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The title that hooked You

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  • The title that hooked You

    What Silent Hill game was the one that made you love this series?

    For me: Silent Hill 3
    That was because, i was at gamestop in 2004, and was buying Resident Evil Outbreak that had just released that day. Well, i was recommended that Silent Hill was a similar series, so i also bought SH3.
    I absoluetely loved it. It was amazing. The music, voice acting and graphics were superb. I made 2 good choices.
    RE Outbreak and SH 3 are both amazing games. Shame we will never have games that good again!

    My second SH experience was SH4. I bought it on the release day new.
    It was awesome. I remember the demo, had me having nightmares for a week. The biggest scare was the dude coming out of the wall, the other was that unexpected moment when this popped up:

    I mean just... wow.

  • #2
    Silent Hill 1. I was a big RE fan at the time, and the similar gameplay style made me intrigued. Although I was stumped at the first never occurred to me to look in the doghouse. I was captivated by the town, and the size of the place. And fortunately a friend pointed out what I'd been overlooking.

    I played Silent Hill 1 a lot. I used to be able to beat the whole game in an 1.10 or so, or 45 minutes with the UFO ending. Honestly, I don't think I've played another game as many times.


    • #3
      Silent Hill 2, definitely. I mean, I played SH1, and I adored it, but the story wasn't nearly as gripping as SH2's. That game completely changed my perspective about video game storytelling, and I remember just lying in bed, some nights, caught up in all those thoughts about the characters and how much I had grown to care about them. I never had that experience before... SH3 was a great experience, too, but it didn't move me the same way.


      • #4
        I do not love the series, is highly overrated. Homecoming would be my pick as favourite, the only game besides Book of Memories where the combat isn't complete arse.
        Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


        • #5
          ^ Overrated? Eh, not particularly. Just the combat is a bit meh, even with the "they're just normal people" argument. The rest of the gameplay and story especially is top-notch.

          For me the game that I got hooked with was 1. When I was 14 or 15 (5-6 years ago) I finally caved. I had beaten REmake a couple times and decided to keep looking for more stuff, and someone kept mentioning Silent Hill. Looked it up, saw it for PS1 and decided to track it down. Once I had a copy from a garage sale I ended up using a backup on ePSXe (for the added pretty textures) and played through it. Was pretty fun so I looked up 2 and found the PS2 Greatest Hits version for like $12 at Gamestop used. Took longer to find 3, but again Gamestop came through. Since then I've been loving the series. Downpour was awesome, and it's a damn shame Vatra closed shop. It was the best game since the original trilogy by leaps and bounds, and that's coming from someone who enjoyed both Shattered Memories and Homecoming.


          • #6
            SH1 has an absolutely impeccable atmosphere. Was hooked from there but bailed after The Room. Wouldn't mind the franchise just dying.
            Last edited by News Bot; 03-29-2013, 10:13 AM.
            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


            • #7
              Definitely the first Silent Hill. I think it was around 1999 or 2000 where I wanted to explore more survival horror games. I was around 9 or 10 years old at the time and I finally manned up to play Resident Evil 2 after playing Dino Crisis - it was still scary for me at that age lol.

              I watched my brother play the first Silent Hill, not completely since I was still afraid to play through it, but one day I finally decided to sit down and give it a whirl one day when I was out of school and sick, so I took it from my brother's room and started to play it. He even had a guide that he printed out from GameFaqs. It was different from Resident Evil because it felt more supernatural and psychological. From there on out, I became a fan and we couldn't wait to get Silent Hill 2 on the Xbox (he owned that and we didn't have a PS2 at the time, which I ended up getting for Christmas in 2002). Silent Hill 2 was also the one I replayed the most!

              From there, I enjoyed Silent Hill 3, but Silent Hill 4 left a bad taste in my mouth the first time around. A few years later I bought it off of Konami's website at $20 to try it again. I bought because, for one thing, it was hard to find in my area at GameStops, but when I did find it, it was pretty expensive because that was when the first movie came out. Naturally they raised the price :/. That time around, I kind of grew to like it more. Maybe I didn't appreciate it as much the first time around, but I liked it. Maybe I have to give it a whirl again

              To this day I still love the classic Resident Evil and Silent Hill games and I consider them at a tie at my most favorite franchises.
              Last edited by MeanBob; 03-29-2013, 10:49 AM.


              • #8
                Silent Hill 1.
                "Project Night" (indie horror game) will be released on January 22, 2015


                • #9
                  SH1 when I was 8 yrs old..
                  SH2 is my fave so far.

