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Your Feelings on the Current State of the Silent Hill series?

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  • #16
    Well, to be fair, the original team were not really visionaries, as they ripped everything from literature and films, eg, Dean Kontz' Phantoms, Stephen King's The Mist, Dante Alighieri's The Divine Comedy, Jacob's Ladder, Many David Lynch projects, the most obvious being Twin Peaks, Francis Bacon artwork, Portishead for a large amount of music post Silent Hill 2....the list could go on and on. Within the story realm, the games have been some what fresh though.


    • #17
      A Silent Hill game set in the countryside would be a nice departure. I know theres plenty of creepy places they could explore during night. A corn field can be a terrifying place at night..I know from experience!
      Last edited by Dot50Cal; 08-07-2007, 09:42 AM.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Dot50Cal View Post
        A Silent Hill game set in the countryside would be a nice departure. I know theres plenty of creepy places they could explore during night. A corn field can be a terrifying place at night..I know from experience!
        Just because you have a fear of lowly people invading your farm getting your golds. THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU'RE A DIRTY GOLD FARMING WHOREDER WHO WILL NOT SIT DOWN TO PLAY TEH SILENT HILLZ




        • #19
          Originally posted by randomwab View Post
          Well, to be fair, the original team were not really visionaries, as they ripped everything from literature and films, eg, Dean Kontz' Phantoms, Stephen King's The Mist, Dante Alighieri's The Divine Comedy, Jacob's Ladder, Many David Lynch projects, the most obvious being Twin Peaks, Francis Bacon artwork, Portishead for a large amount of music post Silent Hill 2....the list could go on and on. Within the story realm, the games have been some what fresh though.
          So, basically "ripped" is synonymous with "inspired." If so, then pretty much every bit of "original" entertainment I enjoy has been "ripped." True story.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Krispy View Post
            So, basically "ripped" is synonymous with "inspired." If so, then pretty much every bit of "original" entertainment I enjoy has been "ripped." True story.
            Haha, well I just kinda think that some of the "influences" were so similar to there source that it almost felt "ripped". But you're right, so much has been influenced by so much else.


            • #21
              resident evil dead aim had looks of inspiration from Silent hill...did it not ;)


              • #22
                Not that I recall. I think the underground area of the island resembled the underground area of Silent Hill 3, but I don't believe either were drawing from each other.


                • #23
                  Some of the enemy design and music from Dead Aim looked/sounded akin to the SH series.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Rombie View Post
                    Some of the enemy design and music from Dead Aim looked/sounded akin to the SH series.
                    Really? I have to replay that sometime. Hearing this really makes me wonder.


                    • #25
                      the mapping was simular to the marking of dead ends and locked doors and such like Silent Hill


                      • #26
                        ok heres my words
                        The Movie was grand, i liked how they used the story from Silent hill 1 in a way but changed a few things. The monsters were gr8 aswell, i think R.E should really take a page out of their moving making books.
                        With the games, i have been a huge fan, to tell you the truth there hasn't been any silent hill game that has failed to entertain but S.H 2 was the best. the storyline, well everyting. If i meet somone new whos into video games but haven't played S.H, i always say "right S.H 2 is the one to play, you want to borrow my copy"
                        btw i only lend ppl my copy if i know them well lol
                        I've looked at S.H 5 and i think could be close compition for R.E 5, even tho R.E would overtake them. The way Silent hill has a dif person each game is good, but i always like to see a face from older titles, like bringing back James or somthing from S.H 2.


                        • #27
                          I've lost my interest to SH already after the 3rd part.Never finished 3 and the Room.Just got bored.The 1st one was cool.Second's nice as well.Anyways Ive always found SH games kinda disturbing and depressive.Or maybe its just because Im more a RE person.


                          • #28
                            r.e evil is more action packed, that's why i think many ppl lov it, and of course because this is a r.e forum ;p . when i play silent hill it's a bit dull but i like finding out the storyline, where with r.e i don't really care bout the story, i love the action, the guns etc.


                            • #29
                              Yeah, RE and Silent Hill take horror in very different directions. Silent Hill scares the living hell out of you with sounds effects, freakish enemies and the fact your character is just Average Joe McSteve. Resident Evil works by throwing monsters at you. You're better armed and better trained than the average civillian. Even Claire, who is arguably a civillian, has sufficient training to effectively use a grenade launcher. I find the idea of a Redfield family reunion worrying, as it may result in an armed takeover.

                              I always sum it up as: RE scares you with what you see. The undead is scary because the creatuers were once like you. Silent Hill scares you with what you can't see. It feeds your imagination and lets that do the scariness.

                              Going into a room in Resident Evil is scary because you don't know what enemies you'll face, if you have the weapons and ammo and healing items to deal with it. Silent Hill is scary because you don't have a damned clue what'll happen every time a new room loads.

                              Saying that...I'm actually quite depressed about the state of both RE and SH. The Room was, in it's way, good but it didn't feel much like a regular Silent Hill. And the idea that a company that barely qualifies as being able to make a game has been given a project like this...pfft. Normally it just needs to say 'Silent Hill' and I'm all over it. This time I'm waiting for the reviews.


                              • #30
                                im not sure about the psp version of silent hill tho, i need to see more on it, because it's out very soon in england

