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SH2 now works on Xbox 360!

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  • #31
    I'll be interested to see everything on the list. The Xbox version is like gold dust in Europe, i've never seen it. I'd love to find a copy to see a lot of these for myself.

    In my opinion though, try and find the expanded PS2 version if your going for a version. PC has problems on some systems, and the Xbox version scored lower that the PS2 version in a lot of publications at the time.

    I would also recommend seeing "The Making of Silent Hill 2". You can find it floating around the web pretty easily now. Hell, if you ask nicely, i'll rip it for you in as high a quality as you like.


    • #32
      I have never experienced any problems with the PC Director's Cut version.


      • #33
        Well if Im going to cover SH for THIA, I want all the original discs. So someone will have to put together a list of all the known DVD's , CD's etc which were released. I know SH3 includes the soundtrack which is nice.

        I ordered the greatest hits on PS2 by the way


        • #34
          Should help you


          • #35
            I can throw up a list of soundtracks, and i'm sure between myself and Carnivol, we could throw up a good list of DVDs.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Captain Pretzel
              i'm sure between myself and Carnivol, we could throw up a good list of DVDs.
              That would really have to be a joint effort, 'cause neither of us knows exactly what the heck I've got hidden away!


              • #37
                You're dungeon is the most awesome thing.

                Off the top of my head, two versions of the Silent Hill 1 and 2 soundtracks, five versions of the Silent Hill 3 soundtrack, five versions of the Silent Hill 4 soundtrack. DVDs are a more confusing matter though. Promo DVDs can be hard to find yet have some awesome stuff, Carn is living proof of that.

                (Carn was found living in a Silent Hill 3 promo DVD, waste deep in high quality footage)


                • #38
                  JPN releases of SH3 and 4 came with mini CD's that had some unused tracks. The SH4 one was particularly weird.

                  Other than that, I've got Lost Memories that came with the LE pack A of SH3. Came with two posters and the "Draw book".

                  The person to talk to about various releases and merch is Felix Li aka Maskrider. He collects SH merch like you collect RE.


                  • #39
                    Does he still collect SH merch? I thought he stopped after Silent Hill 4. During the two year silence in the series, I remember his site messed up and all the videos were deleted and I thought he basically said he wouldn't be keeping the site up to date.


                    • #40
                      Maybe he did, I'm not sure so sure. Haven't run into him for a while (2005 maybe). Were there any significant releases of merch after SH4?


                      • #41
                        Not really, a few things here and there. I thought he stopped around the time of the film though, I remember the last time I was on the site was around that time and he had updated with pictures of the European "The Silent Hill Collection" on PS2 and "The Silent Hill Experience" on PSP. I'll check his site once I get home (damn work blocking anything worth looking at on the internet).

