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Silent Hill Bosses Suck; and other SH stuff. (SPOILERS, if you didn't play the games)

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  • Silent Hill Bosses Suck; and other SH stuff. (SPOILERS, if you didn't play the games)

    So, I must admit that I haven't played SH (because I'm that lazzy to not ask a friend to lend me it), SH4 (because I don't know if it will be worth playing it, I have it, but never played after the first save. Is it really worth playing? if I let it go, will I miss important things from the Silent Hill univers? I've been told this wasn't suposed to even be a SH game. And: how long is the game?) and SH: Homecoming (bought it, waiting for it to arrive ). But after playing all the others, I have a general idea of what hapened in the first one.
    The thing is: I think the final bosses al suck, it must be just me, but... I just don't get it: why can't they make a good final boss that looks grotesc and disturbing, and that presents an entertaining and challenging fight.
    In SH2, the fight with Maria (or Mary, in the Maria ending) in the roof is so like... stupid, she's a flying box that sends some anoying flys or something. She looks just like the monsters you fight when Laura locks you up in a room (I don't remember were it was, I think it was in the... thing that's like a mental hospital). Off topic: the best SH story I've seen so far, I LOVED this game.
    Then in SH3, the fight with Claudia, transformed into the God or whatever, is just silly, I thought she didn't look like a threat at all. Monsters that are stuck to the wall aren't the type that seem powerfull. The fire she made apear was easy to avoid and all. Off topic: this game was very fun to play, the dialogs and all. You who have played the first game must of loved this one, this is the secuel to the first one, the direct one in terms of story (SH2 was another story); to play as the grone-up baby you see at the end of the first game must of been very interesting. And it must of been VERY sad to see Harry dead. As I sead, I liked the game, but the story didn't feel right, it wasn't good in my opinion, it felt weird knowing Heather was in SH just for revenge (maybe if I had played SH I may had wanted to kill Claudia, just as Heather, for killing Harry)
    And theres SH: Origins, LOVED the "cinematic graphics" at the end. But the monster: it had form, you know? it totally had a Demon form. I know it sounds stupid, but I never expected it to be a thing that I could recongnice as a "thing", not after seeing in what Travis's father turned into. I was expecting that, like other silent hill bosses, this one would be very abstract and strange, but insted it was just a demon as we see in movies or cartoons. But after all it was a good monster, it made sence for it to be a "normal" demon, since... that was what it was (though, if you look in what Claudia transformed in then you can see why I feel this boss wasn't the type to expect in the town of Silent Hill). Off topic: the game was excelent, though I didn't feel the motivation Travis had, it didn't feel "natural". I didn't know if he remembered he had spent some time in Silent Hill when he was young or didn't, and was just wondering around town with the lame excuse of: "I whant out of this". At the end of the game I enjoyed it a lot, the story made sence and after getting the bad ending (on my second playthrough), I was thrilled with the game, I even think the bad ending is better than the good one, it really scared me (I really don't know why). Then theres the map, maybe it's because I just played three of the six existing Silent Hill games (I knoe there are other ones, but I don't know them and they don't seem very important), but I couldn't recognize ANYTHING in the map from SH2 and SH3. A friend told me the hospital is form the first SH, but since I hadn't played it, I couldn't know.

    Well, to resume: the bosses aren't the best they could have been, but they aren't THAT bad, I didn't like them that much, but that is just me.
    Now, what I wanted to know is: does SH and SH4 have "bad" final bosses? I don't really want to look at them on a video, I just whant to know if they are like in the other games. And no, I don't whant to know if SH: Homecoming has a stupid final boss, that, I whant to find out for my self (If you want, you can write it, but please use spoiler tags, I know I didn't, but the title warns already).

    I tryed to make a Poll of "Wich Silent Hill Final Boss is the best for you?", of the six games, but couldn't, I don't know how. If anyone wants to help, contact me, thanks!

  • #2
    Umm, SH1 has 2 versions of the final boss, depending on the ending you're going for. And it's the game I played the least, so I don't remember them too well.

    With SH4, the boss is actually not that bad. It's very different from the way the previous bosses are, and I'd say it's more interesting than the other ones, actually.


    • #3
      In SH1 one boss is Sammael itself, the other is the mother, Alessa with Sammael's powers in essence.

      Personally I like Maria/Mary from SH2. Not especially a hard fight but the visuals are so creepy and disturbing...


