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Homecoming is getting a fix on PC

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  • Homecoming is getting a fix on PC

    The PC version gets a patch to fix the bugs..

    For those who do not know, Silent Hill Homecoming for the PC is littered with bugs. Numerous bugs were some how not squashed in the testing process and many fans were displeased. Rejoice!, for Konami has now announced a patch to finally fix the issues that plague the game.

    Hmm...maybe I'll get a chance to play this now..

  • #2
    From what I've heard the patch is supposed to only fix the problem with the game crashing when you change resolution in options menu; but I hope it fix more, because the game is filled with bugs.
    On several occasions the game just stopped registering my keyboard, hence all I could do was moving camera around while Alex stuck in one place, not willing to move at all :/.


    • #3
      Got exactly the same problem Mr Zombie, what helped was Alt+Tabbing out an go in again, though it would cause hardcore lag for 20 secs after I returned to the game. Takes abit off the experience, I just hope they're gonna fix it soon, cause I aint gonna touch it again until they do.

      (Also if you're going to try it, always alt+tab, never press the start button next to alt, causes instant crash.)
      Last edited by Vutnock; 03-07-2009, 02:02 PM.

