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Wich Silent Hill Final Boss is the best for you?

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  • Wich Silent Hill Final Boss is the best for you?

    So, I must admit that I haven't played SH (because I'm that lazzy to not ask a friend to lend me it), SH4 (because I don't know if it will be worth playing it, I have it, but never played after the first save. Is it really worth playing? if I let it go, will I miss important things from the Silent Hill univers? I've been told this wasn't suposed to even be a SH game. And: how long is the game?) and SH: Homecoming (bought it, waiting for it to arrive ). But after playing all the others, I have a general idea of what hapened in the first one.
    The thing is: I think the final bosses al suck, it must be just me, but... I just don't get it: why can't they make a good final boss that looks grotesc and disturbing, and that presents an entertaining and challenging fight.
    In SH2, the fight with Maria (or Mary, in the Maria ending) in the roof is so like... stupid, she's a flying box that sends some anoying flys or something. She looks just like the monsters you fight when Laura locks you up in a room (I don't remember were it was, I think it was in the... thing that's like a mental hospital). Off topic: the best SH story I've seen so far, I LOVED this game.
    Then in SH3, the fight with Claudia, transformed into the God or whatever, is just silly, I thought she didn't look like a threat at all. Monsters that are stuck to the wall aren't the type that seem powerfull. The fire she made apear was easy to avoid and all. Off topic: this game was very fun to play, the dialogs and all. You who have played the first game must of loved this one, this is the secuel to the first one, the direct one in terms of story (SH2 was another story); to play as the grone-up baby you see at the end of the first game must of been very interesting. And it must of been VERY sad to see Harry dead. As I sead, I liked the game, but the story didn't feel right, it wasn't good in my opinion, it felt weird knowing Heather was in SH just for revenge (maybe if I had played SH I may had wanted to kill Claudia, just as Heather, for killing Harry)
    And theres SH: Origins, LOVED the "cinematic graphics" at the end. But the monster: it had form, you know? it totally had a Demon form. I know it sounds stupid, but I never expected it to be a thing that I could recongnice as a "thing", not after seeing in what Travis's father turned into. I was expecting that, like other silent hill bosses, this one would be very abstract and strange, but insted it was just a demon as we see in movies or cartoons. But after all it was a good monster, it made sence for it to be a "normal" demon, since... that was what it was (though, if you look in what Claudia transformed in then you can see why I feel this boss wasn't the type to expect in the town of Silent Hill). Off topic: the game was excelent, though I didn't feel the motivation Travis had, it didn't feel "natural". I didn't know if he remembered he had spent some time in Silent Hill when he was young or didn't, and was just wondering around town with the lame excuse of: "I whant out of this". At the end of the game I enjoyed it a lot, the story made sence and after getting the bad ending (on my second playthrough), I was thrilled with the game, I even think the bad ending is better than the good one, it really scared me (I really don't know why). Then theres the map, maybe it's because I just played three of the six existing Silent Hill games (I knoe there are other ones, but I don't know them and they don't seem very important), but I couldn't recognize ANYTHING in the map from SH2 and SH3. A friend told me the hospital is form the first SH, but since I hadn't played it, I couldn't know.

    Well, to resume: the bosses aren't the best they could have been, but they aren't THAT bad, I didn't like them that much, but that is just me.
    Now, what I wanted to know is: does SH and SH4 have "bad" final bosses? I don't really want to look at them on a video, I just whant to know if they are like in the other games. And no, I don't whant to know if SH: Homecoming has a stupid final boss, that, I whant to find out for my self (If you want, you can write it, but please use spoiler tags, I know I didn't, but the title warns already).

  • #2
    In SH there are 2 types of final boss: Bad and Bad + endings have the Incubator (It's Alessa dreassed in all white, she cary the God inside her, she looks like some saint and strikes with lightings), Good (canon ending) and Good + makes you fight the God. It looks cool, but better see him for yourself I just can't describe it. Oh, and if you start to fight it without of any bullet, it will die. Right after it's cutscene...
    "Barry never vanished from the series. It was the series that vanished from Barry. He's inside all of us. " (C) Smiley


    • #3
      I had a hard time fighting the Silent Hill 3 boss because I had ran out of bullets before I even got to, which meant I had to basically sit there and wack it in the head with a pipe for 10 minutes while it continously catched me on fire/slapped me around Still kinda lame though. It's too hard for me to pick because their all I guess the Silent Hill 1 Boss was pretty cool.
      "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
      Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


      • #4
        SH1 final boss (both forms) is the best imo. I really like his dual nature conception.
        "Barry never vanished from the series. It was the series that vanished from Barry. He's inside all of us. " (C) Smiley


        • #5
          Silent Hill 4, 'cause it's the only final boss in a Silent Hill game that in reality isn't just a "Shoot, shoot, shoot, pause, heal, unpause, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, pause, heal, unpause, shoot shoot shoot"-boss.


