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Just watched SH bluray

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  • #16
    Nemesis, theres talk of a replacement program at AVS Forum, it might be in your interest to look into that, the difference is astounding:
    Is it worth it? Are you ready to forgive and forget? Still holding on to your beliefs that the original release is good enough? Do we finally have something we can use to demo our High Definition capable home theater and finally retire the good old Superbit DVD? I decided to put most of the...

    Worst HD release is Traffic, which is dvd resolution (no lie) but just resized when they put it on the disc. HD-DVD's worse release ever.
    Last edited by Dot50Cal; 07-18-2007, 12:26 AM.


    • #17
      But Kris, I think the prestigious worst HD tranfer award has to go to Talladega Nights.
      I've actually never looked at the Bluray and my tracker has no screenshots for it available so I'll have to take your word for it. Not that anyone would be demanding a remaster anytime soon.

      Worst HD release is Traffic, which is dvd resolution (no lie) but just resized when they put it on the disc. HD-DVD's worse release ever.
      I wouldn't sell them out so fast. It sure does look the worst comparatively, but by technical standards it wasn't out of pure laziness. I'll let HD Digest explain it better than I could:

      The Video: Sizing Up the Picture

      All I can say is that I would not have wanted to be one of the techies that had to transfer 'Traffic' to high-def, because I just wouldn't have known where to begin in assessing just how this film is supposed to look. Soderbergh intentionally went ballistic with his visual style on 'Traffic,' "coloring" each of the film's interlocking stories, as well as utilizing different grades of film stock and mix 'n' match lighting techniques. It certainly works like gangbusters for the narrative, but the resultant video quality is a hodgepodge to say the least.

      Bottom line, this HD DVD transfer delivers. The source material is as good as the film stock allow, with no major defects visible such as print tears or distracting blemishes, though grain is intentionally excessive for much of the film. Black levels are consistent throughout, while contrast is all over the map. Some story threads have whites so blown out that fine detail is all but obscured, while others are bathed in darkness or excessively saturated colors. Thus, there is some noise and smeared hues, but again it appears intentional. Overall detail and depth to the image is about as good as can be expected. No, I was never blown away by the presentation as I've been with other HD DVD releases, but then I never anticipated otherwise.
      Traffic wasn't exactly high budget, its just not going to get any better unless they did a painstaking digital remastering process like was done to The Matrix and even then an increase in detail would be questionable!

      Think of it like Saving Private Ryan. You just aren't going to get better than 720p detail with that movie. It was purposefully shot to look like an older movie so they used cameras with a lower focal intensity. It blows, I know -- but hey, higher resolution means more grain .
      Last edited by Krispy; 07-18-2007, 03:55 AM.


      • #18
        No, thats entirely wrong. There is a 720p broadcast version out there and frames were compared between that, the dvd and the HD-DVD. The HD-DVD version is SD resolution blown up to 1080p. The 720P version has more clarity and detail. Its really obvious.

         XylonHD , YouTube Channel , @XylonHD ***Please no hotlinking!!! *** My second screenshot thread with similar goals. How big is the difference in overall picture quality when upgrading from standard definition to High Definition? Is it really worth spending all that galleons for a HD...

         XylonHD , YouTube Channel , @XylonHD ***Please no hotlinking!!! *** My second screenshot thread with similar goals. How big is the difference in overall picture quality when upgrading from standard definition to High Definition? Is it really worth spending all that galleons for a HD...

         XylonHD , YouTube Channel , @XylonHD ***Please no hotlinking!!! *** My second screenshot thread with similar goals. How big is the difference in overall picture quality when upgrading from standard definition to High Definition? Is it really worth spending all that galleons for a HD...

         XylonHD , YouTube Channel , @XylonHD ***Please no hotlinking!!! *** My second screenshot thread with similar goals. How big is the difference in overall picture quality when upgrading from standard definition to High Definition? Is it really worth spending all that galleons for a HD...

        The owner of that site got lambasted over at AVS forum and is basically a joke now for trying to defend it.
        Last edited by Dot50Cal; 07-18-2007, 06:21 AM.


        • #19
          Hahahaha, I stand corrected. I wonder what happened to cause them to do something stupid like that.


          • #20
            Silent Hill 2 movie update:


            • #21
              Now that's sweet. I can't wait for this movie to come out. I just watched the making of Silent Hill movie and was wondering whether work had begun on SH2 yet...


              • #22
                It'll be nice if it's an unrelated sequel like SH2 the game. I hope the new director/screenwriter know something about SH because the original movie was spot on IMO.


                • #23
                  I personaly liked Silent Hill it it brought on the same feelings and emotions as the game

                  plus if the movie was exactly like the game there would be no surprises

                  I thought the Resident Evil movie was cool but then I realized it was supposed to be based off of Resident Evil


                  • #24
                    I read somewhere they're remaking Jacob's Ladder (movie that inspired SH). Could be interesting also...


                    • #25
                      I've heard about Jacob's Ladder but never actually seen it. Can anyone who's seen it say if its good enough to watch at all?


                      • #26
                        Jacob's Ladder? I thought Acid inspired Silent Hill
                        Last edited by BLSR1; 07-23-2007, 11:21 AM.


                        • #27
                          Jacobs Ladder was OK...though I haven't seen it for a loooooong time.


                          • #28
                            I rather enjoyed Jacob's Ladder. It is in the same vein as Donnie Darko in that you can interpret it many different ways, but you should watch it if anything just to see a piece of horror movie history. I can send you an HD copy if you want, you won't beable to find one on HDDVD/Bluray yet (legal if you own satellite TV).
                            Last edited by Krispy; 07-23-2007, 03:27 PM.


                            • #29
                              I would recommend watching it. It's easier to interpret than Donnie Darko and also more relevant (Donnie Darko has a good story but it doesn't mean anything to me) while Jacob's Ladder concerns us all. Life and death, letting go, etc etc. I like it.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Krispy View Post
                                I rather enjoyed Jacob's Ladder. It is in the same vein as Donnie Darko in that you can interpret it many different ways, but you should watch it if anything just to see a piece of horror movie history. I can send you an HD copy if you want, you won't beable to find one on HDDVD/Bluray yet (legal if you own satellite TV).
                                Yes please!

