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The title that hooked You

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  • #31
    I first played Silent Hill back in late 2002. Yeah, yeah. It was out in 1999 but I was a bit later in trying it. God, what a game. Then shortly afterwards I got to play Silent Hill 2 which was one of the most graphically brilliant games on the PS2 at the time. Hard to believe that less than 5 months later, I got to play Silent Hill 3 when it was released in May of 2003. In later years, there was gaping spaces between new Silent Hill releases, with me not even able to play Homecoming or Origins immediately due to the fact they were on formats I could not afford to buy. But as for what got me hooked, well I guess it was probably the first one. I've not even completed Downpour yet.


    • #32
      the first silent hill I played was the original. I really like the first three but the room just confused me and I never got into it


      • #33
        For me it would be 2 because it was so awesome with the soundtrack and the characters and Maria!!! ( I think thats her name.)


        • #34
          I think a lot of fans say Silent Hill 2 was the best. I love the opening scene. How scary was the part where James and Maria are running towards the elevator to get away from Pyramid Head? What an epic moment.


          • #35
            For me it's 2 since it was the first game in the series I played. The thing that struck me was the de-emphasis on combat which heightened the sense of tension in the whole game as the game did everything in its power to make your character feel fragile.


            • #36
              Although my favourite in the series is the second, I'd have to say that the first one is what got me into the series. Sure it had it's problems (Though to my mind, not really anything gameplay related), but like the first Resi Evil, it was something new & pretty unfamiliar for the time.
              Also, that beginning section was pretty damn memorable.


              • #37
                For me it was the original Silent Hill. I remember like its now walking into the game store just to check out what they had. Not even knowing I was about to change my perspective on horror period. I seen the game showcased on to tvs. All it was showing was the title screen demo loop. I was intrigued and it seemed like a worthy purchase. It was only out for a day at that moment. I remember even the cover being so unique it just captures my attention. I ran home and I was a husky kid back then I was about 15 maybe. I instantly started it up. It was like 2pm. I got to the part where you are about to first encounter the lil kids. The way the camera would shift with action blew me away. I was a diehard RE fan at the time so the fact it had completely 3d enviornment blew my mind. By the way the intro was dope andopening theme had my hair standing up.

                I think by the time I got to the first puzzle I waif sold that this is going to change my feelings on video games being scarier than film. RE was horrifying. I can stress that enough. However SH I couldn't play unless I was with someone else and there was light. It gave me nightmares. The atmosphere has not been matched till this day. The use of sound is superb. The fact that its a whole town and you can't leave and its dark and you can't see to far in front of you mentally just threw me down a long flight of steps. The way it goes between messed up world to f**k I don't wanna investigate what's down the hallway. Yet I still want more. SH2 I sold every ps2 game I had at the time about 15 or so just to buy day 1. My cousin came over for the weekend and was talking shit saying its a weak franchise and yadda yadda. I got tired of his hating put it on and said play it 10 minutes with the lights on. He bit*he'd up immediately. The graphics were top notch still even till this day on ps2 with regular cables on a modern tv set.

                In my opinion SH1 is the best but 2 is just as much of a masterpiece. SH3 I didn't get to play till way later. I like it a lot as well. It has some really great parts and themes. I also like that its a sequel to the first. SH4 I bought day one and it was horrifying as well. I know it wasn't to be a SH game at first but I still like it a lot. It was a different experience and had a lot that really allowed it to stand out. I never played SH Origins. I played through Homecoming. It was..... I think that the combat was always fine in my eyes. It didn't hurt to change it up. It had some SH feeling to it. I would like to try Shattered Memories but definately no rush. Also Downpour looks like it is worth owning but I'm a sucker for SH anything. I also enjoyed the first film but couldnt get into the sequel. For the record I haven't played P.T. but I did watch a lit about it. It looks like a masterpiece if Silent Hills plays like it and uses a lot of its tones. Super stoked. Here's to the next game in the series we all been waiting for. One done right.
                I have enough patience to know that masterpiece franchises will continue to be created....its just that there is a lot of mediocre content until then.

