, Spencer, Excella, Irving, Josh) were all the same performance in one. Few of the characters were exceptions for one reason or another.

                              It's just part of the business, and it's usually a feat in itself if you perform a character for as long as you can. Michael Ironside doesn't seem to be bitter about the decision and doesn't mind passing the torch. But that being said, he's an actor. If they wanted him to come back I'm sure he would in a heart beat.


                              • Originally posted by PracticalAl View Post
                                What the hell am I looking at?