      • #4
        Oh, I see, so in SH1 it's like a demon, right? now I remember seeing part of a video in wich a flying monster with the head-scull of a cow or something, and then seeing it in a book, in SH3. Is it him? and how is the other form of the final boss?
        And in SH4, what is it? (I no longer cear being spoiled, I mean, they're just monsters at the end of a game)


        • #5
          The other form is Alessa in a glowing white gown, floating around and shooting lightning at you.

          The end boss of 4 is:



          • #6
            Reasons you're wrong:

            All Silent Hill 1 bosses are great (Lizard, Grub, Moth, Cybil, Samael).
            The fight with the two Pyramid Heads in Silent Hill 2. That fight was more memorable than the battle with Mary/Maria. Eddie's battle was also pretty great, mainly due to the build up.
            Silent Hill 4 had the ghosts, which could be considered bosses, and they were awesome.

            I'll give you Silent Hill 3 and Origins though, the bosses in those games were pretty bleh. And Homecoming hasn't really had any great boss fights from what I've played so far.

            And you really should play Silent Hill 1 and 4, they're both fantastic.


            • #7
              Silent Hill isn't really about the bosses for me. It's about the atmosphere and the storyline.
              I mean, frankly, I didn't think SH1 and 2 had the most polished mechanics, but I don't care. I wouldn't want them any other way.


              • #8
                i have to agree, the boss battles are the last thing that come to mind when i think of silent hill. The next game could use a god of war style hydra boss battle or something ..


                • #9
                  Originally posted by randomwab View Post
                  Reasons you're wrong:

                  All Silent Hill 1 bosses are great (Lizard, Grub, Moth, Cybil, Samael).
                  The fight with the two Pyramid Heads in Silent Hill 2. That fight was more memorable than the battle with Mary/Maria. Eddie's battle was also pretty great, mainly due to the build up.
                  Silent Hill 4 had the ghosts, which could be considered bosses, and they were awesome.
                  I'm talking about the FINAL bosses, I loved the fight with the two Pyramid Head's, it was epic, the music was SOOOOOOOOO good in that battle, and the battle it self was good. I feared the precence of ONE Pyramid Head during the game, so when I saw I had to fight TWO of them I couldn't belive my eyes . And at the end of the battle, how do the colores eggs go? I don't remember were I put them the first time, but I do remember the doors opened at once. Then on the second playthrough I tryed to put the eggs in diferent places than the last time, but I didn't remember how I had done it befor, so I just put them and the door opened. My doupt is this: do they have a specific place/order? or it just doesn't matter. I don't think they have a specific place, it would be strange for me to had done it right bothe times.
                  Last edited by Guest; 11-18-2008, 12:49 PM.


                  • #10
                    You can put them in either hole, it doesn't matter. They're simply different because of what they mean.



                    • #11
                      They're interchangeable. No difference at all.

                      But yeah, I'm not really thinking of bosses when I play SH. I think story, atmosphere, and scares. Although yes, there are some sweet boss fights. I did like Leonard in SH3, but that was the only one I really enjoyed.

                      Did anyone else notice that a lot of the bosses involved going downwards?
                      These are kinda spoilers. I mean, it tells what the bosses are.



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by A-J View Post
                        i have to agree, the boss battles are the last thing that come to mind when i think of silent hill. The next game could use a god of war style hydra boss battle or something ..
                        You're kidding right? The last thing Silent Hill needs is big epic actiony gameplay. If anything Silent Hill should focus more on the atmosphere and the exploration factor, than battle system and boss fights.


                        • #13
                          I think he meant a QTE boss battle, rather than a huge, epic fight. At least, I think that's what he meant. If not, then no no no no no, a big battle would seem out of place somehow in Silent Hill, unless it was done very carefully within the game.

                          Actually, I don't really want a QTE battle either. I don't really want boss battles in Silent Hill. It always seemed strange that there was more thought put into the existence of the bosses than the battle itself.


                          • #14
                            it was a joke guys


                            • #15
                              Just wanted to say that the final boss in SH1 is not Samael, it's a God created by Alessa. You fight Samael in Origins, he is the final boss.
                              Last edited by Nomad9026; 11-19-2008, 10:46 AM.
                              "Barry never vanished from the series. It was the series that vanished from Barry. He's inside all of us. " (C) Smiley

