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Laura Controversy

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  • #31
    The most logical view is she's dead. After all, she plays music in a hotel that you later find is nothing but gutted shell filled in with James' memories. A ghost child playing a ghost piana...


    • #32
      Yeah, I think she's a ghost. So since she's a ghost, she can get around very easily. Maybe she didn't have to cross the lake to get to the hotel, she can just appear there.


      • #33
        Well, I don't think she knows she's dead. But if she is and still see's the world as she wants to then the roads that are out won't be a problem for her. She can just walk around the lake.


        • #34
          Originally posted by randomwab View Post
          The town is not abandoned. Silent Hill 1, 3 and 4 all tell us this. It's a quiet resort town, but people still live there.
          vid please.

          I don't know why or when SH3 tells us this. It kind of contradicts it. Why would Heather and Douglas drive into the town, get a motel room and not find it suspicious that theres no one in the town.

          I don't remember ever seeing anything about people living in silent hill. When you see the town: Its empty.

          but if you provide a video that shows me otherwise I will graciously admit that I am wrong. And I will apologize.
          Last edited by BLSR1; 03-26-2008, 04:51 PM.


          • #35
            Yes, there are blatant contradictions in the Silent Hill mythos. However, that doesn't detract from the beauty and attractiveness of the SH series. For one thing, most or all SH games have had several different endings, with no indication of which ending is canon or correct or any resolution to the story. Instead, no matter the ending you got, it just moves to the next game in the series and disregards the varying endings. Just the way Team Silent wanted it I guess.


            • #36
              Every time you go hear about Silent Hill you don't hear that it's, say, a mining time that's etnerally on fire and abaondoned. Or even that it's a tourist town that's been adaondoned. It's just a small tourist time by a lake, sometimes with a mention that strange things happen there.

              Given the lenght of time between 1 and'd think if Silent Hill was abaondoned for some reason, or ceased to exist, people would notice.

              The version of Silent Hill that most folk enter in the games seems to be an altered and twisted reality from the mind of the person running things, created by the power of Sammael and possibly the other old ones. Those worlds can overlap and interact (as seen with Silent Hill 2) but none of them are real. Hence why in Silent Hill 1 all the places are important to Alessa, in 2 they're all important to James, in 3 they're again important to Alessa and in four they're important to Walter. And hence why other areas, areas they haven't seen or don't remember well, are sealed off.

              I think the reason Heather and Douglas don't find anything suspicious in the time deserstion is simply, at that point, they've already seen whole areas suddenly and for no good reason loose all humans and fill up with monsters. Why should Silent Hill, the supposed source of the trouble, be different?


              • #37
                Oh my god, confusing.

                Silent Hill has PyramidHead and that's all I need to know.


                • #38
                  Ah, but then you need to know Pyramid Head is in fact...


                  Yes...I know. I'm a bad, bad man.


                  • #39
                    Well, isn't it possible that the piano Laura was using survived the fire? Isn't it possible that while James was seeing just an empty Lakewater hotel, Laura was seeing it as the burnt up one? D:
                    Seibu teh geimu?


                    • #40
                      There's no contradictions in the Silent Hill story (unless you count Origins, which you shouldn't). The town is not abandoned. It's not a mining town on fire, there is a small mine somewhere near Toluca Lake, but that's it, and the mine had been closed for years.

                      And Silent Hill 4 proves that Silent Hill is not abandoned, Henry comments that he'd been there. As well as the fact that Heather and Douglas go there in Silent Hill 3. The only reason you don't see anyone is because that wouldn't make for a very scary Silent Hill game.

                      Plus, Mary was in Silent Hill only a week or so before Silent Hill 2.

                      And Harry was heading there for a vacation when Silent Hill 1 happened.


                      • #41
                        They've been there. Doesn't say theres people there. Doesn't say how long ago they went there either. The town could very well be just a ghost town that people looking for a scare visit for vacation. Harry was only going to silent hill because Cheryl wanted too.

                        I would like some proof that Mary's hospital was in silent hill. If it was Then why would Laura who was at the same hospital go there looking for her if she was already there(if shes real) ,and I thought Mary had been dead longer than a week at the time of SH2.

                        The town would naturally be abandoned after strange events. If theres a large disappearance of people that show up dead. Or reports of "ghost" sightings. And the Hallucinations. would obviously drive people away or scare people from moving there. The town would slowly die from the inside as people left and the economy crashed. Eventually there would be no choice but o move away.

                        also a lot of things don't make sense if you add people to the town.

                        [Have not played SH0 yet could be wrong]
                        I think Silent Hill 0 Shows the town at the time of it being inhabited. Because it mentions people being there. After the events in that game Im going to guess that the strange happenings start to happen After a few years. Then the Residents get driven away and the town is abandoned several years later. this has to happen within a period of AT LEAST 8 years. It depends when Cheryl was created.
                        [/Have not played SH0 yet]
                        Last edited by BLSR1; 03-28-2008, 07:43 AM.


                        • #42
                          Right here we go:
                          Silent Hill is deserted in Origins, It's deserted in 3.
                          The time period is 1980's-2004(?), that is along time for a town to be abandoned, so the outcome is, the people who enter Silent Hill enter another world, it's like what Vincent said:

                          It might provide light on what the people who enter Silent Hill really see?


                          • #43
                            I admit I haven't played origins...but the start of Silent Hill 1 has Harry and Cheryl going on holiday to Silent Hill. You'd think if the town was missing all the people someone would have, y'know, noticed this and it wouldn't be such a hot toursit destination. Now, not to call Harry a bad parent or anything, but I wouldn't be taking my kids to a scary themed town either. I'd also have a hotel booking in advance.

                            It makes more sense that the Silent Hill we play in is one that is seperate from the real Silent Hill. It's probably a bit odd, since it does have more than a few Cult members lurking around, but the town clearly hasn't been abandoned for any real lenght of time in any of the games.

                            After all...the pavements aren't all cracked and shattered. The roads are usuable where bloody huge holes haven't appeared. Cars don't look great, but they aren't the rusted heaps of crap they should be if no one had touched them in years...and what kinda abanonded town has cars, houses complete with furinture, shops still full of all there goods and items and such? Even if some disaster happened and everyone had to leave (or died, which makes even less sense...then you'd have it all over the news and everyone would know) looters would have stripped it blind.

                   one ever says it's abandoned. You'd think someone would mention it. The closest I can think of is Douglas mentioning it use to be a nice town, but now...he also mentions he went there on a missing persons.


                            • #44
                              Seriously, just trust me on this one, Silent Hill is not abandoned.

                              For one, the town is huge. It would be unrealistic for anyone to simply abandon the town because of some weird happenings. And let's not forget that although people may have heard tell of weird things, they never saw it. Silent Hill 1 takes place in the late '70s, and it was a popular tourist attraction (mainly due to the supply of White Claudia). Silent Hill 3 takes place in the late '90s, and do you really think that Heather and Douglas would just break into an abandoned motel? Why is there still electricity running? Surely if the town was abandoned, there'd be no need to supply the place with power.

                              And if you still doubt me, go find the Silent Hill 4 radio clips. That'll hopefully shoot down these theories.


                              • #45
                                Yes, it's been explained now the town isn't abandoned, and if you remember what Vincent said, it supports this fact. ^^