          • #6
            NOT the one in 3. That thing came out of CLAUDIA. Yeeech.


            • #7
              I think the most disturbing boss battle would've been the one at the end of Homecoming.

              Mind you, I think Claudia's God was just as bad, to think someone was so dedicated to a religion that they would consume a foetus of their god is just unnerving.

              Silent Hill 2's wasn't amazing but was symbolic and served it's purpose, pretty much.

              Harry's final confrontation was decent enough, and made sense in the context of the storyline too.

              I've really got no complaints.

              OH YEAH, SH4's boss was just as awesome, it had a lot of ties into the Cult's religion and writings, so in that regard the team did a great job too.


              • #8
                Oks, so I'll have to play SH4 since most of you say it has a good boss at the end. I knoe how this sounds: "Oh, I just play silent hill games to kill monsters"; but no, I ONLLY play them for the story, most of the time I just don't kill monsters, I'm like... obcesed with not using the gun. The stupidest thing I've done was in SH3, I onlly killed like... 20 or 24 monsters (something like that). I mostlly like to see the monster; and thats how I saw that most of the silent hill FINAL bosses werent that good, but that didn't lett down my love for Silent Hill


                • #9
                  Originally posted by himher_elle View Post
                  I ONLLY play them for the story
                  Only play for the story, yet skipped Silent Hill 4 so far?
                  This does not compute!!! *explodes*

                  Avoid spoilers for the game and set out on a fantastically narrated and presented investigation (although a bit lacking on the replay part and "rewarding side quest stuff")


                  • #10
                    Been playing SH4, I like it, but I'm onlly in the world after the water-prison world. So far the story seem's good, have you seen the shirt of Jasper? it had the image of the final boss os SH1, cool. And there are lots of other references to previous games!!!. I don't know why most people don't like it


                    • #11
                      It's different to the other games. Different = fail to a lot of hardcore fans.


                      • #12
                        It's really not that different. Sure there's a centerbase, being the apartment. And you don't get to explore the city, and yes, that sucks very much. The main character has NO personality... Maybe he should've borrowed some from Heather, she had plenty to spare. The endings were a bit rushed, but aside from that, the game's solid. I found it to be scarier than SH2. The backstory kicks ass, it felt like solving this murder mystery, bit by bit. I loved it.
                        And heck, it's not like it violated the artificial universe of Silent Hill.
                        Now, the only game that could've been a potential disaster was the very first beta of Origins, where you fight these monsters that looked like something from Dead Space. And the over the shoulder camera. They almost did a horrendous, horrendous thing...

                        Actually, I talked to my friend, who's also a hardcore SH fan, and he said he didn't like it because the dialogue was laughable. I dunno, I found it to be good.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                          It's different to the other games. Different = fail to a lot of hardcore fans.
                          Originally posted by Biohazard EX View Post
                          It's really not that different. Sure there's a centerbase, being the apartment. And you don't get to explore the city, and yes, that sucks very much. The main character has NO personality... Maybe he should've borrowed some from Heather, she had plenty to spare. The endings were a bit rushed, but aside from that, the game's solid. I found it to be scarier than SH2. The backstory kicks ass, it felt like solving this murder mystery, bit by bit. I loved it.
                          And heck, it's not like it violated the artificial universe of Silent Hill.
                          Now, the only game that could've been a potential disaster was the very first beta of Origins, where you fight these monsters that looked like something from Dead Space. And the over the shoulder camera. They almost did a horrendous, horrendous thing...

                          Actually, I talked to my friend, who's also a hardcore SH fan, and he said he didn't like it because the dialogue was laughable. I dunno, I found it to be good.
                          I think it's ok, for me it feels like a SH game, plays like a SH game, and the story and locations you vicit... thats not the best of the game. I know the game must suck for most of you (especially since it was ment to be another game and "transformed into a SH game) but if you play it with your mind open and ready to play a game with a decent story, it wount suck that much. WE can all agree (most of you) that the game as a SH game isn't good (for me it is, but thats me).
                          Have you all noticed: both the fourth SH and the fourth RE didn't go much along with previous games? well... SH4 does have strong references to other SH games


                          • #14
                            For me, it'll always be the Pyramid Head. I know, he is not a final boss, but for me, he is... It's clear that Mary/Meril bossfight was made just to fit in the plot... But the Pyramid Head, if you know what he is and what he means to main character, it's like you battling yourself, battling your past and soul... And when you beat him, that, not beating Mary, means that James conquered the Silent Hill, conquered himself... And Pyramid Head is so very cool either.