                  SH4 wasn't even suppost to be a SH game originally - so that's why it was so different.
                  Homecomings just tried to cash in on the ''success'' of the films and was a blatent copy - hated it SO much.
                  The series has lost it's horror ways - with every developer trying to redo SH2's atmosphere and characters

                  The only modern SH that was even close to classic was Downpour - it was OK at best, but the music wasn't the same since Akira left the series
                  It seems to be all action and no horror or suspence - much like how Resident Evil has gone downhill after the REmake and Zero.

                  Evidently, the rubbish games have always been the ones that have ''left'' Silent Hill itself and are set elsewhere..
                  They need to focus not so much on character psyches and more on the town itself and the powers it holds.. Downpour did this well I feel. Anne was the only decent character though, that I felt sorry for .. Murphy not so much

                  We need a female lead I think for the next game - SH3 was more spooky this way I feel .. you felt more vunerable (not to sound sexist here but it works in horror)
                  "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                    Silent Hill 1. I was a big RE fan at the time, and the similar gameplay style made me intrigued. Although I was stumped at the first never occurred to me to look in the doghouse. I was captivated by the town, and the size of the place. And fortunately a friend pointed out what I'd been overlooking.

                    I played Silent Hill 1 a lot. I used to be able to beat the whole game in an 1.10 or so, or 45 minutes with the UFO ending. Honestly, I don't think I've played another game as many times.
                    Same here. I remember having a really hard time with the Piano key puzzle. I first started playing it because it reminded me of RE, but scarier. The best way I could describe the scare factor to my friends was something like, "In Resident Evil there are physical fears and while there are plenty of physical fears in Silent Hill as well, the latter carries more of a mental fear. In Resident Evil, you're afraid of getting eaten by zombies or killed by a hunter. In Silent Hill, you're afraid of losing your soul." To this day, one of the most special and relaxing "safe" places in any game for me is the school bus. I don't know why, but there's something so haunting and yet peaceful about it, for me it beats any save room in RE. I never wanted to leave that bus.

                    Last edited by REmaster; 04-02-2013, 08:59 AM.
                    "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
                    Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


                    • #11
                      SH1, my dad bought it around it's release and I played it years later when I was 9, got freaked out by it and didn't play for a while after but I researched about it and watched playthroughs of SH2 and 3. I eventually beat SH1 with the best ending, I've got SH1, 2, 3, Homecoming, Origins and Shattered Memories, although I haven't really played SM at all.


                      • #12
                        Silent Hill 2 was the game that piqued my interest. The apartment complex is one of my favorite areas in a survival horror game. Aside from the multiple endings the symbolism in the game kept me playing it for months. I liked 3 but didn't replay it much. And after the 4th game I lost interest altogether.
                        "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
                          I do not love the series, is highly overrated. Homecoming would be my pick as favourite, the only game besides Book of Memories where the combat isn't complete arse.
                          Your mistaken. Silent Hill is UNDERRATED.
                          While every game after 4 was pure trash, the original 4 were perfect survival horror games. Had my sh*tting myself.


                          • #14
                            Sh 1. I first played the demo and that bit where the city suddenly changes and those bears come out of nowhere really scared me! The whole demo gave me the creeps constantly. When it finally came out I bought the full game and was hooked for weeks, not to mention constantly frightened of it! Out of all the silent hill games I still think 1 has a slightly better scarier ambience and darker soundtrack than the more popular 2 and 3.

                            Sh 2 was the next one I played, and whilst Pyramid head really freaked me out for quite some time, I don't think the game was quite as scary as 1. The first time I played it it did freak me out, but looking back on it now I think sh 2 is actually slightly overrated.

                            Sh 3 was the next one but it wasn't as good as 2 imo. It didn't really scare me much, and heather was an annoying brat. But I will say that if it's one thing that did worry me it was the creature that is blocking the exit of the office building. Whilst it never does anything the noise it makes and it's presence really scared me..

                            Sh 4 was the first sh game that tried something different, and for me it worked. I find sh 4 to be quite underrated, and it also featured quite a lot of Team Silent before they split for good, I actually found sh 4 to be better than 3. Not only did it scare me mentally more than once, but I liked the storyline of it too, and the soundtrack was really haunting if you'll forgive the pun. The first time I saw the Cynthia Ghost freaked me out, and those sounds of her gurgling in the distance when you run off *shudder* Then of course there are also the hauntings *shudder* I might even go as far as to say that 4 is by far the most disturbing out of the 4 games.

                            But still Sh 1 will always be the one that got me hooked and is in my opinion the best of the 4. The voice acting may not be on par with the later titles but the atmosphere and the creepy ambience created in the game will always be superior to the others.


                            • #15
                              Silent hill 2! The music was great, I used to play the OST depending on how I felt lol--like pyramid head music when I was mad xD

